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Abi Sarnacki Sep 2012
Silence roars like a stormy sea and stirs the waters of the mind,
making nightmares and reality become intertwined.
All fears and insecurities come to life,
causing slashes with the knife.
They hit the mind like giant waves crashing against a dinghy
lost and alone in the middle of a wild sea.
Gasping for air as the waves crash down,
there is no wish of surviving - only the wish to drown.
Dripping blood and painful breath
are hoped to be the sign of death,
but opened eyes realize, unfortunately,
despite how real it all may seem,
death was just an evil dream.
Scars are proof of all the pain that will surely come again
to embed how it feels to know that all the nightmares were real.
Feb 2012 · 835
Missing Piece
Abi Sarnacki Feb 2012
the tears fall from my eyes
and splatter across the page,
like polka dots.
this paper, forever stained,
is like my heart:
never can it return
to the perfect condition it once was in.

The polka dotted paper will never be pure,
and my heart will never be whole,
**both because of you.
Feb 2012 · 615
Abi Sarnacki Feb 2012
Such a thing shouldn't be wasted.
Who am I, a worthless nobody,
To want you, my entire world,
To forgive me?
A person can
Forgive only so many times.

Why waste your forgiveness on
Someone as unimportant as me?

Save it. Give it to someone
Who you, yourself, can not live without.
There are so many people who
Mean so much to you,
So go. Now. Find one.
*I know I say these words aloud,
And tell you to to pass me by,
But deep down, a part of me hopes
That the somebody you pick
Is me.
May 2011 · 479
Yours, Not Mine
Abi Sarnacki May 2011
I long to see you
smiling, laughing
to look into your eyes

I yearn for that one moment
when I gave you what you wanted
and all time seemed to stop
everything was perfect

I desperately want to say
how much I love you
how much I miss you
that I think about

But none of this will happen
the right words – right time
it never comes
You don’t view me the way I do you

I will always be yours,
**But you will never be mine.

— The End —