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 Jul 2016 Aaron Bray
Lauren Frame
Elevator eyes
Scanning the golden body disregarding the operator inside
Trying to find the right button to push, hoping they’ll be the one to get the ride

Seventeen, but actually thirty.
Not *******, but in jail.
Still at the mercy of time
In this **** caterpillar body

Though I am young
Blue-eyed and blonde,
I am not a fool

Go ahead and help yourself to that empty seat at my table
Ask me questions about work, school, or life as if you care
Try to make me blush at your ****** insinuations
But you won’t.
You became insignificant the moment you sat down

I know what you’re thinking
I know your tactics
I know what’s going on inside your head
What you want.

I am not a fool, Elevator eyes.
 Jul 2016 Aaron Bray
Lauren Frame
The man in my stomach
Is an angry man

No matter what I do
I can not please him.

So he punishes me,
Tightening his grip on the rope
The rope that controls the trap doors
Separating my esophagus and my stomach

When he pulls
The doors shut
And I cannot eat

Swords in the stomach
Slicing through intestines
Pain in my gut

I think he’s mad at me
Trying to understand
I need to find out

Because maybe
Just maybe
He’ll let go of the rope
And the doors will open with ease

But until then, his anger festers

— The End —