You don’t love me
You haven’t even met me
You can’t love me
You’ve only seen me in parts
It’s not your fault
Yellow me can be so loud
I like her most
She floats through life like a game
She made me friends
Nice and easy to look at
She is simple
You’ve probably met red me
I can’t hide her
If I tried she would riot
She’s a leader
Motivated and spunky
A trailblazer
She’s new in my life, for sure
I’m glad she came
Perhaps you’ve passed by purple
She’s a bit odd
A writer, a romantic
She's writing this
She sees everything we do
Through rose glasses
She wants beauty in all things
She keeps searching
For some higher meaning
Purple is naive
Though I fight her blue seeps through
Too many see her
Blue builds up til she breaks out
She weighs me down
She is guilt, self doubt and tears
She’s pitiful
I despise her, but she stays
Blue seeks escape
Few have seen the storm in me
Gray is vicious
She's erratic, she destroys
She's hardly seen
Those who have wish they didn't
Gray brings torment
Even I cannot love Gray
But Gray is me
No one has loved all of me
So why would you
Now before you profess love
Please, remember
You can't love just one color