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Abellakai Dec 2013
I met you in the dark
Around one a.m.
You looked like a star that had just fallen
Ready to take my soul.
You got into my car,
Your aroma filled my head with
Lilacs and candle wicks.
Your eyes heavy set from the day,
As black as rare diamonds.
You embraced me and my heart sunk
Down to the depths of the ocean
Where no one knows what lies.
I felt like the air had vanished
And my lungs were crying out.
You kissed me
And my body began to rise
As if I were a ghost.
For I had to keep telling myself
"This must be real."
Your touch, your taste,
I felt as if I had turned into dust
And was flown over the world.
You liberated my soul,
Rather than destroying it.
All I can say,
Is I am happy you have returned to me.
For now I am no longer an empty shell,
I have become as light as air.
Abellakai Dec 2013
As flowing and beautiful as
waves on the shore,
their voices sweet like the birds
yet deadly as a tsunami.
In my mind,
I am a siren.
I belong to no one
devouring men as I see them.
My voice as sweet as symphonies,
I lure you in
waiting for my attack.
In a perfect world
I would be as deadly as mermaids
in the Greek tales.
I would rip you apart with my
melodic Debussy enchantment.
To be a mermaid,
strong and fearless.
I would not resemble
the head strong adolescent of Walt.
I would decorate the rocks on the shore
with withered bones.
Yet, my dreams of depredation
fall short.
For in my fairy tale,
you were the one to devour me,
spitting out my bones in front
of the world
and leaving me empty.
The beautiful song rapidly increases
as my heart begins to race.
You pull me in
my eyes turn the darkest shade of black.
I have received my fate
I am not the beautiful mythological creature
I am the foolish sailor.
Abellakai Dec 2013
When you said you didn't care,
My heart broke like glass creations on the shore
Where lightening had struck.
I've been walking around eggshells
for so long with you,
My feet started to bleed.
You took the wind from my lungs and
The rosey in my eyes.
When you told me you didn't care,
I realized who you were.
A crocodile disguised as a lily pad.
And I was prey to you,
You sought only to sink your teeth into my bones.
When you said you didn't care,
It was all for my protection.
You sought to protect Maleficent
By slaying the dragon.
I guess this is good,
For there is no longer passionate compunction.
Or any feeling at all.
When you told me you didn't care,
I repeated the phrase to myself
over and over again,
Until the words lost meaning.
I became careless around you,
You never liked the dark areas of me.
The lurking shadows,
The mindless tactics of reapportioned reality.
When you said you didn't care,
I realized I didn't either.
Abellakai Dec 2013
The rain makes the world gray,
gray like the way your touch felt on my thigh.
You looked so handsome today,
with your voice as melodic as angels
and I couldn't help myself to think that although I want you to be happy,
I can't bare your happiness not involving me.
I know it's selfish,
but we're all generation me.
And you frustrate me because I can't figure you out.
You're a shifting maze,
I'm trapped in you
        and I couldn't be happier.
I think of you often and wonder how you could hate me
But demons aren't meant to be loved,
or fixed.
I constantly desire your love,
or at least a reassuring glance.
But you are white and I am black,
I wish I could say
we blend together impeccably.
But I'm just being naive.
I guess we can just blame it all on the rain.
Abellakai Nov 2013
Somebody once told a mendacity
that all humans are linked by an invisible thread
and I'd like to think you and I are meant to be
but I'm a maladroit when it comes to these things.
I just wish I could taste your lips,
the lips that I've dreamt of
upon nights of no end.
This unrequited sensation is unlimited.
And when you look at me and smile
I melt into water,
slipping further into cracks
so you can't see the green and blue monsters that harbor in my soul like the sea,
they crash and bang for
Like the way you play your drums,
beating lust into my brain.
I feel no doubt,
I don't even want to get closer to you.
You will rip me apart time and time again,
just like every other god among men.
Abellakai Nov 2013
If I could take every note of the harmony that is the universe, I would have an abundance of stars and with those stars, I would paint the night sky on your ceiling so you'd never have to live in the dark again and if you ever feel the darkness gripping your wrists, I will send every firefly to your window to kiss your scars as you sleep. so that every morning you could wake up feeling loved and if ever you do not feel loved I will send every lightening bolt to excite your heart and every ocean wave to embrace you with salty sweetness to warm you on those exceptionally chilly winter nights.
And if you ever feel alone, just know I will be there with every puff of cigarette smoke and with every bitter sip of expresso because I care for you more than my body and mind can show and if I cannot demonstrate to you the happiness you create in me, may the elements of this earth remind you how it feels to truly feel anything at all.
Abellakai Nov 2013
you're taller now
body curves filled in the right places
and your hair falls with the utmost ease
they start to notice you now
they want to kiss you,
please you,
love you
and all you want to do is grow fangs
razor sharpe
that can tear out their eyes
those same eyes that judge you
with maligner
calling on you
through licentious demons
you want to fight back now
demonstrate your fortitude
you are woman
you are maker
you can't bare to see ****** oppression
you're uncomfortable now
as he touches your thigh
slowly groping your ***
making way up
he sees it as a peccadillo
you see it as your fault
you can't look at yourself now
you are not woman, human, living
you are dead now
filled with malaise
becoming a malefactor to your own soul
you are no longer you now
a mendacious being, only lying to yourself
to save yourself
when all you are
is no more.
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