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8.6k · May 2011
Cloud Phoenix
They say there was once a bird,
The silent type always unheard,
Hovering up in the sky,
For all of eternity would it ever fly.

The touch of a human upon it was always forbidden,
Making a biological secret be forever hidden,
Due to the transparency and the height of which cannot be reached,
It makes another lesson of evolution not breached.

What is know, however very little,
Is the bird makes one feel rather belittled.
It contains an immortality so great,
That it is forever the same and never grows from it's traits.

However, even though the phoenix of true legend is made of fire,
This version is something that will always stay higher.
It moves ever slow, like a turtle moving its bare arms,
Yet it seems as if it forever sounds its alarms.

Our alarms we sound at the dark times, though,
As this phoenix creature begins to cast it's own shadow.
All citizens race to their homes,
Awaiting a closer strike from the phoenix within the clouds that roams.

The phoenix moves, but notices no one near,
Feeling the shivering of the cold and the town's fear.
Emotion shows as small drops fall to the ground,
For the phoenix finally screams it's thunderous sound.

The great ground pound hits with the force of the phoenix's body,
As if saying, "I wanted to be nice, but you hate me now, so nobody stop me!"
One human man walks out to know what's going on,
And realizes that the phoenix is blocking the sun.

The phoenix above continues to cry
The tears that do not heal, the ones that fall into the man's eye.
He quickly wipes them off,
And then looks all the way up.

A question to the creature, "Why do you cry?"
The phoenix responds with another tear out of it's eye.
The man explains, "Now, listen please.
I only want to be the one to appease."

The phoenix slowly stops crying its last tear,
Almost agreeing to listen the man's prayer.
The man continues, "Unlike your brother who can heal,
Your tears can do the same as the unreal."

He explains, "Your sadness affects us all,
As are our ears deafened by your great call.
Now, all I hope for you is to select a different place and find it,
So everyone, including you, will have some needed peace and quiet."

The phoenix slightly nodded, with one last drop.
It suddenly broke apart, with one final pop.
The creature broke away to seek it's next destination,
As it needed to go away and not cause more devastation.

The phoenix is seen no more,
Though I'm people have still seen it before.
Look out in the sky with the best possible sight,
And you may see the phoenix still hovering in it's slow flight.
1.7k · May 2011
A Charmander's Dream
The unstoppable war
The cause of suicidal rage
Twirled batons connected to saw blades
Carriages for the dead
Shields are nowhere
Only offense
Everything to the center
All come in
None go out
Sounds of organic materials being cut
Precious ****** fluids spilt
Fire surrounds all
Charmander stands near his throne
"Charmander-Char" in a high squeaky voice
The dictatorship ruled by a monster
who could have fit into his slaves' jeans
He was now the master
and these humans were his to command to fight.

"Ember Amber, I choose you!"

Trainer **** it...
Flowers singing beauty songs,
A group of wandering people,
speaking in an ancient language,
In tune to a trance.
A chanting towards the waters,
Harmonious to the end,
As all the clouded minds
of the twisted wretched cult
began their deep descent,
Into the sorrowful sea of suffering,
To forever change the sky waters
to a chilling blood-ruby red.
Their souls all sent to
the area where wrong is right,
Into the chambers of purgatory.
Walls are closing me in every day, I say.
My sentence is for infinite,
Not even an Indian king could give me
the air that I so desperately crave.
By that time, I'd be long into the center of Earth at my grave.
I want the touch of your skin,
To just let you right in to my cell.
Restrictions break our connections,
wrap chains around my waist,
pulling and tossing me into those
subzero rocks near the sea.
How glorious, yet impossible, that it would be.
Oh, how I've longed to touch the ocean,
yet they pull me back once more for the
half-hour free-for-all cannibal buffet.
Not a bite for me to scavenge on,
just a bone or two to scrounge out,
just the bare minimum to survive upon,
and, once again, my stomach never becomes full,
because I release it all during the throat-slitters' hour.
The loss of souls and minds
are made from the aggressiveness of brawn,
leaving bloodtrails down each and every corridor.
Not one limb has fallen from me,
though I'm aware of eunuchs to be,
who survived the previous slaughterfest hour.
I pray for you to never lose
the wonderful mind you learn with,
or find a guy with a girl you want to ***** with,
because you will lose more than your mind.
You will lose your head,
left to drip your precious drops of life.
789 · May 2011
One covered in dirt,
remembering the dusty trail it ran along,
the poacher with the switchblade machete,
the fingerprints still left from getting yanked
no longer pursued after evasion.

One covered in blush,
the stylist that had wanted to cut,
the look she didn't truly want,
yet now was permanent dye onto
the white that is now pink.

One covered in black ink,
the artist that showed the beauty how to paint.
Such beautiful and stylized portraits
were often created by force and greed,
when the feline decided to go by her own creed.

One covered by ribbons of all sorts,
the types the kittycat wanted,
pretty loops twirling into the air,
when the nightly run would draw
a silhouette of fleeing beauty.

One covered by braided hearts
done by a former mate,
but left in the pattern
to remember the love assumed,
the nights spent gazing into the moon.

One covered by scars that had no fur
from the attempts of self mutilation tried when life seemed gone.
Alone and craving for the jolt.
Resistance was forced by a nurse on patrol.
Death would not be an option anymore.

One covered by text reading "Hope",
For at least the one right being who
would care and love, not constantly *****
the sensitive tails that would
lead deep into her soul.

One covered by a face that smiled and frowned,
reflecting the emotional surges that happen.
Both occur rapidly and were usually
the greatest things for her, unbeknown in her mind.
As depressed as she could be, she could still be happy.

One covered by nothing,
still something more to do,
Life still young and ready.
A continued path she would lead
For the true one to be
That would mark the position of her final tale.
The ferocious fiery fowl stood
upon the tallest branch of the tallest tree
that grew in all of Viridian City.
The eyes that had stared down
towards all the offenders
silently closed with a deep reckoning inside.
The flaming feathers fluttered in the air
until one feather lightly touched the
tree with a vulnerable wooden weakness.
The trail was all ready for the
traveling embers that were sending
a pain throughout nature's first creation.
Light shone through the leaves
that were burnt a split-second after.
Moltres stood still
on the tree it would soon ****,
but the further future, Moltres had yet predicted.
All the branches were barren and clean,
except for the burning positions
from the flames for Moltres.
Fire was now spreading out,
onto the grass, onto the ground.
Further death upon the still-ever-growing earth.
All trees began to look the same:
Crisp, wilting, blackened, and dead.
Collapse occurs to all but one of the wooden people,
From the cremation, turned into a desert.
All remnants but one are now tiny specks of dust.
Moltres opened its still-glaring orbs,
released its tense wings and flew off.
The last tree disintegrates,
Finally a forest of ashes,
and more to come from
the infernal destruction of the flames of Moltres.
Shoot the sky and release the diamonds from the rain.
Stardust sprinkled onto the cement.

No more thoughts than that.
I see things, though.

Wet snowcap, yet not by snow.
Orange ginger mint tea,
Slightly warm, slightly filled.
A Bible laid on top of a notebook,
Noticeably used Japanese-style.
The tapping from a Sony PSP,
Almost as if a cool rage is
emanating from the fingertips.
Apartment requests listed,
Most are scratched out, a few are true options.

The tea is full again.
It's still so quiet.
Oh, but a revelation is made.
No game was being played.
A message to send to another
More than likely.

One gulp and one sip.
Fatigue is still hitting me
like a person who didn't stop walking,
even when he dreamed when he could.
Hope I did the right thing to write.
624 · May 2011
Hi to the world
Hi to the world
and let the morning flourish
through the raggedy form you hold.
The pajamas you wear, though awesome,
are changed a chilling pink-purple

Hi to the world
and widen your eyes to see the glorious
light that shines into the brightness of your mind.
The eyes of which were covered by their lids
are now covered by the shady

Hi to the world
and let the sun's shine glare upon the
grimace that you have from it being very early.
The angered grit of your teeth shall cease
as the yellow shall turn to white, reflecting the happy light off your

Hi to the world
and let the towns, cities, all the people within,
let them turn their own
frustrated selves into the most enlightened.
Peace is now out through the area, thanks to
The one who started it all.
570 · May 2011
Defense from the Heart
By jumping out into the fiery shot,
I find myself getting caught,
In the chest and right shoulder,
Feeling the pain making me colder.

But, I stand still, attempting to hold in my pain,
knowing he would have nothing to gain.
I look up to his face, seeing no glee,
and stare back as I say, "Just shoot me."

I knew the fear in him as I spoke those words,
Seeing that the shots had even scared the birds.
I continue speaking, "As much as you may have almost shot me in the gullet,
I think you may as well give me those last few bullets."

My foe's shocked face is shown through his eyes,
Revealing things so easily through his disguise.
But, the shock is cancelled for only a while,
As he shoots two more bullets from less than a mile.

Again, both bullets hit my chest,
Attempting to have me put to rest.
Blood spurts out, but life is not lost,
For my face has a smile straight across.

I keep standing still, not giving a frown,
For I know I won't go down.
The friend behind me who almost died,
Looks at me innocently for having even tried.

The villain pulls back, attempting to not look,
At the bulletproof man who he tried to book,
For the pay was high and the reward so clear,
Yet not anymore shall he be here.

My body stands for a silence,
As I close my own two eyelids.
A slurred walk to the enemy's way,
That soon it will be the end of his own day.

This demonic creature cowers in fear,
For my own ****** body only becomes even more near.
He crawls back to the wall, thinking he will be saved.
However, he is now only caved,
Into the wall,
Leading him to his own downfall.

I finally reach him, taking out my fist,
Hearing the fall to the floor, knowing I hadn't missed.
Last energy bits go through this human being,
While we both begin to fall unconscious with my last bit of kneeing.

I slowly awaken to a small white room,
Beeping noises all around, showing no doom.
A joyous voice greets me as a salty liquid meets my face,
Speaking out as if she were the voice of heaven's own gate.

"Thank you so much," she speaks with tears all over,
Whilst I slowly move my right arm to pat her shoulder.
We stay like this for one more hour,
Knowing that the past week had been so sour.

My protection for her was great,
For she was already my mate.
The enemy's guilty pleas, however, were not so met,
As his own crimes brought him only death.

But, my own true goal,
besides keeping my mate from having a couple holes,
Was showing my reaction to fear,
For my courage wasn't so mere.

My face, after all, showed only smiles,
Keeping them on the whole long while.
I was even told, after having passed out,
My own mouth kept the grin, even after the bout.

I am willing to stick in for another friend,
Even if I'd be hurt by the bullet, in the end,
But my enemy will frown as he didn't see it coming away by a mile,
For I'll live as long as I go out in my smile.

— The End —