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mori Sep 2018
i want to tell the whole world i love you,
that i don’t deserve to, but im so, so willing to try
i want to tell it you make me want to be better, that i didn’t know love made you feel that way, i want to tell the world every little thing it’s heard before about love, every little thing i’ve heard before about love that i’ve never once said for myself.
get me in line for the people turned poets wanting to have just a minute to speak with the world about the newfound, age old love they found in their chest. let it be on a mountain top, in the depths of the rainforest, invite the world to my living room for tea. i want to spend hours telling the world i loved her first. i want to smile over small, heart shaped cookies telling the story of my first love. i want the world to notice in between every word i speak is a love filled sigh. i don’t deserve to love her like this. i don’t deserve her at all.
Aug 2017 · 293
i don't watch tv
mori Aug 2017
but i don't want to be one of those people who say "i don't watch tv" when people ask, so i just use my knowledge from all the late nights we spent rambling about your favorite tv show and say yours. and when they say they liked a certain part, or that it was a great show, i say, "yeah. it was."
we were great.
Nov 2016 · 330
lost and found
mori Nov 2016
i imagine that if i were to be given everything i've lost in my life
among all of the cellphones, hair ties, and water bottles
you would sit there in the middle of it all and smile at me.
hello. its been a minute
Aug 2016 · 804
familiar differences
mori Aug 2016
i thought i was okay but everything came rushing back, million year old lava shooting up and seeing the same sky after so long underground
oh boy
Jul 2016 · 359
pressed flowers
mori Jul 2016
love is like a flower.
it wilts and fades and dies, but
(and hear me out here
ive been writing so much about death, but this poem's positive i promise)
i hope you preserve my love.
i hope that even when the leaves start to fall off i am a fond memory.
i hope that you press my love into the books you read and keep my love underneath all of the heavy times.
i hope that the kisses i leave on your lips will blossom through your smile, that the way i held your hand will inspire you to help others. i hope that the way i looked at you made you realize just what i was looking at -- and that i inspire you to grow into what i saw.
u-uH DISCL AI MER..... im a nerd this isnt from experience (might edit the this later. its a lil rough at the edges)
Jun 2016 · 477
old clothes
mori Jun 2016
i keep seeing a ghost in the corner of my eye.
it sits on a box just outside my door, looking vacantly, vaguely in my direction. it's hard for me not to glance back.
it's sitting on a box of old clothes.
i cleaned my closet this morning, as well as my desk and floor.
but while i threw out the dust and old tissues, the clothes remain, in the box, outside my door, being used as a chair for the ghost. it's still there.
i just reread and edited all that i've written so far. still there.
it doesn't knock, or pace, or threaten, or cage. it just stares. and yet its gaze feels like it is doing all of the things i mentioned, and a little more.
why are all my poems about death? perhaps all these ghosts that pass by my house beg me to tell their story. perhaps i am an ouija board, with a laptop. perhaps i'm a dream-catcher, looking for some place to write down all these nightmares i catch. perhaps i'm just dumb and spiritual. ghost's still sitting on that box of old clothes. it's glanced away.
May 2016 · 262
mori May 2016
she is

a daughter meant to be a sun,
ready to light up every face her gaze meets.
she fights with shadows. she will never let them rest, keeps them moving, cowering.
glowing -- her eyes pierce through air, her hair curls, wisps around her face as a frame for a great piece of art, her hands flicker when she talks.

whatever she sees, she conquers. this does not always bring her joy.
but joyful she is. her cheeks are warm and radiant, bundling up at the sides of her face to make way for her smile.

her heart glows.
from it, her mouth speaks.
her voice is molten lava: it melts and it oozes and sparks around the edges.
she laughs like bright, yellow paint being spread across a canvas.

she is nothing short than beautiful, but
Lord help me
i am icarus
mori Apr 2016
the earth will always be there for you.
although sometimes it shakes, for now, it is still and you may sit or stand or lay on it for as long as you'd like. and if you stay there long enough you may feel gravity gently tugging you lower, lower,
lower into the earths core to rot
for we are all simple satellites orbiting the earth; born high in arms and strollers we slowly learn to crawl, walk, run, limp, walk again, hunch over in age -- and no matter how many airplanes we ride high in the sky, everyday we are dragged a little more, sagging a little bit more, into death of the earth and of the bones. gravity is a constant reminder that one day our parents put us down and never picked us up again, and that soon enough the earth will drag our bones into the soil and earth from whence we came.
for it was there, in you, in birth; and soon you will be there, in it, in death.
i've been making so many poems about death recent;y and tbh i think its bc homestuck is ending sorry frends
title's a lyric from childish gambino!!! i think it's from a freestyle he did?? not sure
mori Mar 2016
no painting is made up of an entirety of good strokes.
if a painting is started with a good stroke and slowly starts to deteriorate, good strokes can still be made. if a painting is horrible from the start, and the paint's already cakey and dry and stubborn, good strokes can still be made.
good strokes can be learned; precise and categorized and made with a focused eye. but education does not guarantee a good stroke.
good strokes can be random; flicking paint and getting it under your fingernails and ruining your brushes. but fate does not guarantee a good stroke.
a good stroke is found.
a good stroke is found by lucky people.
gah damb
mori Mar 2016
a stroke.
a stroke of a paintbrush, to be more specific, not the kind where you fall and die horribly --
but a paint stroke.
when i paint, life feels difficult.
isolated in a room, inhaling paint fumes, watching my money dry up on a palette, this is an understandable feeling.
but occasionally, in the middle of filling in a cheekbone and contemplating getting up to get some tea, it happens.
a single, good stroke is made. and this is usually when life starts to feel much better.
i can build upon that stroke. fix it and fix it and fix it until the entire cheekbone looks good, and then the rest of the cheek, the temples, the forehead, the hair -- and yes, i still **** up but then another good stroke is made.
and another, and another, and another and it gets easier, to make good strokes exponentially
until the canvas is filled and the painting is finished.
ultimately, it is the good stroke that does the painting. without that small leap, gravity would weigh everything down and nothing would be able to soar. the painting could still be done, but not finished, and no fulfillment would be given to the hands that held the brush.
and with that good stroke,
life feels easy.
idk,,,, i painted 2day /sparkle emoji
mori Mar 2016
i suppose not even a door  stopper could stop you from walking out,
as the fabric of time always goes: every single thing that has lived will/has die(d).
but thoughts, feelings, memories, silver rings, sheets with familiar scents, non-living things - these are the things in which dead things live on, for non-living things are non-dying things, as well
Feb 2016 · 370
i woke up.
mori Feb 2016
i felt gravity on my chest, having weight on it just moments earlier.
i felt air pool on top of me, a ghost left lying to my right
and i felt the breeze bring the morning rays in through the window
and i felt the dream id had lift
and i felt the dust pile on my sheets
and i felt the room get colder, or
was that just me?
and i felt your fingers ghost over the doorknob as you
i was thinking abt one night stands and how they must feel so? melancholy? the morning after??
mori Feb 2016
hey im alright with opening up scars
if it means i can remember you,
buried underneath my skin, are you
red or blue?
i nevr found out if blood's red or blue...
Feb 2016 · 399
the struggle for warmth
mori Feb 2016
in an ice-age we all searched for warmth.
cold nipping at our chest to reach what is underneath we trooped on-to warmer lands,
to find the cure to what seemed to harm us the most.

and in loneliness i searched for companionship.
sadness crept up my shoulders and shoveled under the layers of skin of my wrist to find the pulse,
but i kept searching blindly for someone i could call dear to me.

yet even when warmth is found on a tropical island near the sea, sun beating down on us hard
do we not confine ourselves to buildings filled with cold
so as to relive the troop, relive the search
to desperately find our own little struggle in aircon bills
and find faux hope in the blankets they sell 20% off?

and yet even when a friend is found
do i not still convince myself they are lying to me
and allow sadness to enter once more,
finding faults quicker than endearing traits;
so as to pity myself, boo-hoo, your so called love has betrayed you
and now you must search again for another
this has been in my notes for a while gathering up dust
Dec 2015 · 335
new year, old me
mori Dec 2015
i want to be excited about the fireworks this year
but in all honesty the only lights i'd like to be seeing
are the lights in your eyes i used to see when you were still alive
mori Dec 2015
maybe im thinking too much, maybe im thinking too much
but i've been missing your touch, why aren't you keeping in touch
mori Dec 2015
eating cereal as a midnight snack probably can make a nice metaphor,
like eating breakfast for dinner or something
but when you're eating cereal at midnight, thinking of this, the thing is
it's midnight and you're too tired to make any coherent thoughts or remember any ghosts of such in the morning
so it stays a private intrapersonal poem,
the kind you always regret not writing down because it's easy to forget, but also
the kind that gets spoiled by being written down and therefore not forgotten
alt title: some poetry is meant to be forgotten
Dec 2015 · 260
mori Dec 2015
excuse me, sir
could you take a moment between the puffs of smoke rising from your cigarette
to be yourself again?
mori Dec 2015
your eyes widened so much at the mention of her.
i learned in class one time that when a cats eyes dilate,
the ocean fills with more water
and when your eyes swelled at the thought of her,
mine flooded
would it be selfish of me to think of myself as your ocean
Dec 2015 · 527
mori Dec 2015
man and his science, exploring the vast unknown
wearing his space suit, platinum white, fishbowl over his head

Jesus and all the deities in those old paintings
clothed in tunics, holy white, gold ******* their heads
"fish bowl over his head" is an astronomical term used in nasa
Dec 2015 · 1.5k
mori Dec 2015
the quality of being authentic
of undisputed origin; genuine*)
messy buns a little bit too messy to be pretty, hair falling all over
a camera held loosely, fingers easily finding the record or picture button by muscle memory
years of bad relived in words spilling out to another entity for need of connection and know
pacing back and forth, staring at walls, and misplaced hand gestures all while talking to yourself
what too many people crave for so bad
what turns stale when too many people crave it so bad
found 75 pages deep into a blog found from someones reblog of anothers' reblog at midnight
drunk like sleepiness, the slightly tipsy shitpost on the verge of deep conversation
open skype calls with gritty laptop cameras and headphones, talking talking talking
waking up at 3 am and writing something down immediately so as to not forget it
post dinner midnight snack cereal
"i don't really know how i am. how about you, how are you?"
talking to your dog
this rlly isn't poetry, just a list of things i find authentic
Nov 2015 · 314
he had the dreamiest eyes
mori Nov 2015
and nice dark hair
a warm smile,
hands that hold you close
i was so close to falling for him
but i jolted awake
u coukd say he was my dream boy lmaoo i love being really terrible at jokes
mori Nov 2015
to love someone else is to first love yourself
to find flaws in others is to discover your own
to judge them, you're really only judging you in comparison
to ignore me is to ignore we
Nov 2015 · 1.6k
what's your name?
mori Nov 2015
when my mother was pregnant,
my mother looked up names and their holy meanings and found one to be to her liking
and so i was named ;
but my brother, upon hearing this
squirmed and pleaded to change it for whatever reason
and so i was named ;
and later
i would play two videogames and love the two female protagonists so dear
i'd name myself ;
and a little further on
i would read a book with a main character so enticing and thoughtful
i'd name myself ;
and now
i find myself drifting from meaning to mood to games to books
and so much else - so many factors in a life and person
and i am only character
with a debated name
the names if you're curious are: hannah, isabella, ellie, and theo
mori Nov 2015
one night stands with dreams of happiness
leave me sobbing in the morning
wishing theyd stay
mori Nov 2015
but what if the reason we run in dreams isnt to run away from monsters
but because our soul cannot wait to get to whatever destiny awaits us?
if u put this into the context of undertale and the diff runs, theres a bit of a double meaning
Oct 2015 · 348
mori Oct 2015
when i asked my home why it didn't feel as welcoming anymore
the ghosts crawled up my skin and whispered in my ear -
*what's a home?
Oct 2015 · 330
mori Oct 2015
the ghost of my cut hair
still haunts me
i wish it could grow faster

the dreams of my childhood
still come back to me
in conversations with people who say i was only this short
when they saw me last
i wish i could grow quicker

they say when you cut your hair
you have a new life
(or something like that)
but my fingers still ****
when i run them
                        ­                 my
and every single day, i've
just how long i've been
my hair is rust
in spaghetti form
with lots of frays
                           at the ends
                                           i remember i wanted to be a zoologist
                                                       ­                                                    and model
                                                           ­                                                                a-
theres quite a bit of symbolism here ****,,.,,, nice EDIT: the format got butchered but I think its fixed now!!
mori Oct 2015
Isang puting panyo ang'yong iniabot pampahid-luha,
sa mata'y bumabalot
kalungkutan ko tulo'y tila naglaho
kahit sa'yo'y lubha pang naninibago

a white handkerchief you gave to wipe away the tears
covering my eyes
my sadness seemed to disappear
even with you it still feels new
it's hard to translate it but i think i got it (?)
Oct 2015 · 429
let me be happy
mori Oct 2015
i was told when i was younger that i was mature for my age, because
i hated everyone and could never smile
now i am learning to love and have fun and
no one comments on my maturity anymore
stop looking down on me, you don't know how much i cry under my covers at night
mori Oct 2015
i'm trying my best to be happy
but my best is not enough
i look down on my sorrows
they overfloweth from my cup
as a good christian girl growing up i certainly wasn't expecting this
mori Oct 2015
hazy afternoons spent
basking in calmer thoughts
enjoying the loss of the sick feeling in my stomach and
the torturous words telling me to -
remnants of my birthday desserts are still in the fridge and
i have some from time to time
but i still don't feel older. no,
i still don't feel older
Sep 2015 · 288
i found you
mori Sep 2015
on the battlefield
for her -
at least with me, your heart would still beat
albeit reluctantly
perhaps it was for the best that you loved her so fiercely,
instead of barely bearing with me
Sep 2015 · 277
when a goddess
mori Sep 2015
decides to grace you with her presence,
they'll **** u m8
Sep 2015 · 325
we were fireworks
mori Sep 2015
and when i see you
a monster writhes in my chest dying to get out
but it is hushed, immediately -
there's no use crying over spilt milk
there's no use crying over you
Sep 2015 · 654
tragically i am still alive
mori Sep 2015
my heart keeps on beating and beating even when
it breaks
Aug 2015 · 701
she's a natural disaster
mori Aug 2015
you have to be able to love her while she's still, stagnant -
to be able to love her once she starts moving
Aug 2015 · 301
mori Aug 2015
you were the phone call in the middle of my speech -
I stopped when I noticed you
and now I'm fumbling to try to make you stop
Aug 2015 · 254
mori Aug 2015
i am
the shopping cart cursed to go towards the right
towards you
it's hard for me to keep going straight, but
if i give in we'll
only go in circles
you will be the death of me
mori Aug 2015
a place that
makes you want to take your earphones off
because you want to hear what the world is throwing at you,
instead of block it out
yuck idk if i worded this right
Aug 2015 · 200
mori Aug 2015
friends are like the ocean
they will surround you and come back and back again to your shores
but when they leave, you will be
a desert
Aug 2015 · 349
one day,
mori Aug 2015
the sun will grow great in size
and i will burn and burn and burn
and i will be happy
Aug 2015 · 349
one day,
mori Aug 2015
the moon will grow very big
and it will swallow me up
and i will be happy
mori Aug 2015
a smile that never wears thin
mori Aug 2015
my body is slowly becoming unmotivated to do the simplest things
like breathing or chewing food
i wouldn't be surprised if soon i'll need drops because my eyelids
will be too tired to blink
or if my heart wakes up one morning
and doesn't feel like beating
this is hella personal but ok
Aug 2015 · 233
mori Aug 2015
eyes opened way too wide,
mirrors reflecting shadows, not enough light
your presence, there,
Aug 2015 · 326
mori Aug 2015
her light will
surround you
in an amniotic trance
time will be nothing
the clouds will be everything
your hands, when you look at them dazed
will be shaking
and a feather light embrace will
send you away
how abt an angel gf tho w/ wings n everything that'd b nice too
Aug 2015 · 563
mori Aug 2015
the tips of her nails
are painted
shimmering green
and the tips of her toes are
nonexistent -
she'll sing you to sleep but you won't wake up
she'll kiss you goodbye but you'll never leave
mermaids r cool as heck i want mermaid gf
Aug 2015 · 367
background character
mori Aug 2015
when she walked past i felt
but she didn't know
and now she walks past
with a boy's hand in hers
and i feel
and a little bit more
you'll never know how much of an effect you have on my life
Aug 2015 · 238
mori Aug 2015
i will hold your hand -
and when you break away, my hand will stay open, waiting for you,
and when you come back, i'll hold it again, just as before
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