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Abby Jan 24
Everything is circles,
I sit here for nothing.
Someone waved at me on a bus,
Maybe it’s you.
But anyone can be a shadow.
Didn’t realise I was near Leicester Square
Everything’s connected
Like veins, like bones in blood
I definitely feel lost in blood.
Concentrating on the unnamed protagonist’s year of relaxation -
How can you be in New York and just want to sleep?
I guess I get it, I’ve felt similar in London
But somehow I always end up dazed tying my laces, out too early or too late
In a trance on the tube.
Chatted up by guys who I say I have a smile of 1000 stars, who add me as
“Professional reader” in their phones.
I would’ve gone to Camden with the last one if I wasn’t waiting for you.
If I didn’t enjoy looking at pigeons,
The back pain, embarrassment.
Not caring how it goes,
I’d probably do it again, just be smarter.
Just like with life, my raven night.
Abby Jan 24
I daydreamed on the subway
Through the screeching sounds
Of the metal on the metal.
I think about how fast it goes
How slow my days are when I don’t get on it.
I’m not very productive either way
But I like the sun on my back
And the rush of chameleon people.
Everything is industrial
Everything is lilacs on canals
It’s definitely something to keep on dreaming about, keep on dreaming about
Living in the clouds
Abby Jan 24
Valentine years ambushed
You cupped my neck with a blade
As long as this jagged bridge you love now.
Even with the **** forming
I licked at it like monochrome cat
And well, the butterflies turned to bats
Radioactive and forcing me to retreat…
Slink into the night I came from.
You go back to yours, unashamed
But I’m at my absolute limit
Loving to dying to hexing to not caring
******* hell.
Now I’m writing that poem you wanted so badly - a retaliation to the machete
Hanging out of my throat
Because if I suddenly lose my invisibility powers, no gouging of me will be as horrifying as what I have to scream to you.
Abby Jan 24
Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing
The radio waves are crushing
I still hold out for one harmonious note
But the screens aren’t clear yet
A flip of a switch
A brain, a heart, a shaking hand stilled
Nerves pricking up like bewildered cat ears
Drum beats punch me
Down down down
Into your beautiful frown

I wasn’t expecting this
I wasn’t even looking for it
Yet as I’m thinking about how my bones will be cranberry coloured from this drink
You’re figuring out ways to be the worlds first rainbow supernova
An unexpected transmission
Just one second to put the spaceship in ignition and we’re here
Smiling stupidly from ear to seaside pier
Abby Jan 23
My dream turned to sudden death - 
Thousands of feet in the air,
I was without a seat, without a hope
Just me in the sky with no diamonds.
My wings detonated to blow flowers
All scathed and wished away
I was an eagle no more
and so I returned to a sleep of angel's land.

A hundred dreams more
I’ve weaned myself off the fear
Runway’s like a dissipating cloud but **** it, no one’s died yet.

Not many people get to watch the clouds
Never mind be above them
I just hope they’re not in my way when I’m no longer up in space.
Abby Jan 23
To be away with the fairies in Koukounaries
I reach for it with the clammy hands
That built lady bird houses and dug black holes, perching in them like a cherry magpie until the dérma tis fotiás

The fear of filling myself up too much drove the planes away
Now they’ll be swooping over my head, plummeting me into the comfort of sting rays, starfish, wasp free shells

My cosy skeleton will love the scalding
The schooling of how to smoke cigarettes on the inferno proving to be a
Vignette vision of a blood ocean, one only my Aphrodite eyes can see glowing
Abby Jan 23
Cow print hats, white horses
We stand face to face with them
Two against two

They have us tricked
And suddenly we’re three
Racing into the skyline

She’s got a gun, she’s got a gun
She’s gonna **** me, no different to usual
Still who’s the paragon, which is poison

Gut instinct is hard to go on
Stuffing my face with Burger King
This and the puppet show

Are too intriguing for me to pick
And when I do
I’m stuck with one in the next room.
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