I was a born a happy child,
With crooked teeth and a cheerful smile,
But as age skipped stones, and i had more flesh and bone,
Life began to be shaded in a unique tone
All around me, individuals loved and cared for the opposite ***,
So did i, but not as much as the same as mine, but alas, the world regarded me as an outcast for it, someone that had been hexed
Individuality was no longer a common trait, you couldn't do as you please,
Regardless, i never changed my choices, my stubbornness was set to freeze
And there was another, that loved both genders with equality,
Live and let live, this term was drowned in humanity's monstrosity
But they did as they saw best fit, life was in their grasp,
They had evolved, and learned to tear off their mask
Next came along more uniqueness, from one gender that had wished to be the other,
But was never supported in their decisions, not even by their father, mother or brother,
In the end, our clarity takes us to our destined landscape, a destined world,
A reigon of self acceptance, from where all judgements escape, and where the universe no longer swirls,
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, yes, we are all of this,
This is our gallop down the prarie, this is our bliss