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Aaron Adlow Jan 2014
High And Low The Tide Is
Calm and Rough Like The Sea
Chasing The Wind Endlessly
Patience And Restorative I Feel

High I Feel Chasing The Wind
Low I Get At The End Of Destination
Pondered In The Midst Of Breaking
Helpless I Am I Could Be Weeping

Sitting Here Waiting For Your Beep
Not Once I Hear It Click
Asking Myself If This Affection Is Deep
Rather Not Have My Sentiment Making Me Weak

Tell Me Whats Right Or Wrong
Maybe I Could Be
On Right Side Of Wrong
Then Again Nothing Is True
Everything Is Permitted

Let It Be Let It Go
Worry Less Live Free
I know You Know We Know
They Always Come And Go
Aaron Adlow Jan 2014
Woke Up Again
Feeling such pain
I asked my self why
To go through it again

Is it normal or  is it comfort
Do we seek refuge with repetition
Or are we stuck with endless repetition
Could it be a norm or are we dumbfounded

I told myself repeatedly
Not to repeat history
But i can seem to change it
Seven years been waiting

For once felt that soft lips
For a second it hit me
For that moment was lost
At that time I wonder Again

Could it be or not
Is it just me or is it real
Whats the next step
Clueless I am

Should know better
Should i try and get hurt
Should i not and not feel
Whats the best way
Only time will tell
Aaron Adlow Jan 2014
The night we met.
Told myself not to hope.
Easy flow and mellow
As the flow slowly goes.

Found myself lost in clarity
What clarity is I don't know
Unsure I am that surreal
What is real make it reel

Told myself go easy
Easy not but hard it was
Walk and talk you home
Hold you close and so.

Don't let go and tell me so
See you soon and I will
Kiss Me that night least I expect
Push me away you might

Ping you thrice
Ping me once
Now I know
A case of you.

— The End —