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Jul 2020 · 107
When I was a baby
Ryan McNeely Jul 2020
When I was a baby,
My first memory i ever had
Was a clear view of the galaxy
As blue, purple, and an odd shade of pink
Mixed together like watercolor
The stars created unique images against the blackness
And planets scattered across the canvas
And then there was a bright light
As if a star exploded and sent me into the world as if to say
“Go be something fantastic”
Next thing i could see was myself,
running down the foyer to send my sisters
Off to school,
In a red ladybug outfit, a three year old girl,
Who smiled and begged a woman,
My mother,
Who wears the sun like a hat
To go to school
She looked at me with a warm smile portrayed by the gods
Skin glowing almost angelic-like
And told me i was not of age
13 years later
I can vividly remember what that galaxy looked like
And how my mother glowed like a guardian angel
In disguise
Mar 2020 · 80
Her Kingdom
Ryan McNeely Mar 2020
She was quiet,
But she was always loud
Without a voice
But through her poetry
She ruled over
A kingdom.
loyal subjects
of her heart and soul.
and no one to tell her how to act
no need to pretend.
for in her kingdom
she wrote her world
Mar 2020 · 112
Ryan McNeely Mar 2020
Im rushing to write something
in the midst of my quarantine
no im not infected
or so nothing has been detected.
I do not feel ill
but here I stay still
stuck in the house
as the days come and pass
yet the sun shines brightly
and I hold on tightly
to the thought of roaming
outside, but not lonely
Mar 2020 · 73
Queen of Hearts
Ryan McNeely Mar 2020
She put her Heart
On the table
And folded her cards
And those who sat around
Played for her heart
Jan 2020 · 77
She Did NOT Need Him
Ryan McNeely Jan 2020
She sat with her head down low
and thought of how this should go
how she would look at him and say
how she loved him from May to May
and how she put her heart in his hands
and he dropped it in the beachy sands
buried for another to find
lost forever and said to be divine
a story of the girl
who loved a boy as though he was the world
and the boy was a torn stitch
unprepared to take the pitch
and its funny how love works
and the pain behind it lurks
as though a wolf in a sheeps skin
she said his love for her was too thin.
so she moved on and found a new home
in her heart and mind she made a dome
and promised to love herself in ways
he couldn't seem to love her in days.
Jan 2020 · 73
You Would Never Know
Ryan McNeely Jan 2020
I never thought id see the day
when id have to stand in front of you and say
how hurt I am, I felt betrayed
don't tell me you love me
my heart decayed.
I cried and screamed
and sometimes dreamed
of dancing with you,
to good, it seemed.
I sat in my room
my heart consumed
by the swelling pain
of a thing I assumed.
You lay with another
to careless to bother
of the girl who gave you
her heart to ponder.
Jan 2020 · 72
He said.
Ryan McNeely Jan 2020
he said,
lets not die
but say we did
and beneath those words he hid-
the lies and pain
and chuckled as though a kid-
who hurt the girl, he did
and flowers and moonlight
and money he bid
a goodnight
to the girl he hid.
Jan 2020 · 91
Ode To My Depression
Ryan McNeely Jan 2020
Oh goodness here you are again
Lurking be beneath the surface of my skin
Always there when I need you the least
Like karma, like me
You broke me and tore me
You are the starless and darkest nights
You are the shadow that followed me around
You are the demon that taunted me when I was alone
So here you are again
Sitting beside me as I write
Whispering silent nothings into my ears
My pain, my fears
You were screaming and begging
For me to allow you in
Saying you wouldn’t hurt me
But guess what…. You did.
I cried and you sat beside me
I tried to look to the light and you swallowed me whole
You want me dead
You’re in my head
And as I lay in bed
All you said
“Hey girl, look at you, broken and tired, there’s only one thing to do”
Look at me!
I’m finding light against your darkness
I’m finding stars in your black sky
And hey look at that, my shadow is me!
You are a creation in my mind
And my mind is my sanctuary
You’ll soon be a ghost
Right now you’re just a memory
But I know you’ll come back just like night and day
And sure you’re the night
But I’m stronger now
And I’m not afraid of the dark
So hey Depression
From here on out, you no longer look down on me.
I wrote this three years ago for the English class after my unfortunate ****** assault and this honestly keeps me alive
Jan 2020 · 74
Love is Blinding, I Know
Ryan McNeely Jan 2020
Love is not one
To be easily
Given up or forgotten,

Those you love
Are not those you
Fall in love with,

Sodden grapes get
No praises but
If you're looking
For raisins..
You've got to
get out of the game.
Jan 2020 · 74
When You Need Me
Ryan McNeely Jan 2020
When you're tired and looking for home
When your soul is so lost and alone
When your feet drag against the dry grass
And the birds have already passed

When the streets have started to frost
Or when you find yourself lost
Your life you can't bare
When you need me
I'll always be there
Jan 2020 · 85
New Years Resolution
Ryan McNeely Jan 2020
I have no resolution
When the clock strikes midnight
And 19 turns to 20
When the moon shifts slightly
Or the fire lights the sky in colors
Hiding the beauty of the stars
And how they dance
Or how the people scream of a
“Happy New Year”
As if to start a new beginning
And end a chapter of their lives
But little do the people, or the animals, and nature know
That a new number is not
Equivalent to a new life
There is no clean slate or new promises
But to only learn from your actions
Of the past year
After a long reflection
And break the barriers you oh so-
Sought after when you thought
The world was ending
Through grief and strife
I have no resolution
Except to accept the past
As it was
And create my own new chapter
At my own time
Not when the clock strikes midnight
Jan 2020 · 88
You Sang To Me
Ryan McNeely Jan 2020
You sang sweet
Songs under
Starry skies
And sweet love ties
I fell for you.
Your brilliant smile
So sadistic but
Hiding secrets
I could not discover
So undercover
Behind your disguise
And all your lies
I’ve found you.
Your bittersweet lips
And hands on my hips
You traced with your fingertips
The dips
In my back and all that i lack
You sang sweet
I was broken up by my now ex, after 2 years of perfection... and after he left I found out every bitter lie covered up between bittersweet lips dripping in honey
Dec 2019 · 107
Ryan McNeely Dec 2019
A lot like skydiving.
You take the jump,
Breathe in the adrenaline rush
As you head towards the vast plains
We call the grounds.
You see a grid of the world below you
The grasses and trees beneath your very being
You rush towards death.
You reach to pull the string
The lifesaver
The parachute
Being the idea of hope
However it does not open
It does not save you
As you hit the pavement
With brute force and feel your body,
Your heart
Scatter into pieces
You cannot put back together
Without hurting yourself first.
Ryan McNeely Oct 2019
A year and Nine months ago today.
The world I knew was torn from my grasp.
I no longer knew who I was.
And who i still am.
And it's not easy to get over
The man who fingered me
As if to scoop out cantaloupe seeds
And i try to understand why it still affects me
Why i can still feel him through all this time.
All this ******* time.
He told me he loved me
That no one could ever replace me
I was unique.
But honey laid on his lips
A sweetness
To mask the bitterness he had hidden
A bitterness i could never see.
To this day
I don't know who i am.
I only know my name.
Oct 2019 · 94
Once i had Thought..
Ryan McNeely Oct 2019
I thought that when I saw you,
I thought it was love at first sight,
But I was wrong.
It was youth and hormones,
Which brought you to lies,
And destruction of us.
And for that ,
You will never be forgiven.
But I want to forgive you,
To hold you and tell you its okay.
I thought that when I saw you,
I felt danger rise from the pit of my stomach,
and it told me to step away,
I didn't fall for you,
You pushed me.

— The End —