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Willow Rae Dec 2017
No matter how many times
my mind says fat
I will not skip a meal
Because this body
My body
Deserves to be taken care of
It has held me when no one else would
It is the only home
I will ever truly know

No matter how many times
My mind says ugly
I will never not stand up for me
Because this body
My body
Has not used me
Abused me
Has not once let me fall
When I needed to run away

No matter how many days
I wish I had ended it all
I will not open my skin
I will not betray
this body
My body
I will take care of you
Scrub you clean of the smell of smoke
Replaced with sweet oils
Clean skin
And a touch of honey

This body
My body
Never asked to be tormented day and night
How could you say such cruel things to a human being
You are disgusting
for abusing someone's body like that
Truly heartbreaking
Oh wait
there I go again
Willow Rae Dec 2017
Your exsisting
Is worlds more beautiful
Than I could ever hope to be
Willow Rae Dec 2017
i know you're falling
Im falling too
every inch of my body
wants to run and catch you
yet i stay
that was another life

— The End —