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Violet Lundy Oct 2011
We will deign on rose petals as silence suffocates us
Yet we will not whisper, nor will we weep
We must enjoy the last breath that’s ours to keep.

Dead in the heart
Dead in the soul
Because you won’t pay death’s deadly toll!

Grave robber, grave robber,
Please leave us our thrones
Lest we gnaw on our own finger bones.

Rub mud in your eyes;
It won’t make you see
Soiled and blind is all you can be.

Don’t you ever come,
Cry and plead
I’ll give no more answers, guaranteed.

It was all for you
That we sacrificed our life
But please go on and cause more pain and strife!

I have the army
But you still denied
That you continue to fight for your pride…

Twisting, choking
Bruising, burning
Pushing, biting and finger-turning.

We’re the Olympians
Daughter and Son
Hear our mute roar and in terror; run.

Flee in the night.
Rob our graves. Run.
You coward, you fool. You exodus of one.
Violet Lundy Oct 2011
You’re packing your suitcases
To see places no one’s seen
Go visit heavens where no one wants to dream

Nothing can stop you now
Bound by the damage on your limbs
There’s no guarantee you’ve got a fresh life that begins

I’ll remind you as your hand rests on the door
Only cats have nine lives - but you never cared
So you think you’ll push things that no one has ever dared
Violet Lundy Dec 2010
I once knew a man called Joy
We met when he was but a boy
He was merry as can be
But his chin was soon whiskery
He wore a red plumed hat
With a matching cravat
His pants were green and fluffed
Tucked into boots all scuffed
We had a cheery life together
No man could have ever been better
But soon he was far older than me
Eye to eye we could not see
His laugh lines got all baggy
His skin turned grey and saggy
It breaks my heart every day
Remembering what he did say
We were walking through a grove
Between the trees we strode
Under one he sat to rest his head
Looked about him and happily said
“This is more beauty I have ever seen”
On his face the light shone green
That was the last time I saw the man
“Please do not leave me!” I began
But it was too late and he was dead
Ever since I’ve felt nothing but dread
Violet Lundy Nov 2010
There is a face
That lingered
So constantly
Her name
was Cindy
I thought at first
She wanted to help
But now I see
That she hates me
‘Purge it!’
She screamed
Standing over me
I obeyed
Since it was all
I was capable of
She told me
She loved me
When I looked
In the mirror
She revealed
My hideous flabs
Bulges and bumps
And was encouraging
When I tried
To banish them
But then
After a time
I realized
That face
In the mirror
Was only me.
Violet Lundy Oct 2010
I see them twirl while giggling
On the leaves in the faerie ring
Flashes of root-noses and solid black eyes
Their jolly music is a human’s demise

With the yielding moss beneath my feet
I watch one of them take a seat
His robes are the colour of lead
A crown of berries rests on his head

Silver hair framing a young man’s face
My breath is gone without a trace
A challenging glint in his gaze
I’ve been standing here for days

A round emerald face appears
With glass teeth the fey leers
Sweetly it kisses my hands
And I leave the human lands

Into the circle I carefully trod
I nearly walk on a stray sod
He cackles and beams up at me
Beneath the cover of a willow tree

The sky is a vivid violet hue
And I am lost to the view
Creatures dance all around
I now know their sound

Skipping feet stuck on a tune
This is how I met my doom
Forever I am left to dance
And live a perfect romance
Violet Lundy Sep 2010
Angel trumpets pour out blessings from their jail of vines,
Graceful beings so lovely they needn’t dress to the nines,
Breathing stone elephants batting their eyes dark and grand,
Vast windows are thrown open looking out at distant land,
Hues of purple and shades of pink distort the midnight sky,
At the center of the room stands a twisted bonsai,
The warm breeze carries the many natural perfumes,
And the masquerade tramps in wearing outrageous costumes,
Flamingos and candles in unison glide across the black lake,
Not one diamond star shall the reflection dare forsake,
The finest wines and bolstering laughter are enjoyed together,
Whilst people reminisce and gift one another with white heather,
You shall be my mighty King and I’ll be the Queen,
Arm and arm or dancing only will we be seen,
I’ll make sure there is no rip or doubt in any seam,
Please darling won’t you join me in this fragrant dream?
Violet Lundy Sep 2010
Come in through the backdoor,
Enter this house of stone,
Ripped apart by cold war,
You dare invade this combat zone?

Now do you see the vampirism?
Eating away at us all around?
We’ve as many faces as a prism,
Can’t track ‘em with a hound.

Free us from this mighty sin,
Speak the deplorable word,
Cry out over this potent din,
Command the theater of absurd.

Watch them fall; all crumbling,
Into a dismal dust,
Hear the end of grumbling,
Leave only yourself to trust.
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