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 Mar 2014 Aaron Goldstein
Tori G
I wish we could go back to a simpler time,
When a soda pop only cost a dime.

A gallon of gas was a quarter
So a full tank wouldn't cut your life span shorter.

And when the local crime rate bent
To just below three percent.

It makes me sad to keep in mind
The moral downfall of mankind.

That is why I never watch the news
In the morning as I put on my shoes.
 Mar 2014 Aaron Goldstein
Tori G
I loathe you...

I loathe you for
Making me
Love you....

I know you are
No good for me.

Or are you?
I'm tired of being
On the fence!

I just loathe you okay?
*(But maybe also love?)
 Mar 2014 Aaron Goldstein
Tori G
I put up this front that
I'm ready to move on,
Ready to talk to other people.
And I try it, what's the harm?

But at the end of the day
When  I lay naked and speechless
In my own bed, I realize some things;
I will always need your loving touch.

I will always need your soft kisses
I will always need your gentle caresses
I will always need your warmth
I will always need your sleepy embrace
I will always need your affection
I will always
Y O U.

*But I will never admit that to anyone...
 Mar 2014 Aaron Goldstein
Tori G
The base is bumping;
Vibrations surge through my body;
I close my eyes and smile;
Because I haven't felt anything
 Mar 2014 Aaron Goldstein
Tori G
Sometimes I feel
Like my life is
A prescription drug.

Every time I solve
One major problem,
15 side effects occur.
I bet everyone can relate...
 Mar 2014 Aaron Goldstein
Tori G
Don't you dare think
There isn't one **** minute
I go
Without thinking about

Just because I don't
Initiate a conversation
It doesn't mean
I don't

In fact
It means that
Mean more to me than
Anyone else.

So quit wallowing
In your own self pity
For two seconds
 Mar 2014 Aaron Goldstein
Tori G
A dormant waste land of white
Turns into lush beauty overnight.

Spring itself is given away by the daffodil flowers
Whom have impeccable timing powers.

The momma birds are tweet, tweet, tweeting
And the baby birds are cheep, cheep, cheeping.

And the sunlight,
Oh the sunlight!

Through the leafy canopy I see it shine-
I sit back and smile because this day is all mine.

I can't believe it's finally here,
My favorite season of the year!
 Mar 2014 Aaron Goldstein
Tori G
Have you ever noticed how
We all just barely brush against
Each other's lives?

Could it be caused by a deity?
Or the twisted ways of fate?
Or maybe it is pure coincidence.

I don't know how many times
I have licked that tootsie pop;
I still  haven't reached the center.

I guess the world may never know...
Just pondering some things today. What do you all think?
 Mar 2014 Aaron Goldstein
Tori G
Washed away down the drain,
Forgotten- like the Sahara Desert's rain.

"It's better this way",
I always hear myself say.

But it's really not
And yet, I still forgot.

Why can't I remember?
My synapses severed like timber.

Oh well,
I can just pretend
My childhood was swell.
 Mar 2014 Aaron Goldstein
Tori G
A perfect relationship is brought down by a single flaw;
Broken and shattered into pieces that lay upon the floor,
Like puzzle pieces that don't quite fit together anymore.

A flawed relationship stands tall against a single flaw;
Filled with much wisdom only taught by age,
Like a ripped and tattered old book page.
A fool believes a perfect relationship is a big deal;
Imperfections are what make a relationship real.
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