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a flower Nov 2013
t h e  s a m e

why would I want everything to be

t h e  s a m e ?

a life without change
what made you think i'd find comfort in

t h e  s a m e ?

the infection of no evolution of the mind, body, and soul
people drown in the depths of

t h e  s a m e

it is a disease you are taught to live with from birth
people believe when something goes wrong
things get chaotic
out of control
they just want everything to be

t h e  s a m e

you don't learn anything from it
you don't grow
your lungs do not even expand
you are dead
i mean, you might as well be

t h e  s a m e

it ties a knot around your thoughts
it puts your heart on a treadmill to keep your blood pumping at
one steady pace
you feel numb when you awaken
6 a.m. begin your day

t h e  s a m e

routine, over and over again
you forget to feel
i mean, really f e e l
you lose faith
any bit of change makes you shake
kick starts you to run from anything that bares the thought of something
or someone

t h e  s a m e

too comfortable with always
staying, hopes on the back burner
as both your dreams pass you by
and forever

t h e  s a m e
a flower Nov 2013
9/26/13 10:55 am

When you finally fell asleep
(6 in the morning)
I smiled
Pondering your dreams
I listened to your breathing
Your heartbeat
(a steady tempo)
The rhythm to my solitude

As the sunrise showered it's rays through our window
I let you sleep
I knew if I didn't sneak out at that moment
You would awaken too soon just to beg me to stay
I left you with a soft kiss on your forehead
My lips touched you before a coffee mug
If that doesn't mean something sweet
I'm not sure what does
a flower Nov 2013
I walk under golden street lights on nights when the moon is smothered by storm clouds
I swear I see your shadow behind mine
The wind howls at me and I am convinced its you calling my name
I can't decide if this is a haunting or not
Is it a haunting if you're still alive?
Are you still alive?

I haven't felt you all day and all I can think about is your heartbeat
a flower Nov 2013
An inch away you stood
You stared so deeply into the oceans in my eyes
so indefinitely into my soul
I'll never forget the way you smiled when you finally turned away
An entire minute of you indulging in my presence, of all things
You knew me in sixty seconds
And I never thought I would care for someone with the entirety of my being
The way I effortlessly cared for you in that instant
Everything viewed in black and white until I met you
Your persona so technicolour, the way you swayed in front of the sunset
Your fire burning heart, pumping the blood that keeps you alive just to let you stand in front of me
Taking long, smooth drags of your cigarette hoping for a quicker death, just to reincarnate all over again
And that hair, baby that hair
I could get lost in curls like those, and I didn't refrain from doing so
I shared words with you I thought I would never share with another living person
I always believed in not sharing things with anything with a tongue, but you were different
My lungs felt larger, as if they could expand to let in every bit of oxygen of the universe to let me breathe just to speak to you
Just to feed you knowledge, share with you everything you wanted to know, and refused to walk away without
I could listen to your voice for hours
Whether you spoke or sang, the serenity of words leaving your gentle lips kept me
We could drive for days in my car, we could get more lost than Alice in that maze in wonderland
But it would not matter because we were together
That is all that ever truly mattered
It was like an addiction
We needed each other to breathe
I found myself smoking your cigarettes when you weren't around to cloak me in your secondhand smoke
Or I'd search for your cologne tinged in ***** clothes from days I had been encompassed by you
I could look at the moon and know **** well you were doing the same
and thinking of me in the same moment as I was thinking of you
You left trash in my car for days and I wouldn't touch it
I left it there just to have a piece of you when there was no sign of you for weeks
How pathetic
Your energy resonated through my whole body and I longed to feel your warmth
I could hear you whisper every night as I rest my head to my pillow
and I dreamt of tracing your veins and kissing your collar bone all night long
The day we met, you intrigued me with transient sentences
Elusive, leaving me begging for more
You should come with a warning label
It would read; May cause trouble breathing. May tie knots in your stomach
Laugh might be addicting. Eyes might steal your soul in one minute
Just one minute
One inch
That's all I gave
You took a mile

— The End —