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AD Escol May 2015
I look at you
You look at him
All I see through
Is my hopes go dim

You'll never see
You'll never know
That it is always me
Making you beautifully glow

It is unfair
Or is it just stale
That he's always there
Watching your little heart fail

I get it though
It's him who'll it ever be
I can painfully feel it hurts, -oh
For I can already see it'll never be me
AD Escol May 2015
I looked deep within me
I saw a torpid soul
Trapped in a dystopia
Of interrupted daydreams-
And as I looked deeper
I have fathomed
The horrible state
Of someone expecting
For morphine to rain-
But in the deepest chasm
Reality lies that
The devil does not come
With a burning red skin
And sharp pointy horns
But it rather comes in
Every single thing that
I have ever wished for.
AD Escol May 2015
As I look into your eyes
I see stars twinkling
And trees dancing
Between your lips
But your thoughts
Seem to be waved away
By the strong current of the
Ocean inside your skull-
I am totally lost in
Your forest where we
Used to camp our feelings up
And grill our agonies-
As my universe is not
Yet ready to let go of your
Broken constellation
For it repairs the
Unknown abyss of my every
Dimension that is screaming
"I don't want to lose you".
AD Escol Apr 2015
In every look
There are imprisoned
Forbidden words,
Words that I am not allowed
To say for they
Can destroy the division
In between us
That would ruin
Their vision,
We just couldn't
Be together
Like a pen and a paper-
I am writing this
Poetry in the
Hopes that maybe,
Just maybe
If we are lucky enough
Or if we are the luckiest
Creatures in the world,
The universe will allow us
To be together
And if maybe,
Just maybe it happens,
In between nightmares
And daydreams
There is a field,
I will meet you there.
AD Escol Apr 2015
Putting you in between my lips
Is like letting death
Take over me that
Every inhale I make
Fills my lungs with tar
That is slowly keeping me calm
And slowing killing me
As I set fire through my insides
To burn the horrible memories
You have left in me and
The smoke clouds my vision
And blurs my stupid heart
But I am still craving
For the air that you provide me
I don't even care about
What you do to me
And even the nicotine
That you are made of
For I wish with every inhale
Your wholeness disappears but
Still I light one after one
In the hopes that I'll forget
All you ever did
But I feel like with every lit stick
I am winning in a way I am losing
For you are like a cigarette
That keeps me filled
But also the one who wants me killed
Our love is stuck between
My lips and a cigarette
I will keep on smoking
Until I witness myself
Releasing glitters from
My corrupted lungs caused
By the hard beating of my heart.
AD Escol Apr 2015
I wonder
If people
Ever get
Tired of
Leaving me
Just as how
Tired I am
Of getting
Left behind.
Getting left behind is already pretty exhausting.
AD Escol Apr 2015
I have witnessed
Your untimely departure
And i did not know
Where you went,
I did not know
You would ever leave,
I did not know
If I'd ever find out why.
I started to perceive things
Too differently that
It seemed like
Slipping through the
Void of the galaxies
And finding all
The problems in the world
In the form of an alien
Swimming into the vague
Universe that do not
Give away lollipops
Or red balloons or
Even just a scoop
Of my favourite
Ice cream-
The world became a
Delicate place
To live and all
I could ever do
Is wonder
If I sighed
Loudly enough,
Would all my problems
Go away?
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