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68 · Feb 2020
Zoe Holden Feb 2020
my heart doesn't beat in my chest it rests in your's
-please don't crush it
67 · Jun 2019
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
I lived by Catholic faith and law
so when I dream of her
it makes me nervous
   -I still think of him too
67 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
She was taught to be pretty
But don't you know?
Ruby red slippers were made to hide the blood
67 · Jun 2019
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
down the well
65 · Jun 2019
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
There is something so raw about poetry
You need people to know
but not them
Not the ones you see everyday
but strangers?
     -Yeah They'll Do
65 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
I told her I loved girls
but I hated her
-what made it easy
64 · Jun 2019
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
To be anyone else in the world must on some passion feel grand
implanted in the seed of the vast growth of humanity
here i stand
me as i am
   -you can find me on Pluto II
64 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
When I was born
across the galaxy
it was too
-depression is just
  missing what only
  you know
64 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
I'm writing over
their worlds
64 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
bra down
pearls clumped
eyes lusted towards headword pen
lips parted
with soldiers to her back
she's a picturesque statue
63 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
That other girl is gone
Ellis is all that is left
62 · Apr 2019
Zoe Holden Apr 2019
I am not of words of speech
I exist purely on page
And if you read, but never hear me
do I exist?
62 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
happy doesn't pay
-neither does depression
60 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
Please just stop for a minute
and look
-my eyes are dull
59 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
something's gone awry
I'm just not sure of what
-Lost: Something
-Reward: My 1,000 sunsets
58 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
Running on
Running out
-Which is it?
57 · Jul 2019
Little Girls Faint
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
the day my handwriting
became adult
-I linked the chain
57 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
Sweet child
Sometimes its ok to
close your eyes
-bruised sockets
56 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
There is nothing for me
-Why won't I leave
56 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
God I'm gone
and so are you
-my bedside prayer
56 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
Death is so far off
but I can feel it still
-dawning my grey pearls
54 · Jun 2019
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
Writing is like a road map
carving directions
through times of trouble and hardship
in little yellow lines
it tells us the way
and keeps us on our journey
53 · Jul 2019
Circle Ceilings
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
Rushing swell of numb
I'm spinning
53 · Jun 2019
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
If they knew how you made me feel
They'd never let me see you again
52 · Jun 2019
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
I bought it
hanging purple
size double zero
in my closet
I won't let it go

I wonder
when I'll be able to put it on
when my body won't roll
when I'll be accepted
for who I am
And not the 129.6 pounds I held this morning

I run at five a.m. sometimes  
the face of diet culture
before the sun
c o m e s    up
with only moonlight to path my way
only venturing out
when my weight
drops, drops
with my depression

.2 or more is the minimum
the equivalent of an extra cookie
a glass of water, a second helping
and my worth

I'm scared someone will see
my flaws

16 counted, growing
you taught them to me
shouted via ads
and social cues
and who you'll let on tv

my face, 4 pimples today
with rounded cheeks
I don't want to be the fat one
the ugly one
the girlfriend's best friend
the duff
the dud

But me is all that's left
1 fat duffy dud of a best friend

And as it is now
what value do I have
51 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
girls with lost sparkle
floating in seas of untouchable plastic
-to the over 35's
49 · Jun 2019
Where Have I Gone
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
I left my soul in his hand
back in California home
    and I've been calling for it back
but it just won't seem to come
49 · Jun 2019
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
Today it all just crumbled
There I felt again
And I'm sorry to say
     -I fell
49 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
drawing fingers
with hither accuse
-all of him
48 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
witches can only burn
-stake and gasoline
48 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
bye bye mama
-losing voices
48 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
And mama your child is gone
47 · Jun 2019
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
here is the
moon filled sky.

this is the town
of sleepy wanders.

these are the
star-lusted street lamps.  

these are the houses
where they roam.

this is the sidewalk
where she has pondered.

here is the house
of quiet lone.

where she has
escaped to the back-porch.
46 · Jun 2019
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
rainbows of glass
can be shattered
-part of growing up
46 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
Sad little girls
dancing tiptoes
in a drafty lane
-child's goggles
45 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
on or off
I'm not flipping the switch
42 · Jun 2019
Zoe Holden Jun 2019
There is something magic about thinking thoughts
letting them slip
letting them wander
ponder about
collecting in crevices of self

thoughts are lovely and cruel
41 · Jul 2019
Zoe Holden Jul 2019
something's going to hit
something's going to work
-bathroom floor pep-talks
33 · Jun 17
Empty Nest
Zoe Holden Jun 17
She is a mother to be
She is man’s abiding greed
She is birthing misery
Directed by he

Wild bird with an empty nest
Wings beating at her breast
It makes no difference
With state’s net ensnaring she
Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

References Charolette Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Seamus Heaney’s The Burial at Thebes: A Version of Sophocles’ Antigone.

— The End —