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DESIRE Mar 2014
The same feeling of emptiness
The same feeling of loss
The same feeling of not seeing you
The same feeling of not touching you through eyes
The same feeling of not having a word from you
The same feeling of not expressing you what I feel
The same feeling knowing that you won’t say
The same feeling of not being there with you
The same feeling of knowing that you won’t be there to be with me
The same feeling of feeling nothing
The same feeling of thinking when next I will see you
The same feeling of imagining when you will see me
The same feeling of people around but searching for you
The same feeling of search for you whether people are there or not
The same feeling, the same feeling… but I realized

I am feeling nothing
I am feeling numb
I am feeling frozen
I am feeling unmoving
I am feeling lifeless
Feeling nothing but still feeling nothingness
This feeling is the source of existence
This feeling is the intuition that we are not over yet
This feeling that I am going to see you again
The feeling this is not the end

The firm belief of you being with me
The hope that we both will be together
May be not in this birth,
May be in another world, where there will be no boundaries
Where I will be the first and last for you
Where you will be the first and last for me

Am tired of waiting
Am tired of convincing you
Am tired of convincing me
Am tired of thinking this will not happen
Am tired of thinking us will not happen

Why it’s me who suffers this way
Why it’s me who become reason for your suffering
Why can’t I be the happiness for you?
Why can’t I be the hope for you?
Why can’t I be the life for you?
Why can’t I be the source for you?

I don’t know why I want you
I don’t know why I like you
I don’t know why I adore you
I don’t know why I love you
I don’t know why I miss you
I don’t know why ………

Why I feel connection… is it there really… or I am imagining…
If this a phase why this is not getting over
Why you growing on me day by day

The why’s is endless?
And life is small
I don’t know when I will get the answers
I just know sometime I can’t breathe without you
And once you are gone…
Once I am gone…
There will be again
This same feeling of emptiness

— The End —