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566 · Dec 2014
A Real Treasure
Xychi Dec 2014
Knives and bullets
All racing to you
Meaning: unknown

They pierce your sensitive body
'They'll make you stronger'
Source: unknown

Despite receiving wounds
You pushed forward
Reason: unknown

You cried and cried
But continued walking
Destination: unknown

I traced your path, and what I've found
Creations of honest and real emotions
Quality: unreplacable

You've done it before
And you can do it again
Improvement: unstoppable
//i probably should have written this one last night instead ww
429 · Mar 2014
Xychi Mar 2014
““I wasn't able to do it, I’m sorry.”
I smiled as you scolded me again
“I’m so useless,” I say to myself
But you never noticed any of this

What am I doing?  I’m just wasting my time
But I can’t seem to remember something
Oh well, I’ll just make-up an excuse
I’m used to it anyway

“Imagine a world where everyone can be happy...
But that is impossible, since a world without balance would crumble...”
Another stupid idea came into my mind
But I’ll forget about it eventually

“If I were gone, will I be able to lessen your troubles?”
I had another morbid thought
“ won’t help anyone if that were to happen...
...although I’d be happy if no one would be affected.”

This feeling of being useless and not wanting to change
It’s stupid, isn’t it?
But I’m not sure what I have to do
I’m not used to being like this

“I think I might end up like that character.”
I said to myself as I watched a movie
“But she’s lucky though...’cuz she was able to help someone...
Even though she didn’t get the expected result...””

Aah, I’m so tired...
All these stories seem so complicated
I’m going to rest for a while
Forget this enigma, and cease this quandary...
This is based on a vocaloid song series called Kagerou Project.
369 · Oct 2014
Secret Rabbit
Xychi Oct 2014
A box so vivid but easily unnoticed
The rabbit sealed it, avoiding their gazes
Secrets and lies hidden within
An unknown power bent to destroy everything

Hurt and tired, the rabbit cried
Tears fell into oblivion
For if they knew, the box might be seen
The seal will break, and so will they

Trying so hard to keep this box
Away from them and from their sight
The rabbit grinned and pulled its ears
As it turned into a smiling plush toy
//one of my random poems written last September
363 · Oct 2014
Xychi Oct 2014
I can't cry
I wonder why?
I need to find
My lullaby

Under the sky
Seen through the eye
Within my mind
Something had died
//another random poem written last September

321 · Dec 2014
Xychi Dec 2014
Forget, forget, don't look at me
This is only temporary
Searching for some things to do
First to see is what you view

'Experimental', is it not?
Or perhaps 'denial'
Either way, the seed is 'fear'
"Please, don't come near me"

The inevitable will never vanish
Forget, forget, oh, how I wish
Scars will grow in time
Going would be a crime

What's this existence...?
I jumped over the fence
No, it couldn't be

'Different, yet the same'
Both have joined the game
"Oh, how amusing!"
In unison, we sing

Time catches up
Like rabbits that hop
"Would leaving a scar be okay?
In the end, I want to be forgotten... everyone but you."
Ohohoho~  Advanced Happy New Year~!
318 · Mar 2015
Xychi Mar 2015
What was it
That made you fall?
Even now,
I still don't understand

What did you see in me
That made you feel that way?
I just can't find it
I don't understand

All I am is an empty mind
All I am is a fake
Is it really alright for you
To be in love with me?

I've loved you long ago
And I know I still do
But how can I love you
If I can't even talk?

I've made you endure
Being with me for so long
I thought you've wanted to leave
But you're still by my side

Is it really okay
For someone who can't even say
A simple 'I love you'
To love someone like you?
310 · Mar 2014
Xychi Mar 2014
On a sleepless night, I decided to write
I sat on my chair with a pen on my hand
Then suddenly, she caught my eye
A maiden whose face isn't unfamiliar.

There she was, standing by me
Staring at me with eyes emotionless
No words were spoken, tension filled the room
I knew I had to break this silence.

"Why are you here?" I asked the woman
She didn't speak but sang a song
Her voice as beautiful as the angels' singing
I felt so warm just by hearing her lullaby.

Though her face looked nothing but lovely
Her coldness pierced right through my body
I couldn't help but feel afraid
I don't want to be hurt by this illusion.

"I know that you don't really exist!"
I spoke these words though unsure if they're true
'Cuz of not wanting to burst into tears
I had shut my eyes, placed my palms on my face.

"Please, no... I don't want this anymore.
Will you just go?... leave and close the door."
My eyes shut tight, I could still see her face
A little bit hazy, but it still had stayed.

"Go away! I don't want to see you anymore!"
These words I've spoken, were true, yet lies
"Your presence hurts me even more,
I do not want to feel you anymore!"

As I tried to make her go
A thought then came into my mind
"If she actually left, wouldn't I feel lonely?"
But then she was something so unreal.

I then remembered, memories from the past
The time when I could still feel her warmth
It didn't make me feel afraid nor hurt
Just pure happiness, though it ended quickly.

I miss her hugs, the warmth of her smile
Her eyes so bright, even under the summer sky
But I know that I can't do anything anymore
I can't bring it back to the way it was before.

"Will you please just leave me alone?"
I said desperately to the woman beside me
"My dearest who have already passed,
Leave me be... don't haunt me anymore..."
305 · Oct 2014
Xychi Oct 2014
I want to scream, "Stay away from me!"
But I'm no grenade.
In fact, I'm a poisonous, Scarlet apple.

I want to scream, but I can't
How can I?
After all, a rabbit easily dies of loneliness

I want to scream, "Stay with me forever!"
But I know that would be impossible
What do I really want?

I want to scream, but I lost my voice
I hate seeing you get hurt
So I'll scream without a sound
Hurting only myself
One of the random poems that I write from time to time...

//TFIOS reference www
287 · Mar 2015
Xychi Mar 2015
I wonder if
The time will come
That I'd talk to you
And be completely honest

I wonder if
The time will come
That I'd hold your hands
And not be scared

I wonder if
The time will come
That I'd embrace you
And hold you tight

I wonder if
The time will come
That I'd say 'I love you'
And make you smile

I wonder if
The time will come
That I'd be strong enough
So I can save you
163 · Mar 2021
Windblume Festival
Xychi Mar 2021
The leaves sway under the moonlit sky
Where birds ride the gentle winds to fly
As Teyvat bathes in the twinkling stars
A small light shines the path that is ours

I truly hope, weird as it may be
That you accept this Windblume with glee
For how it glows in the wild so bright
Is like how you give my life some light

One thousand four hundred thirty days
I long to once again hold your gaze
Toast to the time spent just for us two
My heart belongs to no one but you

— The End —