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Nov 2017 · 138
Where is the justice
Walter ortiz Nov 2017
A nation where the people “elect” their leaders just  so the leaders can ignore their people...
Nov 2017 · 109
Walter ortiz Nov 2017
Setting my stubborn ways aside I’ve come to understand I am not always right. Room for knowledge is infinite.
Nov 2017 · 758
If I don’t grind
Walter ortiz Nov 2017
If I don’t grind.
My son don’t eat.
If I don’t grind.
My son will struggle to land on his feet.
If I don’t grind.
My family will go through a winter with no heat.
If I don’t grind.
I settle for defeat.
If I don’t grind.
I’ll continue to be underneath.
If I don’t grind.
I won’t live a rich life.
Time with my family and enjoying the beauty of life without a worry of anything being mentally and financially secure is my view of a rich life.
Nov 2017 · 156
Walter ortiz Nov 2017
That bone chilling feeling you get when you remember one day will be your last day.
Nov 2017 · 119
Walter ortiz Nov 2017
How can someone settle in a world you only see once.
Nov 2017 · 139
Walter ortiz Nov 2017
A nickel can’t love a dime. A dime can’t love a nickel.
Nov 2017 · 120
Walter ortiz Nov 2017
I have the most warmest, coldest, darkest, brightest heart.
Nov 2017 · 147
Money in exchange for time.
Walter ortiz Nov 2017
Hours and hours of our own time spent working for money. Just so we can spend it in a matter of seconds.
Time is value.
Nov 2017 · 227
My pride and joy
Walter ortiz Nov 2017
Everyday that goes by I notice the progress I make, the people that act fake and the strength of my faith. I’m a young father, to some that brings regret, to me it brings pride and grind. Jayce Anthony is my pre-workout boost, adrenaline,  motivation and my entire life. With him I will achieve everything and anything I put infront of me. One thing I will always preach to him is to be anything he desires to be. Once he took his first breath he took mine away. His daddy’s hand is one thing that he’ll have in his life to stay. When there’s a cub around there’s a momma bear but don’t ever sleep on the daddy bear.
My blood acts like family, not that fake ****.

— The End —