There are certain times
I feel the need to flee
In hopes that someone (but not just anyone)
Will come wading through my troubles,
Searching for me.
It’s as if I am miserably childish again,
Desperate to establish the necessity of my presence.
Though laughable, in glorified imaginings,
The Rescue rivals its predecessor,
The Escape.
I run.
I view the world -- my world --
More plainly from a distance.
Greater quantities may be seen
The farther I flee,
And with each step, I’m allowed more clarity
Of my global truths.
Perhaps I should stay so removed,
With my obstacles revolving miles in front of me,
Slow and small,
Responding easily to the willful manipulations
Of my far away hands.
Maybe I should stay here...
But then, someone comes looking.
Two desires rend my certainty
Until someone finds me,
And I am carried back home.