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Nov 2020 · 64
My Love
Oliver H Nov 2020
My love
Two simple words you see
Cannot adequately epitomise the relationship between you and me
For the feelings in me burn far brighter than a fire
Consuming me so strongly feeling deep care and desire
Within those six letters lie a universal truth
The mere thought of you sends my heart through the roof
The mere mention of your pain fills me with rage
I'll battle the gods to end it, make heaven my combat stage
For poems speaking of great love talk too often of fate
But that too I shall overcome and it's  cruel desires sate
My love you are my everything and hearing you say sorry
For things beyond your control fills me with such worry
You are far too harsh on yourself, to me that much is clear
Now lay your tired head upon my chest my dear
For all the woes that get u down are not just yours to fight
I will be at your side through them all, we will combine our might
Tis a crusade we set upon together to rid you of these struggles
Now don't u feel bad or get up in a muddle

For you do so much to me i will help you too
And what you perceive as weakness isn't, we all are human too
Now let all your woes now fade we shall fight them at another time
And lay your weary troubled head to rest and lay it against mine
Nov 2020 · 82
Alone together
Oliver H Nov 2020
Big empty and petrifying
Despite all that there's a beauty in silence
A scary beauty malevolent and empty
Yet I don't quake,for how could I fear
For you are next to me
Stars radiate in your eyes as together we watch the expanse
Watching birth death and everything in between
Made up of magical space dust which is pretty neat
So out again I look where is it coming where is it going what's the point?
Who cares
Not I as with you by my side it is an easy conquest
But that's for later. Existentialism over now we can rest
Forgetting the universe in each others arms
Who cares if its silent as I can hear your heart beat
The steady rhythm of safety along with it
Nov 2020 · 108
What lies beyond
Oliver H Nov 2020
Memory is only temporary
Immortalised my art alone nought can
Justly encapsulate your trapped freedom
Escape from this mortal coil, you have gone
And greive I shan't for no future is yours
Instead for me greive, suffering without you
Stuck alone cursed to walk this plane
This is a reaction and commentary of Christina Rossetti's Remember
Nov 2020 · 73
The Nereid
Oliver H Nov 2020
The nereid gazes at the deep expanse
The sea stares back, bowing down to her
Nations rise and fall but still she stares, a timeless observation
Down into the depths of her realm below

— The End —