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alebastard jones Sep 2017
Based on a true story

"On the verge of giveing up all hope in ever being able to piece together the shattered remains of his self inflected  destroction of his future, with no one else to turn to he just finishes  his Chinese dinner jokingly saying to himself 'let see what the fortune  cookie has to say for me since the last one was soooooo accurate -.-' he cracks open the cookie

'Disregard last fortune. '

Later that night he goes home to find out his toaster is waterproof."


Spend the extra 3$ and go to mcdonalds :/
Nov 2015 · 1.5k
My children keep me going
alebastard jones Nov 2015
of the darkest shade of blue,

thy name is you.

of which I can not contain

my oasis from my pain.

Not all stories..
Have a happy ending

"Love" she says,
"Is not worth pretending"

Is not for the faint of heart

Is needed for a fresh start,

Everyday I wake,
I wish I was dead.

I keep my head up and fight instead,

My children
My world, my muse, my flame.

If I give up now ,
I will bring them shame

Daddy is broken,
But is held with glue.

Daddy would be dead if it wasn't for you.

Cuz daddy's worst nightmare has just come true

Mommy told daddy,
"I don't love you"

But take my own life?
I just can not do

Cause that means daddy has gave up on you.

I'll be there through everything,
Thick and thin.

Wipe away my tears and lift up my chin.

Just because we can't be a family

Does not mean you can grow up without me.

For you i will fight,
Keep digging deeper.

"One day we all dance with the grim reaper"
Sep 2015 · 4.5k
"People you may know"
alebastard jones Sep 2015
When my ****** showed up on under the "people you may know" tab on fb. It felt like the closest to investigating a crime scene that I've ever been.
That is if you don't count the clock work ****** that I make of my own memory every time I go down Colfax avenue.
I sit in my living room and I search for clues.


He is Smiling...

And I see myself caught in his teeth,

He's Dancing in some club In a city I have never been to.


He is eating sushi over a few beers with friends

And I am under his finger nails.


I know that alley.


I killed the memory of that t shirt.



Is a baby picture,

There is also an older man,

Presumably his father.

They're are both round, And bright and still



He is shirtless,

And I see myself in the weight room mirror,


I call him the WOLF, when I write about him.


So as to make him as story book as possible.


When I write about him.

Which is to say my


Escapes the ****** When the internet suggests it.

Facebook, Informs me we have




Which is to say, That he is people you may know.

And that, I AM People you may know.

And there are people who know,

And people that don't know,


people that I am afraid to LET KNOW,

and probably people that know him,

That know of me, that know OF the word




NO is a flock of sleeping sheep sitting in my mouth.

And now.....

Now I know the wolf's middle name...

And what he listens to on spofiy.

And the all to familiar company he keeps,

And he can no longer be

"The wolf."

Or the nameless grave I dig for


We have...




on Facebook.

And now it feels as if they

Are holding the shovel.

64 people..

liked the shirtless gym pic.

4 people

Have told me that they'd rather I said


2 police officers,

Told me I must give his act a


or it didn't happen!

That obviously I could have

Fought back.

Which is to say

No one comes running for young boys who cry


When I told my brother,

He also asked why I didn't fight back.


I am...

Right now.

I promise.

Everyday, I write a poem titled


It is a hand written list

Of the people I know that

Love me.

And I make sure  to put my own name at the top

By Kevin kantor
You are not a victim, you're a survivor
alebastard jones Sep 2015
If only
The Lord
let's me go and just die.
The smile on my face would be more then disguise.
And my kids wanna know
"Mommy where did dad go?"
But they will never knoooow.
If only if only.
Aug 2015 · 813
god you're my only hope.
alebastard jones Aug 2015
"God, your my only hope"       original poem.

I speak in a tongue most fowl,
But gods eyes are like pictures,
They will judge as they follow.
But as if Done with a curse
My mouth can not contain

"More morphine please nurse
For I can not take this pain,"

I lost in the game of life,
The cliche of a loser,
Judgement cuts like a knife,
I wish I never lost her,

Nay,  as I try to back track,
At the moment That I slipped
No drug can bring back
the moments that I missed.
I'm alone, no goodbyes,
I just can't seem to cope,
Death sings me lullabies

"God your my only hope,

Please forgive my wicked ways,
I'm tucked in my death bed
I can see my final days
All though all life must end,
Its the law of your design
But when i hit rock bottom,
I forgot how to climb,

I may have messed up bad
I accept my Destiny,
I wish i was a better dad

Tanisha Connor is my eternity."

I had made my choice
I awaited for hell,
But then I heard a voice
And then my heart fell.

"You have broken your trance,
So now you can see
But with your second chance,
Just get to know me."

My life flashed before my eyes,
I Woke up, but there's no delay,
Push aside all my lies
Today was my son's birthday.


I was lucky I realized my mistakes while I was young enough to do something about them, don't end up old and alone on your death bed, begging for a second Chance, you only get one life, do it right.

I love you Noah, Jerico, and Tanisha Becerril.
Mar 2014 · 398
look inside.
alebastard jones Mar 2014
The adept ability i posses,
to pick at your brain and be 6 moves ahead.
But to turn the tide
and peek inside
of my own mind,
turned out to be my Psychological suicide..
Mar 2014 · 586
alebastard jones Mar 2014
Color me black.
Show me no passion.
Bring me back,
In no obvious fashion.
The dreams of life are to real
So are theses feelings of death you feel,
The world is dead,
Hollow words said,
Madness plagues you,
Everything you know,
Was a lie,
Its time,
To tell the truth,
You want to die
From what you've been through,
But stay strong
If not for you then for me
Play our love song,
We were ment to be...
Mar 2014 · 462
purgatory. (part 2)
alebastard jones Mar 2014
It feels like eternity,
Yet time doesn't exist.
There's no one here but me
And the darkness is endless.
I have no will to live,
But yet I'm already dead
There's nothing else to give
With so much left unsaid.
I miss my kids,
I miss my wife,
And what we did,
I miss my life!
But its gone now..
I only want to get out
But i don't know how.

Is this heaven or hell?
Or my spiritual prison?
Its hard to tell
Failed lifes ambitious.
I regret so much
Yet i blame god
Blames my Crutch
I've been through so much.

I'm here for a reason
like changes of the season
I'm cold and hollow
I rejected god.
"i will not follow!"
"Well my child, your soul is mine
Its my choice to **** u for the rest of time
But i pityed you
So this is where i sent you
Your fate is being decided.
By my Council of chosen Disciples.
Now praise my name and repent ur sins,
I wish to heal you not send you to the Devil's Den"
"I wish not to Conform,
I know your real,
But your not my lord
I don't know how to feel."
"My dearest son, don't you understand?
All your life you have always put your faith in men
But your Happiness doesn't come from them,
it comes from me.
This is your last chance,
Ive shown you the light so you can finally see."
Mar 2014 · 866
alebastard jones Mar 2014
Crows follow me,
The sky is macabre.
I crave what's not here
Death creeps near..
"The cross is upside down."
"I know my dear."
she thinks I'm stupid?
I should know i put it there.
What's wrong
just feels so right.
tribal war song
"We leave here tonight."
says the angel to my right
He's dressed in all white
"And together we both go into the light"
If its my time to go
its time to go,
Who am i to tell god no?
but the light,
its so bright!
i can't see the Angel anymore..
at the end of the light is a tall bright red door.
With child-like wonder i go to explore
behind the red door,
its a jet black room with no Windows or floors.
just black empty space and nothing more.
Wait there's two red light,
same as the door
but they were getting closer
it was hard to ignore
and as i stared longer ****!
vanished the door
Purgatory,just darkness and nothing more..
but the red lights
they're not bright but they burn
and off in the distance a voice could be heard.....
Mar 2014 · 1.8k
alebastard jones Mar 2014
Why is Boredom real?
Why do humans feel?
What's the meaning of life?
"We live just to die.."
Oh ' Enthusiasm
endless driven passion.
take me away...
I'm not afraid.
I've been ready.
nice and steady...
its been real,
Its been fun,
but I'm done.
i can't feel
Whatever empathy implores.
out the door
**** you oxygen!
let me be free
**** me...
pull the plug
haha not funny.
yawn snore
close my door
mow the lawn
Are you mad at me?
I'm not mad why would i be?
Because i gave you my seed while u sleep.
Feb 2014 · 619
How I Met Your Mother.
alebastard jones Feb 2014
I feel complete,
Finally at ease,
Whenever her eyes fall apon me
They take me back
To school, in math
Where my true love sits Everyday in the back.

3 Words
No meaning
Until i felt this feeling.

1 Girl
2 Worlds
Until she became my baby.

Hearts racing,
Its time,
To make this girl mine.

But i was struck
By her beauty.
I knew i wasn't Worthy
But she didn't,
She insisted
To sit in the back with her.

Oh god!
Oh no!
"What should i say?"
"We don't know,
Play it cool."
"But i can't!"
"Stop stuttering you fool!
Make her laugh!"
She ask,
"You got any plans after school?"

This is it,
The start
To win this beautys heart,
Because love is like a flame
All you need is a spark.
So i answer

"Not right now you have anything in mind?"
she Replied but i heard nothing because i was lost in her eyes.
"I'm sorry i didn't hear a word you just said."
She asked again
"You wanna hangout with me and my boyfriend?
You're really funny,
I think you guys would be really good friends"

Aw ******!
****, ive run out of time!
This lucky ******* is stoping me from calling her mine.
But that's ok,
I can wait,
I know with a little time i can make her love me.

A month goes by
She still haunts my mind
I live for math
Just so i can look into her eyes.
I think that's what got me.
So beautiful,
I've never seen perfection befor
And here it is
Standing infront of my classroom door
She is everything I've ever wanted and more..
And she was single
Haha i felt so Convoluted an evil.
Being the creepy friend that prays that her relationship fails
But i needed her
Just like how we Humans need air,
And these dreams,
Of running my hands through her hair.
I can do this.
I can tell her how I've felt,
I just hope that i don't make a fool of myself.
So i told her;
" I can't help myself will you be mine?
Ever since I first met you you've haunted my mind,
And even when i sleep, you're there in my dreams.
So i have but one question,
Will you go out with me?"

Its been a year and a month,
Since i pulled that stunt
And our love has begun anew.

And this was fate
So i took the bait
"I need to have a talk with you"
I got down on one knee,
She looks down at me
And we both knew that this was our Destiny.

"3 words,
No meaning,
Until i felt this feeling.

2 eyes,
1 thought,
You're all ill ever want.

2 Hearts,
1 dream,
And this chance to start our family.

Lets both forget
And take these steps
So we can finally be happy.

We both can see
Were ment to be
So baby,
Will you marry me?"

"So my lesson to you Noah,
Just remember what i told ya,
Never be afraid to ask
Because that's how i met your mother in math class."
Based on a true story.
alebastard jones Feb 2014
I'm only agressive because u made me this way . Every day u insist upon calling me gay .
But we are one so don't try to fight this Sensation. Were the same person so its not gay its ******* .
When there's a time machine im gonna go back in time and make love with my younger self. don't hate on me its *******.
Feb 2014 · 650
I'm watching
alebastard jones Feb 2014
Born in blood
Conceived by disire.
Soul is a flood,
Of hells enternal fire.

Cursed with the burden
To rid this world of its evil
The truths behind a curtain
"These acts must stay concealed"

"This is who i am
I swear I'm a good man
But these acts can not stand.
One day you'll understand."

With years of hard work,
And understanding,
A skin tight leather shirt,
And endless planning.

Stocking the sinners that don't deserve
To walk this earth
And breathe the same air
But this is none of your concern.

"God, if this is not your will please give me a sign."
And silence is my only reply so i gusse he's mine.

This is it. Its time
To lure him in
Im in his mind
But this is where the fun begins

Picking at his brain was the easy part
But this is where my work will really start.
Now i got to get him into my lare,
I know his moves, all his motives, but no one really cares.
Except me.
This was fate, it was ment to be

Now heres a monster who begs me to spare his life.
This low life ******* beats on his kids and wife,

Strapped to a table,
Wraped up, bound and gaged
Like a horse in a stable
But now i start to get mad.

"You know why your here you filthy swine, don't play coy.
Your responsible for the death of an innecent boy.
But its ok, its america and you will get your trial,
But my court room doesn't pity the life of a petifile.
Me, the jury find you guilty of all your crimes.
you are sentenced to burn in hell for the rest of time.
Have fun explaining to god why your such a bad guy,  Now look me in the eyes,  cause now its your time to die."

As i lift up my blade
Its really quite a shame,
I just got this new carpet and there's already blood stains.
But it was worth it.
To see this kind of filth leave my earth.
I don't play god but i have to get ready for work.

"I'm not a bad man, this is my lifes calling.
So be good my fellow men, just know that I'm watching."
alebastard jones Feb 2014
Regrets haunt us all in our own sick way.
some so bad these feelings wash over us everyday.
flash backs, sleepless nights and wasted tears.
mistakes that manifest into our worst fears.
the what ifs.
the could'ves
the never agains and unforgivable sins.
everyone forgave you except you.
and the memories that you go through
everytime you mind wanders to those days
you feel yourself break and you say
"Ill never be the same"
But just know to learn from ur mistakes cause life is NOT a game.
no do overs
No second chances
Just live and let live, learn from your mistakes and understand them
alebastard jones Feb 2014
Let your voices speak to you

Because for all you know she has voices too.
Read "the voices" to understand the true meaning of this. rebuttal to my poem by tanisha jean connor. both "voices" are based of the same story from the characters of "the voices"
Feb 2014 · 502
alebastard jones Feb 2014
And what has this world come to?
I look up at the tangerine skies
And I think I can fly
But Lord please don't try
because the drugs are telling me lies

Make me feel strong when I'm weak
When I'm down bring me to my feet
But only for a short time
Until i come down from this high

Spend all my money
Chase all this gold
But what's left now
Everything has been sold

So now its me myself and I
Still chasing this high
Take a deep inhale
Sit back and sigh
And savor every second
Of this powerful high

Till we meet again
On some cloudy day
Needle deep may i say
This love is wasting me away.

But my love this will be last
This chapter of my life has passed
Its the dawn of a new day
And we must part ways

It was fun while it lasted
The laughs we shared were long
But alas i bid adew
Its time to start new
A happy life for me.
And sobrietys the key.
Feb 2014 · 459
writers block.
alebastard jones Feb 2014
This pen and paper are mocking me.
showing my many flaws.
This cause is a lost
my hand is cramping.
**** this writers block!
I know there's somthing in my soul,
a story to share with you all.
But alas, I'm still lost,
trying to fix this writers block.
mabey a tale of true love perhaps!
No, that's a bore and we've already heard them all.
Mabey an Odyssey of a powerful kingdoms fall?
But even if i try,
ii can not deny
i don't know where to start,
a total brain ****.
so my brother and sisters!
Lets all work around the clock,
And mabey together we can defeat our one true Enemy
writers block.
Feb 2014 · 433
To my one and only
alebastard jones Feb 2014
What a tangled web we weave.
what a terrible act to Conceive.
of the damaged love between my friends and me..
becoming Estranged from my family..
Oh how the Loneliness can drive a man to the brink of insanity.
thank god i have these thoughts in my head to keep me company.

but alas, for this is but one love that is true.
the love of one girl with eyes of sapphire blue.
and even after everything we've been through.
To my one and only, I will always love you
Feb 2014 · 517
the voices.
alebastard jones Feb 2014
This is it
my perfect bliss
the perfect kiss
at the end of her ruby lip stick
now picture this.
a young man who had fallen inlove
age 16, the protagonist of this story thought he had finally won.
the jackpot.
well that's a thought,
his perfect world came crumbling down when his girl got caught,
straight leaning.
going into bed with other men
right then he felt his mind start to break and mend.
he was broken,
A shell,
A pain unspoken.
he's now in hell,
with his pride stolen.
thoughts of suicide Plague his mind,
The voices in his head screaming "DO IT NOWS YOUR TIME!"
but he was scared,
and he cared,
about his family.
why should they suffer because he discovered true insanity?
now what's next?
the steps,
to full recovery?
he doesn't want pills or to sit for hours in therapy.
there's only one way to make what's wrong right,
go out in the night, with this knife, and take this man's life.
that's what they said
the voices,
inside my head.
its him or me!
i thought about it last night iwhile i layed in bed.
the only way to stop these voices inside my head,
is ether **** him dead or to take my own life instead!
lets face it,
I'm not a real man,
those ******* voices telling me "THIS ACT CAN NOT STAND!
this is it.
its time.
to tie the knouse,
and hang from this celing fan until my face turns blue.
in hindsight,i couldve made a better choice.
Now I'm in jail, with no bail, and alone with this voice.
i tell the judge "I HAVE NO REGRETS, WELL MABEY ONE.
The capitals represent his inner demons talking and finally his inner evil took him over completely in the last lines.

— The End —