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Dahlia Sep 2020
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π™°πš—πš πš˜πš—πšŽ 𝚍𝚊𝚒 𝚒𝚘𝚞 πš πš’πš•πš• πš•πš˜πš˜πš” πš‹πšŠπšŒπš” πšŠπš—πš 𝚜𝚎𝚎 πš‘πš˜πš  𝚏𝚊𝚜𝚝 πš’πš˜πšžπš› πš•πš’πšπšŽ πš™πšŠπšœπšœπšŽπš,
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𝚈𝚘𝚞 πš πš’πš•πš• πš›πšŽπš–πš’πš—πš’πšœπšŒπšŽ πšŠπš—πš πš–πš’πšœπšœ πšπš‘πšŽ πš–πšŽπš–πš˜πš›πš’πšŽπšœ πšŠπš—πš πšπš’πš–πšŽ πšœπš‘πšŠπš›πšŽπš πšπš˜πšπšŽπšπš‘πšŽπš›,
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𝚈𝚘𝚞 πš πš’πš•πš• πš‘πš˜πš™πšŽ 𝚝𝚘 πš–πšŽπšŽπš πšŠπšπšŠπš’πš—.
Written some time in 2018 for a dear friend.
Dahlia Mar 2020

β€œSome call it bewitched, but I call it love.
There is an emptiness in the freedom of being alone,
And liberty in being caught in that divine spell.”

I have been here before, and with this pen, I express myself through words.
To better understand myself, and to avoid being misunderstood.
The day that I stop writing love poetry is the day that my pen's ink will run out,
Along with my sense of connection to humanity.
Love is hard, and even more difficult to describe,
Too complex to express simply by stringing words together.
Yet here I am, trying over and over,Β Β 
Always feeling limited, unfulfilled, and unsatisfied.

I have been here before, trying to express my feelings when in love.
It is frustrating, and most attempts are ripped apart and disposed of.
I have been trying to describe love for years, and still feel unsatisfied,
The countless filled notebooks are evidence of all the times that I have tried.
I cannot find how to put it simply but in a beautiful way,
I could write about it for hours and hours, from night until day.
But to fully understand love, I must reflect back and see,
How I love, how I was loved, and how I love me.


I have been here before, I am comforted by love's familiarity,
Its pleasantness, shining like rays of sun, enveloping me in warmth and sincerity.
Its floral fragrance in the form of beautiful golden sunflowers,
Bundled with red ribbon at the stems, followed by conversations that go on for hours.
Its sweet taste in the form of kisses all over my cheeks and face,
Until there is not a spot that his lips have not touched, and I point lower to a different space.
I want more but I am too timid to say,
But my rosy cheeks and bashfulness give it away anyway.

But, I've also been here before, reminiscing on this familiarity,
I am then reminded of the heartache that follows, and I get a sense of polarity.
The shattered promises of forever, and the final goodbyes,
The returning of sweaters that smell like him while holding back desperate cries.
The empty and cold interactions as he shuts the door behind him,
The sinking loneliness of standing alone in a room that is now too dim.
The racking sobs as my heart begs me to stop doing this to myself,
So, I take the thought of love, lock it in a box, and tuck it away on a high shelf.

But, I have been here before, knowing that I cannot stop,
Love is embedded deep inside of me, it is not something I can just drop.
My heart knows how capable I am to feel such raw emotions,
It flows gracefully through me, and soars with plummeting waves like the ocean.
My heart demands to spark a flame in the one who ignited these feelings inside of me,
It yearns to douse them with loving adoration and unwavering loyalty.
It demands to be expressed, through every form of self-expression that I use,
Whether that is poetry, painting, music, or whatever outlet I choose to let loose.


I long to be cherished for not only who I am, but who I was, and how I came to be,
So instead of writing about love, I will write about how to better love me.
I have not been here before, so I will take it slow,
If it helps you better understand me, please let me know.
This is for you, if you want to love me,
It is complex and it may not come immediately.

Please understand that it will take time,
For you to love me the way that I need, this is not just a rhyme.
This is new to me, I have not been here before,
If it makes you see the real me, for you I will write more.
I have not been here before, but I am still using the same pen,
If you follow my trail of disorganized thinking, please nod every now and then.

I am honest, and I will never lie.
I want you to be my best friend before being my guy.
I want to build a sense of familiarity, to know about you and your life.
I want consistent communication so we can avoid all strife.
I want passion and longing, the magnetic pull between our lips as they unify.
I want "I love you"s to be meaningful, not fillers when our conversation dies.

He must know that the "he" in this story, could also be a she,
My ability to love isn't limited by appearances that fade with time, life’s bittersweet guarantee.
He must know my personality, strengths, goals, and my dreams,
And when we fight, he must remember that we are not on opposing teams.
He must know how to support me and my life goals, how to motivate me,
When the coldness of the world makes me search for ways to escape reality.

He must want the best for me, for me to be happy, even if that is not by his side,
If we realize that we are not compatible, or our relationship makes us feel unsatisfied.
He must know my weaknesses, my flaws,
My tendency to push away when overwhelmed, and how to find the probable cause.
He must know that though I love to care for others, I am not great at caring for my own body.
My self-destructive nature has a story of its own, and it is not shared with everybody.


I have been here before, and with the same pen, I tell him about my life,
Like the times I fought bare-****** against life’s merciless and cold knife.Β Β 
I am not a hero, not even in my own story,
But I am not one to boast or seek any type of glory.
I have grown and matured from my battles, so do not be afraid,
There is no reason for you to rush to my aid.
I find myself apologizing for the scars that I embedded on my own skin,
Sometimes it was easier to find comfort at the bottom of my bottle of gin.
I am withered, no longer beautifully brand-new,
So I apologize for sometimes randomly feeling sad out of the blue.

I have been here before, and with the same pen, I try to help him understand me,
I am bound by my demons, and can't remove the shackles that would set me free.
He feels a need to fix me, as if I were a broken wine glass,
I bring attention to the glass pieces on the floor that he should avoid and overpass.
He thinks that sweet words could be the glue to adhere my shards together,
And praises the curvature of my body, accentuated by a jacket made of leather.
He believes that he could love me more than anyone else has, and by doing so, he would mend me,
I quietly sigh, close my eyes, and slowly count to three.

I have been here before, and with the same pen, I try to make him see,
My broken pieces are not meant to be picked up by fragile hands, nor by anybody.
He learns this when the sharp sting of glass runs along the tips of his digits,
Understanding that my scarred fingers were from all the attempts I made when I felt brave and ambitious.
Trust me β€” I know how much it hurts, I do not want you to share my pain,
I know that I am a sad girl, but still, some happiness remains.
I want to embrace this darkness, my ability to feel emotions so immense,
My dear, there is no need to put your fists up in defense.

I have been here before, and I watch him try to fit the pieces together,
But they are merciless and weigh much more than a feather.
They are not a puzzle, they do not even fit me anymore,
But he becomes frustrated, exclaiming that this is more than he asked for.
I try to make him understand that they do not define me,
I only want them to be a visual for my story, I do not need them to feel free.
I want him to see my past and my struggles laid on the table,
Only then he will know how strong the roots are that ground me and keep me stable.

I have been here before, and I don't feel like rhyming anymore,
It took me a long time to understand myself and what I stand for.

He thinks I am a broken wine glass, but he does not understand.
The glass shards that lay before him are all of the times I've lost a piece of myself;
The innocence that I clung to for so long, and had to let go of in order to survive and adapt.
The ideologies of supportive families, shattered by abusive alcoholics that no one questioned.
The expectations of loving and supportive friends, broken by betrayal and abandonment.
The life that I once knew, had to leave behind, and the shock that crackled my perspective and forever changed me.

I have been here before, and with the same pen, I try to reassure him,
But he is drowning in my sorrows and has forgotten how to swim.
He feels a need to scare away my demons, and cure what plagues my mind,
He becomes frightened by my pain and wants to protect me, so he covers my eyes.
But my self-destructive nature was never his job to correct,
I try to show him that I am grateful, I never meant any disrespect.

I have been here before, and with the same pen, I express that I am his equal and that we are the same,
I am not expecting him to be anything more than he is, I am not a helpless dame.
But he feels that it is his duty as a man to complete me, to support me, to give me a reason to smile.
I put down my pen, and stare into his eyes for a while.

Though I may be broken, I am complete on my own.
The only support I want is holding hands as we walk side by side, not in the form of you carrying me.
Our world is beautiful enough to make me smile, I only want to enjoy it alongside you.


I have been here before, and I have been through all that.
For 23 years, so that makes me stronger than you.
I am better equipped to deal with certain things on my own,
Those broken pieces are not even a part of me anymore.
My demons do not need to be slain by a knight in shining armor, because they are more scared of me.
They know what I've overcome, and know that I will not take **** from anybody.

I've been here before, and with the same pen, I acknowledge my strength,
I've rebuilt the walls of my broken wine glass exterior with precise width and length.
I designed them using the knowledge that I gained from where I went wrong,
I shaped and molded them with the experiences that taught me how to be strong.
And I planted flowers that blossomed when nourished by my own self-determination,
I spent many years adding to the durable and unbreakable flooring and foundation.
I painted the inner walls crimson red, and hung golden accents from the ceiling,
And laid down mats for meditating when I am hurting and need healing.

I have been here before, and I've created this for myself,
I will invite you in, if you'd like to see it for yourself.
I am strong, I am intelligent, and I hope to be more brave,
But I am a lover and a fighter, so please don't think that I need to be saved.
I want to share this beautiful experience of life with you,
But it is not a journey that you have to carry me through.
We will put on comfortable shoes and make our way together,
And we'll prepare for obstacles, challenges, and unpleasant weather.

I have been here before, and I see that look in his eyes,
The corners of his lips curl down and he feels the need to apologize.
I don't need an apology, or for you to change who you are,
Let's enjoy our time together and have a cigar.
The universe granted us to cross paths for a reason,
So please enjoy the warm weather with me this season.

There are so many beautiful sights out there,
I don't care what we do, or where we go, we can go to Times Square!
As long as I am by your side, and you love me,
In the purest and passionate form, it would make me so happy.
Put the other headphone in and listen to this song,
I think now that you better understand me, you can do no wrong.
I put my pen down as we listen along,
I dedicate a playlist to him, filled with love songs.

I have been here before, and even though my pen is down,
It seems that I cannot and will not stop expressing love.
Dahlia Jan 2020
I've been here before, but not like this.
You've brought upon feelings that I've begun to miss.
Despite the struggle with my darkness and its abyss,
You empower me to fight with my claws and intimidate with my hiss.
You fill me with tender fondness, delicate bliss,
And when I close my eyes, I dream of your sweet kiss.

I've been here before, but in a different light.
You've brought back colours in a world black and white.
Hushed exchanges in the stillness of night,
Whispering sweet nothings that fill me with delight.
My soul burns with a fire that only you can ignite,
Enveloping me in a glow that radiates immensely bright.

I've been here before, but not quite this way.
You've brought back the excitement that comes along with play.
Wolf and kitten, in a game of predator and prey,
Stern commands that we both know I won't obey.
Unless you call me those names that make my knees sway,
Oh, yes... I’m drifting... drifting away.

I’ve been here before, but I am wary.
You’ve made me feel things that are real, and it’s scary.
But I will not dig a grave for my feelings to bury,
As they are sweeter than my favourite chocolate-coated berry.
You’ve been patient and have never made me feel secondary,
Yet, I remain conflicted to this day, and it’s the 5th of fu cking January.

I’ve been here before, but not this afraid.
You’ve lured me out of my hiding spot and its comforting shade.
Your dedication is unwavering and with me it remained,
Your fascination and curiosity for me never faltered or decayed.
The darkness that found home inside of me, its bed it had laid,
Clouding me with fear and doubt that hurts more than any blade.

I've been here before, but not this conflicted.
You've got me hooked and mindlessly addicted.
My mind warns me of allowing these feelings to go unrestricted,
Knowing full well that my heart will be afflicted.
It is ready to say, "I told you so, just as I predicted!"
But.. what if it doesn't happen the way I had depicted?

I've been here before, but not this deep.
You've made me smile, but also made me weep.
I don't have the bravery needed to take the leap,
I’m afraid of heights and this cliff is just too steep.
It takes immense strength and willpower to upkeep,
That I do not yet possess, so please let me go back to sleep...

I've been here before, but there is some hope.
You've made me ponder of crazy ideas, like to escape and to elope!
But marriage? Six babies? Nope. Nope. Nope.
Please take it slow, so that I can actually cope,
As the leap I fear to take is off a dangerous *****.
But I can’t just sit around and cry and mope,
Rather find easier ways across, maybe some rope?

I've been here before, but I like you.
You've been there for me as my feelings flourished and grew.
I asked you to be patient for a year or two,
And I still need time for my courageous breakthrough.
I want to be someone you'd be proud to stand next to,
That is not me currently, it may be sad but it is true.

I’ve been here before, but never like this.
My heart longs and aches, for you I will miss.
You envelop me in adoration, I smile as I reminisce,
And hush the butterflies that soar with every kiss.
I sigh and swear there is nothing better than this,
And when I close my eyes, I dream of Paradise, our world of bliss.
This piece is a follow up of one I previously wrote titled I Have Been Here Before.
Dahlia Jul 2019
Am I all that you think about?
While your hands search for me in your bed, now a familiar route?
All that’s left behind is my scent that lingered in your room,
And a red lipstick kiss mark on the mirror in your bathroom.

You deeply long for me when I'm out of sight,
And then you ask me if I want to come over for the night.
You love the way I look during the late-night hours,
With fading makeup after our long and steamy showers.

Your unwavering gaze watches my shoulders glistening,
And I furrow my brows and wonder if you're actually listening.
You become mesmerized by the way my lips form words,
In our late-night talks until we hear songs from morning birds.

You find comfort in my loving embrace and affection,
But your eyes remain fixated on the curvature of my complexion.
Especially when I wear my garter belt with the strap,
Your mind wanders to what is in between my thigh gap.

Sometimes you are lucky, sometimes not,
Depending on how gently you tease and caress my soft spot.
You like it when I want it, when I want you,
When my gaze invites you closer with only one eye blue.

My sweet scent fills your nose and lungs,
And you can almost taste me at the tip of your tongue.
My breaths become deep and slow,
You watch each exhale as they leave my torso.

But our exchange is interrupted by a cigarette
Being held between lips that glossed shiny when wet.
The cherry burns as bright as your desire,
And all you want to do is quench your own fire.

The last remaining evidence of me is that lipstick-covered ****,
And the window I left open and didn't completely shut.
There aren't any clothes that you can smell or hold,
But you search for me anyway in the room now dim and cold.

You look at your phone as it's almost night again,
And find yourself thinking of me more than every now and then.
You start to miss the familiarity you've become used to,
And you wonder if I know or even have a clue.

But I am a quiet passerby, barely leaving a trace,
Yet you can't stop thinking about caressing the side of my face.
My presence is mysterious as if I were a ghost,
Yet I am the girl that you think of the most.

You can't get what you want because I won't let you have it,
You want me to yourself yet refuse to be honest and admit.
You are left wondering what it means and what we are,
But I love the chase and the progress we've made so far.

The next time you see me, your heart skips a beat,
And we later find ourselves tangled in your bedsheet.
Our bodies unify as you gaze into my eyes,
Then watch as you make my back arch for the skies.

We collapse together and drift into a dream,
Until you open your eyes to the same recurring theme.
You search for me on the other side of your bed,
And find nothing but a few strands belonging to a redhead.

Am I all that you think about?
Dahlia May 2019
Happiness and love; two emotions that you allow me feel,
And by tending to our flower, your true feelings will show and I will believe it to be real.
I wish not to ***** you with the thorns that envelop and protect it and me,
Because you are sweeter than the precious nectar that is created by a honey bee.

The petals of our flower will burst into bloom with sunshine and rain,
But we must remember to protect it dearly, through harsh weather and life’s pain.
We are two gardeners, working together to nourish and cherish this beautiful flora,
And have to remind ourselves to stop and enjoy the magnificence that is within its aura.

Do not rush, for it takes many moons for our flower to grow,
We must give it the nutrients it needs, even through the soil down below.
Its roots are intricate, and like a heart’s arteries, it pumps to sustain,
With life-long willingness and genuine curiosity to  be a part of this world, again and again.

I hope that you continue expressing admiration for the grace and beauty in our rose,
For it feels blessed to have your support and adores every part of you, from your head to your toe.
Push past society’s views on beauty and what it means to love someone,
You and I define those things ourselves, it is not dictated by just anyone.

Let us continue to encourage our flower to grow and blossom,
I know that, just like you, it will be amazing and awesome!
**Our Flower (By Him)**
I was foolish to have thought, so carelessly of this precious flower.
I can only stare at this screen and feel silly, and maybe a wee bit dour.
This passion and energetic energy that filled my heart, blinded me to the truth.
It demanded the flower grow larger and faster, but it certainly doesn't take a sleuth,
to know that flowers don't work this way, and neither do relationships.
That these things take time, a truth I learned thanks to the gentle words passing from your lips.
You have spoken of gradual adoration, and I hope by holding your hand in mine,
that we will make this flower bloom together, into something wondrous and fine.
I will spend each hour of every day, ensuring it receives absolutely tender care,
for this flower of ours is very precious to me, for it is something truly rare.
So, I will wait as long as need be, and tend to each petal as my dearest duty,
for I know this journey won't be too hard, being in the presence of such a wonderful beauty.
Lastly, I understand the trepidations that you hold, of breaking my heart or fracturing your own.
Rest assured for I want you to know, that my love for you is set in stone.
Dahlia May 2019
I have been here before, and with this same pen, I express myself through words.
To better understand myself, and to avoid being misunderstood.

Some call it bewitched, but I call it love.
There is an emptiness in the freedom of being alone,
And liberty in being caught in that divine spell.

The day that I stop writing love poetry is the day that my pen's ink will run out,
Along with my sense of connection to humanity.

Love is hard, and so difficult to describe,
Too complex to express simply by stringing words together.
Yet here I am, trying over and over,  
Always feeling limited, unfulfilled, unsatisfied.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I have been here before, I am comforted by love's familiarity,
Its pleasant tenderness, shining like rays of sun, enveloping me in warmth and sincerity.
Its floral fragrance in the form of beautiful golden sunflowers,
Bundled with red ribbon at the stems, followed by conversations that go on for hours.
Its sweet taste in the form of kisses, followed by more and more and more, all over my cheeks and face,
Until there is not a spot that his lips have not touched, and then I point lower, to a different space.
I want more but I am too timid to say,
But my flushed cheeks and smile gives it away anyway.

But, I've also been here before, reminiscing on this familiarity,
I am then reminded of the heartache that follows, and I get a sense of polarity.
The shattered promises of forever, and the final goodbyes,
The returning of sweaters that smell like him while holding back desperate cries.
The empty and cold interactions as he shuts the door behind him,
The sinking loneliness as I stand in the room that is now increasingly dim.
The racking sobs as my heart begs me to stop doing this to myself,
So, I take the thought of love, lock it in a box, and put it high on a shelf.

But, I have been here before, knowing that I cannot stop,
Love is embedded deep inside of me, it is not something I can just drop.
My heart knows how capable I am to feel such raw emotions,
It flows gracefully through me, and soars with plummeting waves like the ocean.
My heart demands to spark a flame in the one who ignited such feelings inside of me,
It longs and yearns to douse them with love and unwavering loyalty.
It demands to be expressed, through every form of self-expression that I use,
Whether that is poetry, painting, music, whatever outlet I choose to let loose.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I have been here before, trying to express my feeling of love.
It is difficult and frustrating, and most attempts are ripped apart and disposed of.
I have been trying to describe love for years, and still feel unsatisfied,
The countless filled notebooks are evidence of all the times that I have tried.
I cannot find how to put it simply but in a beautiful way,
I write about it for hours and hours, from night until day.
I want to be cherished for not only who I am, but who I was, and how I came to be,
So instead of writing about love, I will write about how to better love me.

I have not been here before, so I will take it slow,
If it helps you better understand me, please let me know.
This is for you, if you want to love me,
It is complex and it may not come immediately.
Please understand that it will take time,
For you to love me the way that I need, this is not just a rhyme.
This is new to me, I have not been here before,
If it makes you see the real me, for you I will write more.
I have not been here before, but I am still using the same pen,
If you follow my trail of disorganized thinking, please nod every now and then.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I am honest, and I will never lie.
I want you to be my best friend before being my guy.
I want to build a sense of familiarity -- to know about you and your life.
I want consistency, continuous communication, so we can avoid all strife.
I want passion and longing, the magnetic pull between our lips and bodies until they unify.
I want "I love you"s to be meaningful, not fillers to be thrown in when our conversation dies.

He must know that the "he" in this story, could also be a she.
My ability to love isn't limited by appearances that fade with time, life’s bittersweet guarantee.
He must know my personality, my strengths, goals, hopes, and dreams,
And when we fight, he must remember that we are not on opposing teams.
He must know how to support me and my life goals, how to motivate me,
When the coldness of the world frightens me, and I search for ways to escape reality.
He must want the best for me, for me to be happy, even if that is not by his side,
If we realize that we are not compatible, or our relationship makes us feel unsatisfied.
He must know my weaknesses, my flaws.
My tendency to push away when I am overwhelmed, and how to find the probable cause.
He must know that though I love to care for others, I am not great at caring for my own body.
My self-destructive nature has a story of its own, and it is not shared with everybody.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I have been here before, and with the same pen, I try to help him understand me,
I have been fighting my demons for a long time, and I can't remove the shackles that would set me free.
He feels a need to fix me, as if I were a broken wine glass,
I tell him to mind his footing, bringing attention to the pieces he should avoid and overpass.
He thinks that sweet words could be the glue to adhere my shards together,
And praises the curvature of my body, accentuated by a jacket made of leather.
He believes that he could love me more than anyone else has, and by doing so, he would mend me,
I quietly sigh, close my eyes, and slowly count to three.

I have been here before, and with the same pen, I try to make him see,
My broken pieces are not mean to be picked up by fragile hands, nor by anybody.
He learns this when the sharp sting of glass runs along the tips of his digits,
He realizes that the scars on my fingers were from all the attempts I made when I felt brave and ambitious.
Trust me, I have been there before -- I know how much it hurts, I do not want you to share my pain,
I know that I am a sad girl, but still some happiness remains.
I want to embrace this darkness, my ability to feel emotions so immense,
My dear, there is no need to put your fists up in defense.

I have been here before, and I watch him try to fit the pieces together,
But they are sharp, merciless, and weigh much more than a feather.
They are not a puzzle, they do not even fit me anymore,
But he becomes increasingly frustrated, exclaiming that this is more than he asked for.
I try to make him understand that they do not define me,
I only want them to be a visual for my story, I do not need them to be complete, nor to feel free.
I want him to see my past and my struggles, laid on the table,
Only then he will know how intricately strong the roots are that ground me and keep me stable.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I have been here before, and I don't feel like rhyming anymore,
It took me a long time to understand myself and what I stand for.

The shattered pieces that lay before him are all of the times I've lost a piece of myself;
The innocence that I clung to for so long and had to drop in order to survive and adapt.
The ideologies of supportive families, shattered by abusive alcoholics that no one questioned.
The expectations of loving and supportive friends, broken by betrayal and abandonment.
The life that I once knew, had to leave behind, and the shock that crackled my perspective and forever changed me.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I have been here before, and with the same pen, I try to reassure him,
But he is drowning in my sorrows and has forgotten how to swim.
He feels a need to scare away my demons, and cure what plagues my mind,
He becomes frightened by my pain and wants to protect me, so he covers my eyes.
But my self-destructive nature was never his job to correct,
I try to help him understand that I am grateful, I never meant any disrespect.

I have been here before, and with the same pen, I try prove that I am his equal and that we are the same,
I am not expecting him to be anything more than he is, I am not a helpless dame.
But he feels that it is his duty as a man to complete me, to support me, to give me a reason to smile.
I put down my pen, and and stare into his eyes for a while.

Though I may be broken, I am complete on my own.
The only support I want is holding hands as we walk side by side, not in the form of you carrying me.
Our world is beautiful enough to make me smile, I only want to enjoy it alongside you.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

But, I have been here before, and I have been through all that.
For 24 years actually, so that makes me stronger than you.
I am better equipped and more than capable to deal with certain things on my own,
These pieces are not even a part of me anymore.
My demons do not need to be slain by a knight in shining armor, because they are more afraid of me.
They know what I've overcome, and know that I will not take **** from anybody.

I've been here before, and with the same pen, I acknowledge my strength,
I've rebuilt the walls of my wine glass exterior with precise width and length.
I designed them using the knowledge that I have gained from my hardships and where I went wrong,
I shaped and molded them with the experiences that have taught me how to be strong.
And I placed seeds that blossomed when nourished by my own self-determination,
I spent many years adding to my durable and unbreakable flooring and foundation.
I painted the walls crimson red, and hung golden accents on the ceiling,
And laid mats to meditate on when I am hurting and need healing.

I have been here before, and I've created this for myself,
I will invite you in, if you'd like to see it for yourself.
I am strong, I am intelligent, and I hope to be more brave,
But I am a lover and a fighter, so please don't think that I need to be saved.
I want to share this beautiful experience of life with you,
But it is not a journey that you have to carry me through.
We will put on comfortable shoes and make our way together,
And we'll prepare for obstacles, challenges, and unpleasant weather.

I have been here before, and I see that look in his eyes,
The corners of his lips curl down and he feels the need to apologize.
I don't need an apology, or for you to change who you are,
Let's enjoy our time together and have a cigar.
The universe granted us to exist alongside each other, and we have crossed paths for a reason,
So please enjoy the warm weather with me this season.
There are so many beautiful sights out there,
I don't care what we do, or where we go, we can go to Times Square!
As long as I'm by your side, and you love me,
In the most pure, raw, and passionate form, it would make me so happy.
Put on the other headphone in and listen to this song,
I think now that you understand how to better love me, you can do no wrong.
I put my pen down as we listen along,
I dedicate a playlist to him, filled with love songs.

I have been here before, and even though my pen is down,
It seems that I cannot and will not stop expressing love.
Dahlia Oct 2017
Trying to fall asleep in a room whose windows I can’t open
My legs are tickling with jolts of energy that I’m too tired to put to good use
Or use at all
I’m this room, I waste so many days
Wishing, wondering, longing, yearning for better things
But I’m getting too familiar with this feeling of unsatisfactory living  
The disappointing drop in my stomach of what could’ve been is just getting old now  
It’s making me mad, how did I let it get this bad?  
I’m tired of it, it’s exhausting my drive for life, or for anything really
It’s all I’ve ever known, it’s the only forever that I’m used to
But it’s okay,
β€œI’m just tired.”

It doesn’t matter what they all say
β€œYou’re beautiful the way you are”  
If I don’t feel it myself, there is no point
My body is supposed to be a sanctuary, a place of love and care
But the only thing that I’ve done is slice the walls that holds it together
Feed it what it craves instead of what it needs
Force it to endure emptiness, refusing to give it its necessities
As if that would make anything better
But I swear when I look the way I want to look, I’ll feel so much better
If I don’t feel beautiful, your words mean nothing to me
But it’s okay,
β€œI’m just tired.”

It’s true, I’m tired to my bones
My mind has been exhausted of feeling this way from long ago
I am 22, but I don’t feel nor look it
I have skin that sags, lines that are wrinkled, and features that I shouldn’t have to worry about
At such a youthful, fruitful age
I’m supposed to be at my prime, I’m supposed to feel free
But I’ve never felt so caged, so afraid to be me
Afraid to step into the spotlight and show myself to everyone I meet
Because maybe there’s a love handle that’s hanging out of my jeans
I don’t need encouragement, I don’t need positivity, I don’t need you to tell me I’m pretty
I need money and independence and drive
That I can’t seem to get because
β€œI’m just so tired.”
I am tired.
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