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Dec 2015 · 1.2k
The road to Motherhood
Abigail Ramirez Dec 2015
I never planned this.
I was going through lifes cycles blindly.
Always looking for the next party, the next smoke session. It was always something.
Living in the moment with zero worries.
You see, life has an odd way of going about things. We never fully know whats in store for us. As for me? I never expected to be a mother at 20 years old.
Like I said I never planned this.
I knew the things I did in my past were wrong, that I was headed down a path of destruction and loss. But never did I imagine being a mother to a beautiful baby boy. I accepted what god gave me, and I got my **** together quickly for our future.
I decided then and there that I wanted to be someone my son would look up to.
I wanted to be the best mom I could possibly be. Nothing has ever made me happier in life than Motherhood.
It's sculpted me into a strong, independent, loving, kind hearted being.
I do hope my son will be proud of me once he is old enough to realize all I've sacrificed for his well being.
Dec 2014 · 763
Abigail Ramirez Dec 2014
Silky sheets, cool against my bare skin.
Moonlight from the window, cascading in.
Eyes adjust to the darkness,
shadows morph into something more.
inhale a sharp breath, as you enter my very core.
Your body is sculpted,
like your creator knew what he was doing.
But don't get the wrong impression,
this is just another life lesson.
Not an obsession.
Our bodies are in sync,
i've never felt complete.
Rush of ecstasy as i curl my feet.
My Virginity has been sweet,
but those are words i can no longer claim.
You took it with every ****** you gave.
Caught no feelings, felt no pain.
Dropped you as fast as you came.
Nov 2013 · 3.8k
I'm caught in between..
Abigail Ramirez Nov 2013
I'm caught in between,
knowing what i do and don't need.
But this feeling seems to exceed,
whether or not i breath.
So i'll hold my ******* breath,
hoping this isn't another one of your tests.
Because i know i'll ******* Ace it,
and put an A on your chest.
I'm not the same person as i used to be,
I've been through some **** that only i can see.
I'll shovel it up for the simplicity.
It's like electricity,
Girl i know you're gonna miss me,
so stop dissing me.
Nobody has shoveled up your ****, but me.
So trust me, before you *******' press me.
Don't test me.
You don't wanna be me,
or see what i've seen.

— The End —