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Vicki Kilgore Aug 2018
Some of the most beautiful women I know,
Are full of kindness and have a gentle soul.

The world says you have to be a model sort,
So you feel viewed as ugly, fat, thin, tall, or short.

These beautiful women I speak of have hearts of gold,
And a love that could never ever be bought or sold.

My wish for you all during the upcoming year,
Is you see your beauty we all love so dear.

Your worth is not based on height, weight, or looks,
Can’t be changed in a beauty shop or by reading books.

You do without so that others may have more,
Even when you are tired, weak, and feeling poor.

The world without you would be dark and cold,
True beauty is in those of you with hearts of gold.

Thank you for touching my life with a hug or smile,
For taking the time and always going that extra mile.

I love and cherish you all just as you are,
Beauty comes from within and yours is the best by far.

Vicki L Kilgore Dec. 22nd 2017

Proverbs 31:30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
Vicki Kilgore Aug 2018
Find the beauty and your worth deep inside your heart,
To enhance a relationship with the one you make part.

Actions speak louder than words you will surely learn,
Because love, trust, and respect must be earned.

No rush!  Take time getting to know someone well,
You don’t want a marriage that you argue and yell.

Always put God first and it will be blessed from above,
When you meet the right one you will feel the love.

Good times or bad you always know they will be near,
No matter your appearance they make you feel dear.

Love you can count on with romance full of affection,
No doubts ever that you made the right connection.

Cherish each other and give more than you take,
The bond will grow over time and never break.

A beautiful relationship so full of awe and wonder,
What God joins together no man can put asunder.

Vicki Kilgore Aug 2018
I don’t want to talk about your sister,
Nor hear about someone’s secret mister.

I don’t even care what your neighbor did,
Grow up and stop acting like a foolish kid.

They can dress in green and act like an elf,
I will not answer for anyone except myself.

You call on the phone to say did you hear,
When I say I don’t need to, I mean it dear.

Don’t stand on my lawn or lean on my fence,
Talking about others not there for defense.

I hear enough rumors on myself not true,
I realize I should never listen to anyone or you.

My children are older and out on their own,
At me cast no stone for they are now grown.

Rumors break my heart and make me feel ill,
Different strokes for different folks is free will.

I try to live my life like judgement day is near,
No need for gossip or lies bending my ear.

Heaven or Hell is right around the bend,
The one and true judge will rule at the end.

Do as you wish and leave me out in the cold,
At the pearly gates I desire to stand bold.

I pray those who feel they are above them all,
Our sins will be judged at the final curtain call.

We will stand one by one before the Master,
Pray for those that you feel their life is a disaster.

Vicki Kilgore Aug 2018
Blood is thicker than water as youth we were told,
But families are divided and their veins run so cold.

Funerals seem to be the only time they gather or talk,
Hard times are the only time on your door they knock.

From birth was taught family values and love implanted,
Feeling alone, unappreciated, and so taken for granted.

Could it possibly be they are feeling the same as me,
A visit, phone call, or text message could be the key.

They say I love you and to please call if ever in need,
Love from family is what my heart desires indeed.

Oh, how I miss my grandma cooking in the kitchen,
Always a blessing to gather and see everyone pitch in.

We shamefully have not carried on the traditions,
Of our loved ones gone before us full of ambitions.

Pride was instilled to honor thy father and mother,
To stand behind and support your sister and brother.

Neighbors and strangers did our family they make part,
Love not based on material things but from a true heart.

So get off your high horse and get over your ego trip,
It is time to pull together and bring back the kinship.

Love to you all and may you pick up the phone,
Don’t wait, they can not answer once ashes and bone.

Vicki Kilgore Aug 2018
Heartless people cannot be reached with words,
Tongue and actions are their sharpest swords.

They belittle and lie on those who love them most,
Starving for attention and themselves they must boast.

All that you do to love and make them happy is in vain,
They only want what they can get and leave you in pain.

Never seeing their own wrong doing they fabricate lies,
Saying things so untrue looking you straight in the eyes.

Watch out unsuspecting one for the lion is on the hunt,
It will not be long until someone else will be out front.

Hold your head up high for the story remains the same,
Only this time it will not be tarnishing your good name.

Warning to you all that have not seen what it can do,
Wild animals feed on prey and don’t care about who.

Lacking emotion will say the things you want to hear,
Getting everything wanted or they kick you to the rear.

Be careful and don’t judge the book by the cover,
It has been altered to appear as a wonderful lover.

Beauty on the outside but Beast to the heartless core,
Beware of both for they are working together to score.

Vicki Kilgore Aug 2018
Did you stop to think what it would do?
To your body and mind did you have a clue.

While you were high and speeding,
Family hearts were crying and pleading.

Please oh please stop doing the drugs,
A mother’s heart strings feeling the tugs.

Put it at the foot of the cross they pled,
All Satan’s deceitful lies filling your head.

Stop! Stop! What have you done?
What a tangled mess your life has spun.

On the news they told of a fatal drug bust,
Praying for all involved, In God I trust.

Not knowing where you are, where to look,
When the phone rang my body shook.

It is so hard seeing you in that hospital bed,
Monitors, tubes, and thankful your not dead.

Gunshot barely missed the main artery they say,
Time flashed back to watching you run and play.

Precious child how did we get here so fast,
Why can’t we start over and go back in the past?

Watching the clock surgery is taking so long,
Could something really bad have gone wrong?

The room is closing in and tears continue to flow,
Precious Lord the outcome only you know.

Hours go by with no news on your condition,
I prayed until I seen a smile from the physician.

It was God that spared your life he said,
When you arrived barely hanging by a thread.

I thanked the doctor and praised The Lord,
For your recovery we all prayed in one accord.

Second chances are not always given to all,
Search out Jesus and on your knees fall.

He has watched over you and saved your life,
It is your choice now to avoid the strife.

Jesus has a wonderful life for you planned,
Reach out to him as He embraces your hand.

Vicki Kilgore Aug 2018
When my heart aches and feels squeezed,
Choked up and finding it so difficult to breathe.

Causing my eyes to overflow with tear drops,
Do all I can, but the ungratefulness never stops.

I want so much to live a life of a virtuous woman,
It’s a daily struggle, forgive me Lord for I am human.

I beg You to reach out and take me by my hand,
Precious Lord take me to that glorious promised land,

I want to go home to no more sadness or grief,
Seeing those that have gone before will be such relief.

Not mine will be done here in this unforsaken place,
But, Your will that be done no matter the trials I face.

My plea is for those who use, abuse, and are so unkind,
You place a burden on their hearts to others not be blind.

I lack sympathy for those who choose not to live for you,
Forgive me Lord, help me to lead them for you to rescue.

Only in You will they be forgiven and find saving grace,
That is my precious hope before I depart from this place.

Give us all the love of our Father with eyes of a child,
So that unto others our temper and anger becomes mild.

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