We carry it inside,
the sea and the sky,
the stardust that made us.
I was once a blazing green aurora,
a defiant glow at the top of the world,
but I knew, even then, what I would be,
and I had no power to stop it.
Human will is useless against the engines of creation.
The star that birthed the essence of me burned away
all knowledge of my existence the second after I began.
There is a long night at the edge of what we know,
dark and beautiful and terrible to behold,
and that void does not remember us.
No matter what greatness we aspire to,
we will toil in obscurity and then fade.
We will live and die for nothing and we will not be missed.
A Song of Ice and Fire: "The night is dark and full of terrors." Warhammer 40K: "The universe is a big place and, whatever happens, you will not be missed..."