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Walter Dec 2019
She was a princess
who ruined my castle on the hill
A long ago before these stories were told

She was so gorgeous
and so perfect
before that wave took her underneath

It was getting dark
without any flash of lighting anymore
A thousand people on the dead floor
were got together for some more
More softness of her own
However they were captivated for a long

There's kingdom all alone
It took five days to mourne her until the sun's rays shone into the farewell hall

There was a hope
There was a love
This was everything of hers
tragically was given to inconspicuous and sickly man
who barely held the ancient sword in his ****** hands
Walter Dec 2019
I won't believe it again,
because what your words are being rude.
And I won't believe it again
because you made your decision once and firmly on your own, without opening up her real soul.
And time after time you will talk about unity,
but what is the point of it when we are burned together about our lies?

I'm nobody's. Not yours, but not hers anymore.
I'm alone. I'm free. I'm lonely.
you won't believe me once again,
but you'll tell me in no hurry that the goal was the unity,
the unity of peace of mind that went away so ironically with the next day.

Years go by, seasons change, but your firm foundations all gravitate our souls.
It's been a long time since the upper chambers,
You can't prove anything else to them,
I can't believe again that the war between you two is still so strong.

The outcome was somewhat sad:
Having gathered the troops a little more, you went at each other, but in short, none of you won,
you only sank deeper into your own lies.

Once again, I won't believe that in life you love today, tomorrow... and there's no end to it, friend.

И снова я не поверю

И снова я не поверю,
потому что твои слова грубы.
И снова я не поверю лишь потому, что решение ты приняла единожды и твердо, не зная истины души ее.
И раз за разом твердить ты будешь о единстве, но в чём смысл его, когда мы вместе обжигаемся о нашу ложь?

Я ничей. Не твой, но уже и не её.
Я один. Я свободен. Я одинок.
И снова ты мне не поверишь, при этом скажешь не спеша, что цель в единстве то была, в единстве душевного покоя, которое так иронично ушло с приходом следующего дня.

Года идут, сменяются сезоны, но устои твердые твои все тяготеют душу нам.
Сложились уж давно палаты заверховья,
Им ничего ты больше не докажешь,
и снова не поверю я, что война между вами все еще так сильна.

Итог был несколько печален:
Собрав войска чуть с палец больше, пошли на друг друга вы, но словом, никто из вас не одержал победу,
вы только глубже затонули в собственной то лжи.

И снова я не поверю, что в жизни так бывает, что сегодня любишь, завтра...и нет дела с концами, друг.
it's unfinished. so that's what i got
Walter Dec 2019
He was keeping on fighting till the end.
There was the battle he wasn't ready for
The battle that his fire went out.
His soul also died there.
Keep on believing and waiting.
You know he will never come back anymore.
He left you but there is still his shape on your mind.
Meanwhile you saved his voice and a smile in heart of yourselfs.
You couldn't dare such memories more for preserving.
You're walking the canvas with your hand, painting the things you want to see
He's love of yours
The sould that used to be yours
Dead and lost,
Wandering among millions of them,
Keep calling him for the burning pain,
You're never gonna see him again. Nobody in this devilish world is interested in your feelings and feelings left on your mourned deathbed
Look how beautiful you are,
And what can you bring
A new toy is in their hands,
A toy in the hands of his enemies.
Time's running out,
Your struggle is coming to naught,
You're losing yourself and your last breath,
the last moments, you're with him,
You're not meant to be in this world without him, either.
Walter Dec 2019
Бьется он до конца,
Битва, к которой он не был готов,
Битва, где потух его огонь,
Там умирает его душа.
Продолжай верить и ждать,
Сам он не вернется никогда.
Свой образ он оставил в голове у тебя,
Голос и улыбку сохранила ты в сердце родном,
Больше воспоминаний ты не оставила себе,
Рукой ведешь по полотну, рисуя желанное
Он твоя любовь,
Твоя некогда душа...
Погибшая и потерянная,
Бродит среди миллионов таких же,
Продолжай звать его от боли жгучей,
Его тебе не суждено увидеть больше
Никого в этом дьявольском мире не интересует твои переживания и чувства, оставленные на оплаканном одре
Смотри, как прекрасна ты,
И чего ты можешь принести,
Новая игрушка в их руках,
Игрушка в руках его врагов.
Время идёт,
Твоя борьба сводится на нет,
Теряешь ты себя и последний вздох,
последние моменты, ты с ним,
Не суждено и тебе остаться в этом мире без него
Walter Dec 2019
She's been dancing all alone as long as
I've been watching her from behind.
Perhaps, I'm already in love with her, maybe...
I was a ghost
who literally followed her
as soon as she captured my heart for ages
Don't tell me that's crazy
when everything is possible in this world
but you don't want to admit it, and neither do I.
And now we are here
somebody will definitely judge me for what I am gonna do, I know
but the room is so empty and dark
and I can't stand no more
Let's keep this midnight dance between us, darling till you are gone
I can't give you anything else
because everything that I own is my heart for you
It's incredibly painful to see how the dance is fading away when the suns rises up
Can you see it?
She's been dancing all alone as long as
I've been watching her from behind.
Perhaps, I'm already in love with her, maybe...
But I've made all this up.
Nothing's ever happened.
And you're the one I made up
unfortunately, I never got to let you go.
Walter Dec 2019
Let the fire burn down this place where I am standing right now.

If you look behind me, there is  something but emptiness will surround you from head to toe,

it is the emptiness, which has completely overshadowed you now.
Yet you hold your gaze steady, unbridled, proud.

What do you want to see  in the  creation of the night?
Come on, there's no sweat, but you're weak...
And I ask you to put away your hand, which is burning with fire,
lest the light of your eyes go out,

and the world is completely darkened in the darkness as I am.

Пусть горит огнем это место, на котором я стою.
Ведь если ты взглянешь позади меня, нечто иное как пустота, окружит от головы до ног тебя,
она же, пустота, затмила полностью тебя сейчас.
Однако взгляд ты держишь стойко, неопустошенно, гордо.
Что хочешь ты увидеть в создании ночном?
Хватит, сметенья нет, но ты слаба ,
И руку твою, пылающую огнем, прошу убрать, чтобы не погас свет твоих очей, и мир не погряз полностью во тьме, какой являюсь я

— The End —