maybe you should stop
overthinking so much
and trust the way
life happens.
things change.
every year you grow
into someone else.
every year you have
the opportunity
to start over and begin.
to rise and face the world
the way that you want to.
take this with you,
you beautiful human being…
don't be afraid to fail.
don't be afraid to fall.
don't be afraid to get your heart broken,
and don't be afraid at all.
the fear is in your head.
the doubt is in your heart.
and regret survives in the memory
that is, if you feed it—if you
give into it.
so please,
before you go…
overthinking is a self-inflicting act.
it is suicide, the doubt of self,
the tragedy no one understands.
it is instant death
without lifting
a single sword.
so don't give in to it
you know you are
than that
and capable of
so much more.