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Feb 2021 · 102
An elderly woman, growing more frail, needs help to shower lest she tumble and fall.
We need each other.

An 89 year old lady living alone,
Needs help with laundry and taking the garbage to the bin.
She who is bent over and thin.
We need each other.
A recovering **** addict needs his wife to hide the T.V. remotes,
Lest he relapse and hurt himself and her by falling into sin.
We need each other.
An insecure, quiet woman needs a word of affirmation,
To remind her of her identity in Christ.
We need each other.
A homeless man just needs a dollar or two,
To survive even one more freezing night of minus twenty-two.
We need each other.
A child needs a hug and a bedtime story.
Just a few minutes of busy mommy or daddy’s time.
We need each other.
A teenage addict needs someone to listen,
Someone to care.
Not judge them. Just be there.
We need each other.
A grandpa and widower just needs a phone call.
A crippled woman needs a prayer.
A pastor needs a scripture verse from a parishioner to calm his fear.
We need each other.

God has created us. To need each other.
And to need.
God bless and keep you all safe. Keep writing! ✍️
Jul 2020 · 56
In these uncertain times.
In these days when the world is shaking.
In this season when hearts are quaking with fear.
Of Covid-19.
I will take refuge in Christ my Lord.
I will cling to my Rock.
I will abide in the secret place of His tent.
Where I am safe in His embrace.
I will behold His face.
While around me.
The storm rages on.
Rages on.
Here I’ll stay.
Sheltered in His arms.
—-fellow poets, if any of you would like prayer, I am here for you.
Mar 2020 · 59
When All Is Stripped Away
Pestilence. It stalks in the day. It haunts at night.
In envelops the world in fear.
It strips away all the dross, all the sand of this earth.
So that only the Rock remains.
So that only the precious remains.
With one another.
And most of all.
With God.
Our Creator.
Oh, that souls all around this globe would call out to You, dear Lord!
Call out to You in repentance.
Call out to You to save them.
Lives built on sand are being washed away. Washed away...
You are the only Firm Foundation.

Jesus, as I examine my own life,
I see all the places where I too have built on sand.
The sand of material things,
The sand of my job,
The sand of my vanity and talents,
The sand of temporal relationships.

All is being stripped away.
Stripped away.
In the face of this deadly pandemic.
All is stripped away until only the firm foundations remain.
Dearest Savior, You alone are my Rock and my Firm Foundation.
I cling to You.
I rest in the shadow of Your Wings.
When all else.
Is stripped away.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. That whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16.
Call out to Jesus. He is the Only Hope for this world in the midst of Covid-19. He is waiting to save you, to love you, to comfort you. The time is now. Love and prayers to you all.

— The End —