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Mar 2011 · 738
Tact Comments Only
Ace Edmonds Mar 2011
go ahead and take a look:
I put myself up for show.
just don't expect
you're due respect
when you say what I hear and know.

come and take a ride, little doggy,
you'll be my pony for the day...
comments claim you're a stud,
but you still **** in the mud.
run home and I'll flog you all the way.
Also available on deviantArt here:
Mar 2011 · 696
The Reclamation
Ace Edmonds Mar 2011
Here lie the remnants.

towers once tall and yearning,
fires long since quenched their burning,
now grow vines
on what's left behind
of the city.

Nothing left to torment.

the limit of human audacity
to hide from the depravity
in buildings high
breaching the sky
and nature's dignity.
Also available on deviantArt here:
Mar 2011 · 1.4k
Flexible Architecture
Ace Edmonds Mar 2011
my home is where my heart is,
it follows me where I go.
my heart's still beating in my chest,
so my body it must follow.

I gave my home legs
to walk around with ease.
I gave my home wings
to join me where I please.

I gave my home freedom,
my home gives me hope.
it is there when I'm proud,
when I'm humbled, when I mope.

my home is always with me
since I stopped giving my heart away.
it sure is growing cold,
but I'm starting to like it that way.
Also available on deviantArt at
Mar 2011 · 1.0k
I Don't Want Your Fate
Ace Edmonds Mar 2011
while you're reaching for the top floor,
I'm reaching for the stars;

you're pacing your dorm room.
I'm pacing the streets;
you're studying the books,
I, my budget sheets.

you're going to college
to get a degree,
gonna work so hard
but never get free.

you're going somewhere
and think I'm just staying right here...
but I'm moving on now
I'm moving off now,
and my goal's quite clear.

you're pacing your apartment,
and I'm pacing mine;
you from room to room,
I'm circle a dime.

you're going to work,
getting paid on salary,
working so hard,
never thinking of me.

you're going somewhere
and think I'm just staying right here...
but I'm moving on now
I'm moving off now,
and my goal's quite clear.

you're pacing the church,
I'm pacing the printer's
you're veiled all in white
I'm covered in ink and splinters.

you're going to be married,
buying a house and a home,
you're in love with that man,
yet you feel all alone.

you've stopped moving forward,
and think I'm just staying right there...
but I'm moving on now,
I'm moving off now,
and my goal's growing nearer.

you're pacing the hospital,
I'm pacing the streets;
you're waiting for someone,
who you can't wait to meet.

I'm striding down somewhere,
my name's finally been called.
I'm moving to elsewhere,
where I'll fly, not fall.

you've stopped moving forward,
someone else is moving for you.
I've caught the stars now,
I'm among stars now,
my work finally due.

you're pacing the gallery,
the hallway, the store...
you're wondering if he remembers
you anymore.
Piece also avail on deviantArt at
Ace Edmonds Mar 2011
There are two windows in my bedroom,
one I look out every day,
one I look out every night.
I see my neighbor out the one,
out the other, a magic sight.

The window in the day
is just a window in my wall.
But the window in the night
is a window to my soul.

Every dream I've dreamt,
every memory that I've held,
every fear I've broken,
every demon that I've felled,

every time I close my eyes
and see the other place I live:
I open the pane,
leap through it again,
spread my arms, soar and fly.

No need to shake me from my bed,
I'm already moving, ready again.
No need to repeat what you just said:
I've been looking forward to this all day.

Open the window
Open the sky
Open your arms
and let us fly

Open your mind,
Open your soul,
Open the cage,
and soon be whole.

Open the pool
dive in to your dreams,
what I see from this window
is not what it seems.

We journeyed so far tonight,
but now I must return.
This body needs to sleep,
it's my other world's turn.

Open my eyes, climb out of bed,
my feet touch the ground.
I may not fly, 'til tomorrow night,
for now, I'm gravity-bound.
This piece is also available on deviantArt at
Mar 2011 · 997
It's Never Just A Dream
Ace Edmonds Mar 2011
I was wandering as we do,
looking for my life,
leaving what I once had,
long since paid the price.

I was hoping for an answer
to a question I don't dare ask,
I was searching til I found it,
and there I'd end my task.

I came upon a house,
middle of no-where, circus out back,
no-where too important
just a shelter on my track.

My cell phone bars were empty
but local wifi's open wide,
I made my host hungry
for technology by my side.

Sleep came slowly, lately,
within abandoned tiger-pit
beside my convenient compatriots,
safety in numbers not always a fit.

He drove his car right over me
and pinned me to the ground,
took my magic cell phone
to be the fanciest one around.

What he didn't know: I'm a dreamer,
and I always get my due.
I woke, rewound, and slept again,
and had another chance to choose.

I couldn't run, couldn't fight,
so magic was my key,
I drew a bubble around myself,
my droid close beside me.

He drove his car right over me,
my bubble lifted it from the ground,
I, neither injured nor trapped,
he, not winning what he found.

Morning came and rested
I stood and yawned and stretched.
Restful sleep is hard to have,
when journeying far and westward,

but I did and all my things
still journey by my side.
Life is more than just a dream
when you wander far and wide.
This piece is also available on deviantArt at
Mar 2011 · 1.0k
Ace Edmonds Mar 2011
give your cap a tilt,
and try not to grin,
I see it playing, hiding
between your jaw and chin.

give your cap a tilt,
and I'll give mine a flip.
it lands safe on my head
(I've been practising quite a bit).

give your cap a tilt,
pretend to look aside,
when I turn away,
leave the ground,
and fly.
This piece is available on deviantArt at
Ace Edmonds Mar 2011
you don't know the times
I bled out onto the page,
wrestling with my demons,
regretting my inner rage.

you don't know how I fought
to stand here and say this tonight.
just please honor my sacrifice
for freedom, for my life.
This piece is also available on deviantArt at
Mar 2011 · 581
Ace Edmonds Mar 2011
plug me into my visions
where I never feel the pain
of living, caring, losing,
and the colors never drain

plug me into a world
where I can forget this one exists
the killing, hating, betraying;
my friends waiting to whisk
me away.
This poem is also available on deviantArt at

— The End —