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Vicki Kilgore Jun 2020
You can not keep everything bottled up inside,
Expecting others to understand all you hide.
Please speak up when a need you have got,
Shame not those by putting on the spot.

Pride and silence, no wonder so many can’t deal,
Maturity is so much more than paying your bill.
No place for shame in God’s purpose of your life,
So stop hiding and creating drama and strife.

Self inflicted most problems are made and arise,
Expecting others to understand your silent cries.
Don’t count on others to jump in like a boss,
Take it to God in prayer and leave it at the cross.

Hugs ...VLK
Vicki Kilgore Jun 2020
I cried today without shedding a tear,
because weakness you did not need to fear.
It was for you I knew I had to be strong,
please understand my list is long.

If you feel all alone and nobody gives a care,
try to carry burdens others struggle to bare.
Nobody is perfect and can do it all wrong,
please understand my list is long.

I want to visit and show love to all in need,
time is not always on my side to do the deed.
I wake with good intentions trying to be strong,
please understand my list is long.

Spread so thin and no time for myself,
I put all my needs at the bottom of a shelf.
Bouncing place to place I feel like a ping pong,
please understand my list is long.

Being apart does not mean I am not there,
Thoughts and prayers, I can do from anywhere.
It is in my heart where you will always belong,
please understand my list is long.

Love and Hugs….Vicki L Kilgore
Vicki Kilgore Jan 2019
Oh, how beautiful a Rose in full bloom,
Test of time brings forth decay and gloom.
Soft delicate pedals a delight to admire,
Conditions and time, radiance slow to expire.
It is the beauty that catches your eyes,
Similarity to Satan’s deceit and lies.
Stem and thorns are all that survives,
Same as God’s love and promise for our lives.
Temporary beauty could not sustain,
What protected it is all that remain.
The rose and I created by the same,
Uniquely molded to honor His name.
A mission for God our purpose to be born,
Look past the beauty and cherish the thorn.
VLK 1/3/19
Vicki Kilgore Dec 2018
I just thought when you were in diapers it was tough,
Very little sleep, spit up, bumps and bruises were rough.

Starting to school was like sending you to the end of earth,
You were all mine and I had never had to share since birth.

School days, learning to roller skate, all the ups and downs,
Ballet, tap, and jazz oh how beautiful on stage in those gowns.

We survived the teen years with just a few spits and spats,
What I would give to go back when we still had those chats.

Graduation and work…you grew up in the blink of the eye,
Loving, caring, nurturing to all, on you I could always rely.

Watching you grow and learn through the good and bad,
The hardest part of being a mom is when your child is sad.

Bundle of joy you brought into this world with a baby girl,
Blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes made our hearts swirl.

Hard knocks, broken heart, and loss of loved ones dear,
Opened the door to prescription drugs and family fear.

From being on top to popping pills and playing the game,
Joining the lies and deceit of Satan without knowing shame.

Stubborn and always taking much pride in all that you do,
Not understanding that this life you are in is not the true you.

You called and ask me to come and get you out of jail,
My heart fell to the floor and I stated, “I cannot make bail”.

A mother’s nightmare brought to real life. I can only pray,
You know how much I love you even though you went astray.

Shame is no where near my heart, your pain is mine as well,
Life so good before the pills turned your life to a living hell.

My prayer has and will remain that my daughter returns to norm,
I can’t fix what is done but I will be here to weather the storm.

I love you my precious girl unconditionally and without scorn,
Trust God with all your heart to save you from life tattered and torn.

We will be here through it all and anxiously awaiting better days,
It is all up to you now to take the steps and change your ways.
VLK 12/17/18
Vicki Kilgore Aug 2018
Clouds are racing, the rain is raging,
The storm moves in a war its waging.

Take cover and pray on your knees,
Protect loved ones Lord from falling trees.

Hedge of protection we do ask for all,
It is in Your precious name we call.

The sound of thunder approaches near,
Praying will reassure no need for fear.

I know that You can calm this storm,
Bringing everything back to its norm.

At its worst when it kicks up the dust,
Fully trusting in You with faith is a must.

Look at that rainbow high in the sky,
A promise as beautiful as a butterfly.

Thank You Lord for mercy and grace,
It was not our time to see Your face.

Vicki Kilgore Aug 2018
Keep your life simple and true,
Allowing Jesus to live through you.

Joy is a blessing counted at the end of day,
Never take for granted and always pray.

Caskets are not bank accounts in the end,
It will be left behind for others to spend.

Wealth is not counted by bars of gold,
It is the abundance of kindness I am told.

Angels unaware will be sent from above,
Jesus may be the one you helped with love.

Looks and money will exist no more,
Oh, how I look forward to Heaven’s door.

When we walk through the pearly gates,
Reuniting with loved ones will be so great.

Jesus lead the way to that promised land,
You purchased for us with pierced hands.

When I die there is only one thing I could leave that would bless everyone I know, can’t be money because it doesn’t reach far, can’t be materials things accumulated  because I have but little...It could only be my love for Jesus which is available to all  who call upon Him. Please don’t wait till I am dead to receive it, I would love
to see you enjoy it while I am breathing and praying.  VLK
Vicki Kilgore Aug 2018
Each night when I lay down and pray,
I thank God for another precious day.

Today my life or yours was not taken,
My faith is still strong just a bit shaken.

If I am blessed to wake in the morning light,
I will praise the Lord for another safe night.

Hedge of protection I pray over all,
That rest you enjoy again at nightfall.

May you enjoy the sunshine at daybreak,
Hedge of protection from any heartache.

May we appreciate and not take for granted,
All the seeds that God’s servants planted.

We are never promised another tomorrow,
So do not do anything that leaves sorrow.

Each day do acts of kindness with love,
So others see Jesus in you thereof.

Blessed tonight I lay me down to sleep,
Pray the Lord mine and your soul He keeps.

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