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Mar 2017 · 594
Remember son.
The eye that sees, always cries.
The mouth that speaks, often lies
the smile of many, is to insist
on making you believe, that trust exists.
Pay attention, my beloved son:
use the body to stay, the spirit to run;
the courage to breath and wisdom to earn;
the power to conquer and mistakes, to learn.
You'll need lots of mistakes, and the worst defeat
to command the wind and bring the sun at your feet.
You'll need to cry rivers to make your ocean vast,
then talk nicely and smile to bring fish to your nest,
so that the shark that's inside you can feed with haste,
and you will grow bigger and wiser than the rest.
But remember one thing about your ocean creation:
the tears you use must all be yours,
so that while you build your castle, you'll learn all its doors.
Though beware of smiley friends and Mother Temptation.
‘’She has some blood
in her pale hands
that flows down softly
from her veins,
it flows on her fingers
then it goes down,
with little drops
to hit the ground.
She’s surely dead,
and I’m amazed
to see such people…
Getting their life erased,
without even getting that
they have just deleted
all they ever really had ‘’
I was cursed with wisdom
from the moment I was born
in this shiny and deadly prison
which they all call it ‘’the world’’

since the day I’ve learnt to know
I aimed to buy back my freedom
the price was high, and tended to grow
it’s a greedy and corrupt kingdom

They all asked me for money
and I offered them my gold
they said it has no value…
I said ‘’it has more than you can hold!’’

I just wanted to leave this madness
before time ends, and I’m too old
and stop to breathe this blackness
this sadness, rust and cold.

Now, I’m old and careless…
and I’ve failed my very goal,
but you my son, do not be reckless,
chose faster, live mindful and take control.
Gold = wisdom
Apr 2015 · 494
Enigma's paradox
Is the person on the other side of the mirror wondering who I am?
Am I just a color, a shape, a mere reflection of an other man?
Yet I think, I dream, I exit, but I feel that my job is just one…
To serve my real me, and appear on the mirror whenever it is time.

What if none of us is a real person, and we are simply the same
we both reflect each other’s reflection, a never-ending game…
So who is the one reflected by both sides? Someone he must be,
and if it’s not you, nor me, it’s just another refection, but this one, is free!
Today during my meditation time, I've been watching the mirror for 1 hour, and asked myself many questions in the meanwhile, gotta say it is a creepy thing to do,worth it tho!
A burning shadow follows you,
made of sorrows and regrets
at first unreal, now so true…
placed like billion spider nets,

it keeps you stuck ,so you can’t move,
meanwhile it burns you to the ground
it just wants you to approve
to admit it’s real, and yell it out

it consumes your soul
and drains your essence
leaving only blackish coal
making null your very presence

It has been cast from far away
and her mother’s name is Vengeance
this curse will eat you day by day
this my dear, is your death sentence.
Apr 2015 · 718
-Dæmonium amoris-
I love how your perfect lies
hug imbecile people's lives
and how your pure madness
is used for soul's caress

but the thing i love the most
is your pretty and deadly note
that you deliver with your smile
which dooms everyone with style

our demons should be friends
and play together till it ends
and once it ends, it should be us
to stay together and discuss

about your icy and savage eyes
about what you love and i despise
or simply, we should watch the sky
under which we used to die

you, hundreds of years ago
me not yet, maybe tomorrow
still, i promise that i will
since there is a kiss i must fulfill

may your thoughts about me
never leave you till I'm free
and may you please understand
its not my fault, its how Time planned.
A dream of future, Anna i'm coming for you, darling.

— The End —