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Aug 2016 · 234
The Fall
Louie Aguinaga Aug 2016
You were the tree and I was the leaf,
You came in at night like a thief.  
I would be with you for an entire season.
Then blowing away for some reason.
Your branches growing up, my leafs falling down.
You reaching for the sunlight,
Me falling to the ground.
Your base so solid, with strong roots,
I would just get picked up, by someone's boots.
I was a part of your life, for a long while.
Then I would just blow, from mile to mile.
Maybe in time, I will blow by again.
And in my veins, you will see my grin.
Until that day, stand tall my friend,
This is just goodbye, not the end.
On your branches, more leaves will grow.
And away our memories will blow.
But know you were the beginning of something great.
And that this is probably just our fate.
So stand tall my friend, and grow to the sun,
For now our time is done.
Aug 2016 · 380
Never Alone
Louie Aguinaga Aug 2016
I hope the lord, he gives you strength
The time to get through this will be in length.
But know alone, on this road you will not be.
Cause around you, there is great company.
I know that life is not always fair,
That some times these crosses, to much to bear.
Know that the people around you will help you carry that cross,
We will stick with you like like trees to moss.
We will be here with an ear to bend,
We will be by your side, to you we will tend.
We will be here to wipe those tears,
To hold you and to calm those fears.
We will go through this as a whole,
We will all burden, part of the toll.
We will hold your hand as you cry,
We will will be there to wipe, below your eye.
The tears may fall, but never hit the ground.
For with this family you have forged,
We shall always be bound.
So please don't fret as this journey begins,
You are surrounded by a loving family and great friends.
Written for a friend when we found out her father was diagnosed with Alzheimers.
Aug 2016 · 172
Rear View
Louie Aguinaga Aug 2016
There are flashes of you that I get from time to time.
Usually there's no reason, usually there's no rhyme.
Maybe something I smell or something I hear,
Maybe it's just me looking in the view, rear.
Although I have said my last goodbyes, somethings still linger,
Just can't quite point it out,  just can't  finger.
Like they say, its not that I lost you, more that I had you,
Made too many wrong decisions, hurt you many times too.
I hoped by now that these thoughts would cease,
That maybe In time, I would find peace.
Not the case as I have found,
To you, our memories, I'll always feel bound.
I know that we will never be again,
But every once in a while, when I think of you, on my face will be the largest grin.
Not because I lost you, but because you gave me the time of day,
I was the luckiest man alive, even for that short stay.
Aug 2016 · 219
The Beast
Louie Aguinaga Aug 2016
I dream from time to time of a fresh start,
It's been some time, since we did part.
Lately, you have been on my mind,
Wish the hands of time I could rewind.
I know that no poem or words could take away all of the hurt and pain,
All that I have crushed, on my mind does not wane.
Knowing we already said our last goodbye.
It doesn't mean that I can't try,
To tell you how sorry I am for what I have done.
This has been weight on my shoulders, an infinite ton.
But you don't feel that weight until it's released.
You never know your strength until you have conquered the beast.
I've seen your face many times in my dreams,
That's all they are and so it seems.
Time hasn't done what it's says, heal,
Through my head, you travel like a movie reel.
There are some many things I want to say to you,
So many words, I'd talk until I'm blue.
I would give anything to just hear your voice one more time,
I'd give up the world, to call you mine.

— The End —