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556 · Jun 2018
shae Jun 2018
You were hardly ever there
So how can you say to me that you cared?
I was a little girl who kept looking for you in a crowd.
But you were nowhere to be found.
You’ve lied to me countless times.
You can take credit for the tears in my eyes.
I believed I could put my faith in you.
I thought that's what daughters were suppose to do.
I mean I trusted you with something as precious as my heart.
So why weren't you there from the very start?
Was I really just not enough?
What kind of excuse is  “ sorry honey, something came up”.
You’ve missed out on so much.
Never had a chance to watch me grow up.

Do you lose any sleep?
Over the promises you made but didn’t keep.
How could I be proud to call you my “Dad”.
When you have ripped my heart in half.
Couldn’t even help our mom with Child Support.
Told me it was because your pockets were too short.
Too short to give?
Too short to help build a future for your kid?
Maybe that’s true.
But money could never equal a daughters value.
I should have meant more to you.

Lied down to make a baby.
But couldn't stand up to be alittle girls “Daddy”.
183 · Jun 2018
“ My Ex is crazy”
shae Jun 2018
“My Ex is Crazy”
that’s how you paint me?
When people ask about me, that’s how you plea
You demonize me, so no man will want me
And you can sit there looking like a victim.

All because you are hoping I will come back.
Tried to convince me that you were the only one who could make up for what I lack.
Even though you're the one who was holding me back.

Played with my emotions
Pulling me in and out like an ocean.
Filled my head with jealous poison

You’d gaslight me every time I called you out.
Saying, “I need to stop always freaking out”
But your actions were the reasons I had doubts.

I was lost in a relationship
That felt more like a sinking ship
Because I was blind to your dictatorship
Willing to give myself up to be with someone who couldn’t “love”.

And now that i’m upset and justifiably hurt
You wanna go around and throw my name in the dirt
Despite that, you're the only one who's still is trying to flirt

Ya, I guess my Ex is crazy.
this Poem is about one of my good friends who I had to watch go though a terrible relationship.

— The End —