Dripping tears painted the canvas of our sweet goodbye
Lolling in the meadow sleep with the sirens songs of lullaby
Timeless gap and distant draw a smile to a face of an ending
Empty promises fulfilled the yearnings of a new beginning
A heart coated with a deadliest among the seven deadly sins
To hide the weakness and a weary affection that shred blood in veins
Drowned in the ocean of haughtiness and let myself sinked down
Waving my arms and swim away no lend hand has been found
Heads up at the vastness of a night sky
To wish upon a falling star no harm if I try
A silent screams in the midst of my lonesome night
Suffered in sleepless nights with no good but it feels so right
Our book of love criticized with its imperfection
Fond adieu sealed the story of our found affection
An urging reconciliation coax inside and it *****
A fear of opening once more a Pandora’s Box