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Abellakai Jan 2016
He told me
"I think I could love you."
And buried under my skin.
I've never felt better
As nausea bubbles within
I touch his cheeks
So warm with blood
I feel him
He's harrier than you,
And bigger too.
If you're not catching my wind flow
I feel as if you need to howl a bit more
I reply to the irregularity of his
Immaturity at age 22.
Yet you're only 12 in space years.
So I get it.
I'm high off of singular drum beats
And your breath is
hot chocolate based.
Kiss the scoreboard for luck.
I want you to touch my neck again
Maybe for a second
You're so healthy.
Abellakai Dec 2015
I haven't had a cig in a while,
I weep to the sounds of your laughing bells,
I keep cool to be able
to hear the truth within the lies.
All your memories,
I drink the purple grape to,
to mind the atmosphere.
My love,
you left me so often,
When are you coming home?
And I weep,
for the one who caught feelings.
I want to touch you,
I feel yellow.
Look at me with chestnut thoughts.
I ******* love you
and You Killed me.
It is cool, It is fine,
I don't mind at all my love.
When are you coming back
to the Roman times.
I will search for you in secret.
You are stuck onto me
and I want to drown you
in love and hate
I hate you,
I hate you.
I love You.
I'm happy for you
for you I am,
Don't call back
with an expiration date.
Take it
from me.
Abellakai Nov 2015
You sleep while I lose my inner essence.
They say that heart break results in the severing
of heart strings
I will always picture the night with my fingers
in your hair
tangled in the mess of black lilies and curly lilacs.
With your hands around my neck
I screamed I am happy.
And with a knife in my back,
I begged for you to stay.
I have multiple bruises darkening
the shine in my eyes.
After that night I feel as if I have died.
I mean, I might as well have.
I've been walking around with a veil of tears
stained to my cheeks.
And I wonder when it won't feel
as if one million bumble bees are
stinging my organs.
And if this vertigo is never ending.  
For I think of after midnight in your car
and I remember I can't even feel okay
in my own room any longer.
I've lost the one who watered my garden
and made the daisies grow.
I swore I would never return again.
So I wear the glasses of another
and pray to God that I'm not still breathing.
I have begun to hate myself.
"You drove him away"
And as ice freezes my throat
I feel nothing but pain.
I'm belly up in a scene of destruction.
And I will never love another.
For I have lost my starry night,
and Van Gogh could cut me to pieces
if it meant I would be with you in my dreams.
Abellakai Sep 2015
La vie est drôle.
I never get why.
The strings of my heart have
Been played like a harp
And I hurts like hell
I'm bleeding so shell wise constant
Semantics **** you
And sleep is eluding.
Salted raindrops hit my shoulders
And winds satisfy
The bitter taste on my tongue
And the many travels I have begun
Please lord fill me in
On who I love the most
It's killing me
Goodnight old friend.
Abellakai Jul 2015
Pineapple dreams
And symbolic dragon fruits.
Get rid of your buttered plum
And search on through the wreckage.
I ******* hate you.
Wait, just kidding.
Foxing footprints
And coffee flavored rat bones.
Stop the trash flow.
I'm sick of ripping my heart apart
Like wet paper towels.
Pressed me like dead florae.
Against the wall and into the drain.
I am blended into ****** strings
Of sadness and wonder.
Leaked acid frying through my brain
Just let me live.
Pulled my organs into ice cream traps
And celestially conquered the
Wizard realm starlights.
I am tired, very torn.
It's time for me to rest.
Abellakai Jun 2015
At this point,
everything is a shader grey.
A sadder colour,
A harder line.
Nothing really matters
And I am constantly depraved.
For I have voices in my head,
That won't shut up for a minute.
Or maybe they are surrounding me,
Crushing me against the walls,
Telling me what I truly am.
As I live farther along in this
Demented journey most praise,
I wonder why I haven't allowed
The sour taste of pills
The silky texture
To pierce my stomach
And collapse my hope.
My mother told me again,
How angry I make her.
How my presence is unwanted
How I already know this through.
My loved ones are carved to
The side of me
With faces of mockery.
I had the life I wanted,
All at one moment I went from
Elation to depredation.
And all I wish is,
To be able to cut each ribbon
Of my brain from
The inner cracks of my skull
And bury my memories far away.
**** this, **** everything. I can't even find it in my heart to write anymore.
Abellakai Apr 2015
Yeah I'm unhappy.
What else is new.
I've colored every piece of me
Another shade of blue
Clue me in
I feel I've lost my way
And now I can't breathe.
"Do I really have to stay?"
What's the point of living
When your heart has died again.
And I can't believe this feeling
That everything is pretend.
I thought I knew the answer
To why I'm ******* crazy,
But mother says I have manic depression,
And that I shouldn't be so lazy.
My brain is fighting for the title
Of who can overcome
My heart is getting weaker
I may simply succumb
To your fingers on my sides
I feel so alive
Oh wait, false alarm.
I can't wait to die.
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