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Look towards the sunset.
Do you see that injured bird?
Hope is written on its wings.

Look in the pond over there.
Do you see that ugly duckling?
It’s alone with its head bowed to the water.

Look on that hospital bed.
Do you see that young child with cancer?
Hope sparkles in her eyes.

Look at that boy across the street.
Do you see that wheelchair he’s in?
He’s sad because he might not walk again.

Look at that girl kneeling at her bed.
Do you see her hands clasped in prayer?
Do you see her lips muttering, “Help me?”
Do you see those tears glistening down her cheeks?
Hope is written all over her hands.
Hope is on her lips.
And hope is in each tear that falls from her beautiful face.
Hope is what get's me through each and every day.
 Nov 2011 Abbie Louise
Marco Avre
Could it be that our blood boils
at the exact same hour?
That two ignited souls
do not fit in the same room?

Could it be that you're not my rib
and that's why you don't hurt me?
Could it be that we don't live life
the way we are supposed to?

And that's why I love you,
three or four times I
I love you

And you come
with a cosmos in the forehead,
with your dead ones on the back,
and between the legs
you wear
the most beautiful sunset

In one fist, stormy days,
in the other, balmy days,
In one, tears of chamomile
on the other, sweat and mint,
but in your saliva, sangria.
Sangria to maintain the blood cool.

Could it be that we are dust violated
by the slightest provocation?
Between lip and lip,
between ****** and ****** -
- I love you.

Four or five times I,
I love you.
Her bare feet slapped against the pavement.
Tulle skirt stuck to her sweaty thighs.
The first drop fell.
Rain came that day.

Arms outstretched, she started to twirl.
Until the footsteps came near.
Out of time with the thunder claps and bursts of light.
She stopped and stared.

He was there.
Drenched in the rain.
She laughed and pulled him to dance with her.

— The End —