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 Sep 2013 A
Joan Marie
Little Bird
 Sep 2013 A
Joan Marie
So many a time,
that (I)'ve asked
a damaged little bird
to fix its own wings.
I (l)end out a helping hand,
when it said it couldn't do so  
Then I said, "Go and fly with your new wings."
It thanked then left,
I found new bliss to see the little bird
soaring high ab(ove) the clou(d)s.
I knew that it'll be better even
witho(u)t me

 Sep 2013 A
Joan Marie
- - -
 Sep 2013 A
Joan Marie
Loved, loved, because of a face so lovely
A mysterious, charming of a girl … but who was she?
Lost, with doubt that never vanished, much to her dismay
Troubling her mind with such disarray
Surrounded her are eyes swimming with confusion
Who could help her ruin all the commotion?
Then came a beautiful boy filled with curiosity
Do you think he could give an end to her mixed misery?

 Aug 2013 A
 Aug 2013 A
If I could ask for one thing in my life
One thing only
I would wish
that one day I will fall in love
with someone who loves me back

whether it is born from the darkest
coldest depths of sorrow
when winter is every where
and trees hang above you like a
bad oman

whether it is when you least expect it
in your favorite coffee shop
or the one you've never been to before
hunched over a computer screen like
the workaholic you know you are

whether it is in the most romantic place
in the world
on top of the Eiffel Tower
arguing over an engagement or
a birthday

it doesn't matter
as long as we both
love deeply and strongly
as long as we are best friends
partners in crime
as long as every moment together is

no matter how long we have.
Please, let us love unconditionally.
 Aug 2013 A
Marshall CB Hiatt
No book,
No dream,
No painting,
No recording,
No monologue,
No sermon,
No text,
No sound,
No taste,
No light,
No color,
No person-

Could prepare me to meet the love of my life.
 Aug 2013 A
Mae Alyson
There's something about a pair of
old sneakers, that is just so hard to let go.
They were a part of you, for so many days.
They hold every
puddle you stepped in,
every blade of grass.
The gravel, the mud, the sand, the pavement;
it's all there.
So maybe it's not about
maybe its just about the travels, and the memories, the ones you don't want to let go.

 Aug 2013 A
Tessa F
For the love of God please be kinder to me.
I imagine the sun kisses your shoulders
The way I could never stop.
I'm aching.
I whisper my name into forget-me-nots
Hoping you remember it better than them.
I think I'm still breathing.
I will hug my pillow tonight
I wrapped it in an old shirt of yours.
Boy, what I would give to be back in that place.
My legs wrapped around your waist
Like a starfish
Brushing your freckles with my nose
Connecting constellations between your shoulder blades
That I will find for us in my sky tonight.
Sweet dreams my darling,
I'll be seeing you soon
Always on the right side of your bed.
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