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May 2019 · 247
Cog In The Machine
Nick May 2019
A souless cog turns,
Along with the other,
Never questions why,
Does as its told,
Continues to revolve,
Even as rust sets in,
Making movement improbable,
With a little grease,
This tiny gear,
May move,
When a machine breaks,
Many cogs cease to exsist,
May 2019 · 139
Burn It All
Nick May 2019
Have you ever just wanted,
To watch it all burn,
Turn to ash and crumble,
Incinerated into nothing,
So something could begin,
Flesh, bone and sinew,
Turns to dust,
Concrete and wood,
To ruin,
Lonely towers of rust,
May 2019 · 107
Nick May 2019
The passage of time,
Eludes us,
Yet we run headlong,
In an ever flagging motion,
To attempt to catch it,
To hold onto moments,
Otherwise forgotten,
The test of time,
A test we all,
May 2019 · 124
Nick May 2019
In any given moment,
Just a few of the many,
In an instant,
Like a wildfire,
To he snuffed out with logic,
Other than to maintain,
Mar 2019 · 184
Life Part 2
Nick Mar 2019
Life begins,
Repose witholds,
What darkness,
May lie within,
In the ins and outs,
Without a doubt,
Trends to be followed,
Jobs to be gained,
If only to begin again,
Different choices,
Same routes,
Surviving without,
Another clout,
Choices made,
Without a thought,
Without a care to be wrought,
The wrath of life,
Has been unleashed,
Coifed in sorrow,
And dismay,
To only sputter out,
At the end,
Of our days
Tell me what you thought of it. Leave a comment or something.
Mar 2019 · 159
Nick Mar 2019
My heart sings,
My heart bleeds,
Sabotaged by people's greed,
No chance to rest,
Time misplaced,
Tored of running in the race,
Fathoming sleep,
To each their own,
Sadness keep,
To be had,
To be lost,
To be bought with a cost,
Of our very soul,
Without a way to,
Fill the hole,
But with food,
And a toll,
Loneliness sets in,
On a whim,
To be there til,
The end
Interpret my words. Tell me what you think i meant by them, or just what you thought. Every emotion i have goes into my writting.
Mar 2019 · 162
Not Bliss, Not Blind
Nick Mar 2019
Feeling weak,
Any amount of "sleep",
Being meek,
No matter how long I'm at rest,
Having the world today,
Beat the **** out of Me,
Kick me down,
Then turn around,
And tell me not to frown,
I tell myself,
To drown,
Drown them out,
Ignore them,
But it gets worse,
Now they are yelling,
And im yelling back,
But they dont like that,
They want me to be
Another cog in their machine,
Of suffering and ignorance,
They want me to be
To not see,
To not question,
To not think,
I refuse,
Trying to stand fast,
But alas,
In my heart,
Through my stubbornness,
And perception,
I'll lose this fight,
The same way we all do,
By fading away,
At the end of our time,
Orchastrated or Natural.
Thinking about the world today, all its lies and secrets, and felt like writting something about it.
Feb 2019 · 172
Nick Feb 2019
There is people,
Ones that are alive,
And those that are dead,
Both of them are watching me,
That much can be said,
like a feeling of being watched,
But worse,
Only one side can be caught,
Both may lead to a hearse.
Feb 2019 · 314
Nick Feb 2019
Waking up alone now,
Not understanding what I did,
Getting used to it.
Feb 2019 · 462
Nick Feb 2019
A wild regrowth,
Spectacular blooming,
Fruitlimgs appear,
Sing song birds,
Fragrant flowers,
Pollen abounds,
Blistening heat,
Water droughts,
Water parks,
Tourists about,
Summers heat,
Begins to wain,
Leaves turn,
An orangy hugh,
Reds,yellows, orange,
Chilly weather,
Prepares for a slumber,
Death and repose,
Bare trees,
Animals sleep,
Snow falls,
Wind is cold,
Chimneys billow,
Black smoke,

As the seasons unfold,
So do our lives,
As or lives,
So does our destiny,
We are at one,
With nature,
With its cycle,

We are one.
Feb 2019 · 392
We Dare Not
Nick Feb 2019
We dare to do a whole lot,
To explore,
But not to satisfaction,
Only to convenience,
We dare not explore,
The deep blue waters,
Of our many oceans,
But why?
We dare not explore,
More of the Cosmos,
Too dark,
Not enough light,
Bit why not?
We dare not explore,
Our own minds,
From either a physical,
Or mental capacity,
Why not?
We dare not explore,
What a world,
This would be without,
We humanity,
As self-proclaimed,
Benders of,
Entertainers of such,
Of what could be,
Fall short,
Of our own,
For all that can be said,
Is that,

We Dare Not
Was thinking of why, we as a species havent progressed much since the dawn of the information and digital age coming about, and this was just some of the things whirrling around in my head. Enjoy.
Feb 2019 · 288
Goodbye World
Nick Feb 2019
Goodbye World,
I've enjoyed your Sunrises,
Marvelled at your sunsets,
Basked in your waters,
Danced in your streets,
Loved your forests,
Breathed your freedom,
Though I had all these good times,
I was suffocated by humanity,
Its non sense rules,
Its petty demeanor,
Its selfish tendencies,
And mostly worthless values,
But mostly,
Because I as a person,
Have so little value,
Just being me,
So goodbye world,
And thanks for your time
started to feel a little down in the dumps, and felt like writing something, a bit sad.
Feb 2019 · 150
Haiku For Your Thoughts
Nick Feb 2019
A man stands, Resolute, Firm.
The world tries to displace him.
An endless fight begins.
Just a quick Haiku.
Feb 2019 · 422
Wish For Fantasy
Nick Feb 2019
I have a wish,
For Fastasy,
To become reality,
From the days of old,
To the modern realm,
Whence there was a time,
A time of magic,
And mystery,
And all,
Where whimsy,
Was truly whimsy,
And not a game,
Not bound by rules with,
No sense,
I had a wish,
For fantasy,
When I was small,
To meet,
Kings and all,
Though I'm no longer small,
I still believe,
There is some,
It's inside us all.
I like Fantasy, I am also a firm believer in the Fae.
Let me know what you think.
Jan 2019 · 278
Whirrling Thoughts
Nick Jan 2019
The rage that swills,
The calm that falters,
Ever do the emotions alter,
Mad one minute,
Sad the next,
Daring to be vexed,
Depression rolls in,
On a stormy cloud,
Making it hate the crowd,
Petty problems all around,
Nobody's love to be found,
Chaos insues,
Emotions misused,
The mind strains,
Inner conflict reigns,
Clouds of doubt circle high,
While you just stand by,
Looking in,
Wishing I could be out,
Heard enough of this clout,
Need to feel,
But I rant,
They say let go,
But, I can't
Let me know what you think.
Jan 2019 · 1.6k
Corruption Kills
Nick Jan 2019
There is a kingdom that resides in the sky,
Whose cool demeanor hold all upon high,
There be darkness within these walls,
Shadows to cause all to fall,
King makes his decrees,
Assasins plan sneakily,
Bell of thunder,
Of loud dismay,
Upon this altar,
Demons will rise,
To waylay all plights,
With great surprise,
Then screams,
Innocence screams,
Terribly so,
But here comes the hero,
Bobbing to and fro,
Slash right then left,
Block left then right,
Sword clangs ring out,
Complete silence all about,
The darkness is dead,
Laid upon the battlefield,
All will mourn the lost,
Was it worth the cost,
Peace throughout the land,
The king rewarded the merry man,
With fire,
And a wooden stand,
Burned at the stake,
A heroic man
Let me know what you think.
Jan 2019 · 256
Nick Jan 2019
Life is love ,
Love is not life,
Full of emotion and inner strife,
Pain and longing go hand in hand,
And make a question of life's demand.


— The End —