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Abadpoet Jan 2013
You worry about me all the time
You think I'm losing interest, I'm bored, I'm not having fun, or I don't get enough sleep because of you
I know it's not true so I comfort you tell you it's ok but if only you knew the full truth
the truth about those nights when I'm up all night worrying about you after hearing your problems
I stay up praying for you and wishing I was there to hold you close
to tell you it's ok and I'm here to help
I get little sleep and wake up to go through a whole day
and then you say I need to get more sleep and that you're sorry
I tell you I'm fine and that I like to stay up with you, and it's all true
but the most important part you never see is when I lay down for bed that night
I lay there thinking about you as always and I think about how thankful I am to have you
and if asked if there was anything I'd change about you I'll say every time
She's perfect the way she is!

— The End —