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201 · Sep 2014
Late At Night
Nomad Sep 2014
Later and later,
the time passes now,
the night was young, I feel alive,
and now it's approaching,
the time of 5.

Insomnia has a way
of twisting time,
all it does is steal
your mind and all,
it's such a blasted crime.

So late at night,
I leave my eyes open
just like my window,
letting my mind,

Let it go,
to where it wants
confusing myself with dreams of the day,
to things I know.

Late at night,
I toss,
and mumble,
I let my brain rattle off what I want and need,
and let my stomach grumble,
for want of even just a small seed.

Late at night,
I think,
about them,
my friends,
my family,
about all of them.

About her.

She fills my mind,
she makes my teeth,

Well. She's there now,
she's in there to stay,
she let's my mind,
be at ease.

She's an angle,
if only mine to hold,
she probably could be,
would be,
if only I was so bold.

Let me sleep,
oh mind of mine.
Let me stop
these writing of lines.

Late at night.
200 · Jul 2014
To A Child
Nomad Jul 2014
To a child
I am an adult
I'm someone they should trust,
I'm someone they can come to,
especially when they must.

I have to be vigilant,
and always be of good cheer,
because I can never know,
when I need to lend my ear.

To a child,
I'm a super hero,
I'm the monster of the city,
I'm whom ever they need me to be,
even when they're being silly.

I'm someone they look up to,
when they're feeling down,
I've got to be ready,
to play the happy clown.

To a child
I'm the words,
that they need to hear most,
to chase away the monsters,
and to catch up all the ghosts.

Their past may come to haunt them,
their mistakes have got them crying,
but yet afraid to make a sound.
Well I hope that I'll be there,
for even just that moment,
I'll put away their fears and worries,
as soon as I come around.

Because to a child I am much more,
than just another face,
I'm an adult,
who troubles their troubles, and then I give chase.

So to the child,
of any age at all,
I must be ready,
to catch them
when they fall.

From 1 to a 100,
man or lady both,
they tell me their little secrets,
and I ask,
"Wanna go catch some goths?"
200 · Apr 2014
Nomad Apr 2014
Can't we just have
A little bit of honesty?

Surely needed,
need it we do.
But always hard to be asked from
from me and you.

Try as we might,
we still want to be right,
we'll not lie down, not without a fight.

Truth will hurt, more times than not,
but truth be told, it's the truth we forgot.
196 · Sep 2014
A few words
Nomad Sep 2014
A few words to you,
reader of the deep
the dark
the blue.

A few words,
is all I ask
a few words
will do.

You are loved.
Know this.
Because these are
my few words,
from me
to you.
192 · May 2014
To Me
Nomad May 2014
She is
the world,
my everything.
From everything I do
and in my very breath.

She's there
for me
My eventual death.

She. Is mine.
To hold and cherish,
since I first stepped up to her maroon red door,
to the ring of promise upon her finger,
a promise to hold her,
and only her,
and forever more.

She is,
the girl I've known for too many years,
but not enough yet,
she is the one,
that I've had my heart set

She is the young lady I knew
since she and I
had went to school.
She sat in every single one of my classes,
funny how that happens,
and how she makes the time worth stretching,
as the hour signals as it passes.

The hours becomes days,
days weeks, weeks, months into years for me,
but with her, I don't care,
I'm with her, and she with me,
even unto eternity.

The Lord has blessed us with such a fantastic view,
and we always be sure
that He gets His due,
though we could never thank him enough,
for sticking us together,
even through the rough.

To me, she is
my all in all,
my everything,
she's the one
that I gave...
I gave my ring.

I love her
and always have,
always will,
even when
the world shall
forever stand

Still she is to me,
187 · Jul 2018
Now I Know...
Nomad Jul 2018
What the songs of Solomon meant
when he sang the songs he made for his lovers and wives
a touch so unique, a touch that changed lives.

What it feels to be loved
but still feel so empty inside
like giving your keys to someone else
and you're just there for the ride.

What it feels like to be needed
but if only for a moment longer
to have that moment of ectasy
but couldn't feel any
187 · Mar 2014
To my Dear
Nomad Mar 2014
To my dear, my love, and my life,
to the girl that I hope, will one day be my wife.
‘Tis Valentine’s day again, and I answer the call,
I present to you, pure and simple, my heart all in all.
Look well my dear, and hear it’s drumming,
it sings a song, a love song for you, for you it is humming.
I’ve kept this aside, for you my dear,
because when I’m with you, with you I have no fear.
I walk chest out and chin up, because I’m a lucky *******, that I am,
I have you and you have me, anyone else I could give a ****.
‘Scuse my language, I know you hate it so,
But I think it’s about time I showed the world how far our love can go.
Through the stretch of time and space, out to eternity,
God knew, it had to be just you, just you for me.
He sent you down, to meet me here,
My skies were dark, cloudy and all, yet you came with the sun and made it clear.
Your eyes shown, they pierced through it all, the gloom and doom.
You danced into my life and then it was just you and me, dancing in that room.
You led my feet, you held my hand, you kept my eyes, you heard my cry,
you told me to stay and I did, where you went so did I,
where I went there you were, right by my side.
I’m so lucky to have you, here in my life,
so here’s to the girl that I hope, will one day be my wife.
186 · Apr 2014
Nomad Apr 2014
Remember what it's like?

To lay down in the sun?
Just knowing, that for a moment's rest, that even this you fought and won?
The soft smooth blanket, of warmth upon your skin,
the great warm feeling, simply settling in.

Then came the breeze, and how it soothed the small little scorches,
it almost made you feel, like back on the ol' time porches!
And how the two came together, fit hand in hand indeed,
then you cracked a smile, allowing rest and sleep, to proceed.

Alas, the rest was short, however long it actually was,
before you heard the commotion, and stirred to the buzz.
No one around, your secret little haven, your shrine, your own,
but felt a slight shiver, a shiver to the bone.
A storm was approaching, and fast it came too!
You were a bit ways from home, and didn't know what to do!

So you ran towards cover, the rain began to pour,
it was a shame, and a blessing, it was only nothing more.
So you ran towards a tree, not knowing where else to go,
but you weren't alone as you thought, little did you know.

The first thunder was heard, and you already soaked wet,
I can remember it now, you would blush if you saw yourself that day I bet.
The next clap came loudly, a flash through the sky,
that very tree let loose, a small boy who then on the ground he'd lie.

Well we gave each other quite the fright,
you yelled, if not screamed, quite loudly, at the rather odd little sight.
I backed up fast, as to not scare you more,
only to hit the very tree, that gave me that painful sore.

The rain is still coming,
there's no where to run,
thankfully for us,
it was a friendship, just waiting to be begun.

180 · Mar 2014
A Question & 20 Seconds
Nomad Mar 2014
Will you be mine?
They said take 20 second of courage, and try it out,
they said take a risk, make the jump
so they yell, so they shout.
Will you hold my hand?
You say you’re hands are cold
and you always want them warmed by me,
so hold my hand
put your hand on my heart, and feel the beat.

Will you dance with me?
May I have this dance, the dance with you and you alone,
I have never felt such joy, such exhilaration, such jubilance
I felt love, right down to the bone.

Will you be mine?
I’ve asked it once, and I’ll ask you again,
I love you this much and more
will you be mine, from now to the end?
If not, then no pressure, we can call each other
just friends.
180 · Apr 2014
A question.
Nomad Apr 2014
Should I ask her? expected more?
178 · Apr 2014
To be Done
Nomad Apr 2014
To be done,
what a day that'll be
to be done with the battle, the war,
to see the shining sun.

Oh what the feeling will be
when our jobs are done,
what it'll actually feel like to be loved by someone.

But alas we fighters,
we believers of truth and the right,
we fight the fight, and aye! What a good fight!
Just imagine!
My brothers and sisters! Come one and come all!
What a day, a marvelous day! When enemy death and sin takes their fall!

To be done...
how glorious, how wonderful, how...
how would it feel to be done,
done with it all.
174 · Mar 2014
Stand, Child.
Nomad Mar 2014
Once a day,
we go to say.
Once upon,
a long long time,
we gave our friend our only dime.
Today we are,
but mere mortals of our sins.
We've corrupted our child,
the one we hide within.

No more, No more!
I say to this day.
No more, no more
I shall take my stand!
I shall join my friends, under the splendid sun,
together, hand in hand.

Together! Together!
Shall be the cry!
No more shall we work just to die.
Now we shall enjoy the finer things in life,
before we have lost it all, to trials and strife.

Child in me, such woe has he.
Let this be no more a plea to you,
then it is a question for forgiveness, only to me.

So let it happen that whatever may come, in fury and storm,
let it be that should it come by words or by stone.
Let it be known, that I will never
Ever stand alone.
172 · Apr 2014
Nomad Apr 2014
never never
never fear,
don't you worry
for I am here.

For you
and you,
and you alone,
I'm here for you,
so you'll never be alone.

Never ever,
ever fear,
for only for you,
I'll call you,
my dear.
169 · Dec 2017
A World
Nomad Dec 2017
There's a world,
that you'll never know
if it's only to
the little i-phone's you all go.
You stick your nose
so close to the screen,
it's so small, that tiny thing
yet some how when you have it,
you're never to be seen.
Your eyes, and smile,
have gone from this world.
You've traded a life
for a shelter for all the feelings and turmoil you squirrel.

What kind of life is that
living in constant fear and misery
what kind of life is that
making sure everyone knows about me?

I'm no saint,
no farther from the truth could that be
I just think there's a bigger world out there
for me to live in
for me
to see.
166 · Mar 2014
The Fleeting Years
Nomad Mar 2014
Friend, wait for me, and I’ll wait for you.
Friend, will you be there, whatever I do?
Friend, you say.
Will you stay?

Lover of my heart, there are no words for me to start.
Lover, I love you so, through happiness and woe.
Lover, I say to you, I say again
Will you be mine to the very end?

Child, sit down and talk to me.
Help me understand what you see.
Child, a perfect parent I’ll accept I am not.
But don’t put yourself away to rot.
Child you are not without mistakes,
Child you must learn if you give, they will take.
Let this lesson, child, always you learn be
Whatever happens, you will always have a family.
166 · Apr 2014
One of these Days
Nomad Apr 2014
One of these days,
I'll tell you how I feel
One of these days,
I'll find out if its real.
One of these days,
don't know when it'll be.
One of these days,
I'll ask you to be with me.

One of these days in years yet to come,
one of these days, I'll talk to your da and mum.
One of these days, on a mountain side or cliff or the sparkling sand,
one of these days, I'll nervously ask, ask for your hand

One of these days.
To be continued.
162 · May 2014
One more time
Nomad May 2014
so much and so little,
how we play out the strings,
like on a small fiddle.

The tune is sweet,
some times it's abysmal,
it's a love song, but a damning riddle.

Ah how it plays with us,
saying we have plenty,
only to find, how fast it fills,
even when we're still empty.

what a wonderful,
precious thing,
we always need more,
when we just need understanding.

Time well wasted,
is when i'm with you,
time elsewhere, with others, oh it just wouldn't do.

So here I sit,
far across the room from you,
how much time have I wasted,
not knowing what to do.

Just want,
one more time.

Before we leave.
162 · Apr 2014
The Words
Nomad Apr 2014
That aren't said,
mean the most.
For when misinterpreted,
the love you once knew,
will be nothing more than a ghost.

If not already.

They're all used up,
to the point of exhaust.
Thy're said to the few,
but too much,
and is lost.
161 · Jul 2014
With the Wind
Nomad Jul 2014
With the Wind,
as it blows and tosses your hair,
it whispers and giggles in your ear,
without letting you know
that it's there.

It's forever travelling,
around the world of Man,
so much faster than,
and bullet can.

Let there be some sort of understanding,
between us my friend,
as we listen to the laughter of the wind,
as we run with them for they are innumerable.
Take my hand and run with me,
don't mind the ground,
I promise that it's stable.

But with the wind,
it has no set path,
there's no rhyme or reason,
and it can't be solved with simple math.

It is an entity,
all by itself, [themselves?]
raging as it will,
and forgiving when it wants,
always there,
that sometimes taunts.

I'm afraid you'll lose me yet,
as I run with the wind,
as I try to free myself,
running from my past,
knowing, between the wind and I,
that I have sinned.

With the wind
you'll find me,
my name in a mere whisper,
the air that we breath,
brings me that much closer,
133 · May 2014
To Us (Final)
Nomad May 2014
"I maybe away
But I am sure
Even when we’re far apart
Distance can never change
The love I have for you
that’s In my heart.
131 · Apr 2014
Nomad Apr 2014
Is being wasted.
So don't.
Nomad Mar 2014
Forever and a day.
That's what I'll always say.
Don't worry I won't change it, no way, no how because
I haven't then, why would I now?
But I must ask you, and you alone,
because I'm inviting you in and I'm letting myself go,
to call one another
to each, our own.
So let me ask, I know I shouldn't, are you right?
Am I the one you want to be with, for forever and a day?
To hold and to cherish, to do just as we say?
Because Forever is a while, believe me, I'm sweating (ugh),
because I want to know, just on what are we betting?
Is this a gamble, because we're so naive?
That one day it'll boil over, and one of us will just...leave?
You said to me once, "Why are you so committed, you and your ****** loyalty."
"Quite frankly my dear," I said with a pause, "Because I don't want you to ever be lonely."
So think a while about our small promise to each other, when we were young and free.
Will you, and are you, ready to spend forever...
with me?
Traditional Marriage
What it should be at any rate.

— The End —