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2d · 19
WCV 2d
Today I drank from a coffee cup
That I used to use when Skyping...

The Memories came flooding back
Turning the past into today
Erasing the present, sending me to my room
To call Her, as if nothing had ever changed.

But, of course, it had
Which would explain
An un-glanced upon Skype
And these words of un-rhyming verse.

After all the years, and so-called healing
Memories, like daggers, fall into emotive flesh
Reopening former, now unforgotten wounds
To remind that "Tis better to have loved and lost,"
Is just so much bulls**t.
Jan 16 · 33
WCV Jan 16
When I'm reading, simple 80's pulp,
Not interacting with the inexplicable,
People and places I do not, cannot get,
Wrapped in a past, I can call my own.

Sensibilities change, subtle and great,
Left behind in the slumber of years,
Awakened to find myself alone, adrift,
With only the fading shores of memory,
Waiting for my craft to sunder and sink.

Connection a dream unreachable,
I pick up a book filled with yore,
Finding myself among friends,
As untouchable as I've become.

Awaiting our ignoble and unnoticed end,
I contentedly sigh, knowing in all the flux,
There's at least one thing we can count on,
That time and tide carry us all to final rest.
Dec 2024 · 279
WCV Dec 2024
She's ever there, giving me pills
Counteracting the harm I inflict
Left to my sickness, inviting vices
Contentedly providing to my ills.

I am conflicted, addicted to the ledge
She draws me back in, back from my sin
Back to center, well away from the edge
Her love taking me, silencing life's din.

Saving me from myself to be part of us
When all she needs is there,  in herself
Life's invite in her name, I'm just a plus
Living or dying contentedly on a shelf.

She wants me around, my lady she does
Her clown, her friend, her lover, her man
Wanting me in the to be, the is, and the was
Wanting me, and why, I'll never understand.
Nov 2024 · 56
Dry Tide
WCV Nov 2024
History teaches, preaches pain
Brilliant hesitant beginnings
'Pon familiar field, hand-in-willing hand
Unclasped, re-found ghosting refrain.

Rebound, and try again.

Old school thoughts, like a turned off phone
Time shared, time spared, an understanding,
New and well worn words, natural flow,
Memories of a growing mutual Spring.

Recount and return to Sanctuary.
Nov 2024 · 58
WCV Nov 2024
Five short years till officially 'senior',
Not meaner, but contemplative...,
With far more behind than ahead,
Showing age with a slower way to live.

America voted itself into a future cinder,
Politics into fists, the new Left and Right,
The lonely mingle desperately on Tinder,
From a hammock's view (comfortably askew),
The coming days look contented and bright.

Neither ready to die nor fearful of leaving,
Recounted days, and all the winding roads,
All that led, all that is, all that still could be,
Worry cannot goad, with wonders yet to see.
Oct 2024 · 50
Passed Tense
WCV Oct 2024
It isn't you who left, but the one you were
It isn't I left behind, but the I that was
Forced or chosen, divergent paths appear
From ones that were, to those who will be
Who could fail to understand or forgive?

We were then, what we are not now
Their joy and pain, not our own
Their story over, our own just begun
Lessons learnt, tears and old skin shed
On divergent paths, made anew.

Each of us now what we were not
Tomorrow what we are not today
Who you know, whom you care for
Say Good-bye before Hello
Understand, and love them for the day.

We are but chapters in the Book of Others
Others but chapters in our own
Each our own journey from was, to am, to will be
Another’s presence a great and temporary loan
Each gifting a new perspective, a new way to see.  

Allow the You That Was to give thanks
And let the You That Is move on
Heartache is not the result of an ending
But the by-product of expectation.
Inasmuch as an amateur can say they have a 'signature piece', this is mine. Written and posted here years ago under a different name at the beginning of my realized 'Zero' phase of existence.
Oct 2024 · 52
Cigarettes and Words
WCV Oct 2024
Songs, tunes of love found
Poetry, dirges of love lost
Song sung voicing the joy of life
Verse voiced decrying the cost.

Mind and heart in need of release
So much to say, already said
Light a smoke, mull intention
Write the words already read.

Love of peace in a place alone
Only the self to comfort or abuse
The price of sanctuary it seems
No one but the self as a muse.

Still, the personal's out for all to see
The hope, to strike a chord
An original way of an old thing to say
Salve to the broken, spark to the bored.

Light up another, a sip of a drink
Letting the feeling's feel
The difficulty, putting emotion to word
When feelings have lost their appeal.
Written two years ago, just rediscovered. Everything old is new again...
Oct 2024 · 48
There, there
WCV Oct 2024
A simple conversation, a simpler request
Be there, doesn't have to be every day
Just enough to know that we might care.

Expectation free, or as close as we can come
Free to be ourselves, together or apart
No set time or date, simple math to an easy sum
Just know you're not alone, no cost to your heart
All without a subscription fee.

You set the pace, we'll set the level
Let the detailing devil sort the rest
You be you, I'll be me, all for the best,
As fate and time shows if there's a we.

A simple conversation, an even simpler request
Take me at my word, or see a web spun instead
Trust in the simple, or assume Future's cruel jest
The latter her choice, my social life once again...
Commentary, not sadness. The upside to loving time with yourself, your pastimes, your dogs, and your life of safe simplicity.

— The End —