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1.2k · Apr 2014
AC Apr 2014
Just like the sunlight leaks
Through the blinds in my window
My sweet memories of you
Force themselves into my mind

From your flawless appearance
To your beautiful vibes
You are an unforgettable sensation
And I wish you were mine once more
961 · Apr 2014
My Greatest Fear
AC Apr 2014
I do not fear the dark
I do not fear heights

I do not fear death
I do not fear fights

I do, however, fear being alone.
I fear it the most because I know,
I know what my thoughts can do
When they are my only companion

They can wrap themselves around my neck
Much like the cold hands of a cold-hearted murderer
They can squeeze the life out of me
And throw me into an endless darkness
From which there is no return

I fear being alone and nothing else.
353 · Apr 2014
I Am Different
AC Apr 2014
I was not born to fit in
Nor will I ever try
I do not want to be
Another mindless soul
I would rather die

And if life gives me lemons
I will make orange juice
Because I am different
And I will live life
As I choose
272 · Apr 2014
Constant Love
AC Apr 2014
As long as my heart
Can still pump my blood
And my lungs
Can be filled with air
I can assure you
You will always be loved
270 · Apr 2014
Everything Has A Purpose
AC Apr 2014
Just like a bee is born to sting
And a bell is made to ring

And a bird is born to fly
And a baby is born to cry

And just like the sun's purpose is to shine
Yours, is to be mine
270 · Apr 2014
AC Apr 2014
If the stars ceased to shine
And the wind no longer blew
I would still
Be thinking of you

— The End —