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Apr 2020 · 83
Another haiku?
Dumani Apr 2020
New life springs from the soil bed
The life cycle continues
Old life feeds the new
Apr 2020 · 100
Dumani Apr 2020
Why do you hate me?
Oh wait, yes, I remember.
You couldn’t control me.
Apr 2020 · 105
Before the fall
Dumani Apr 2020
A beautiful smile flashes in front my eyes, accompanied by deep rich eyes and a cute little nose. Her crazy died hair completes the look. Standing before me is her. I can’t help but smile, she’s my girlfriend after all. My grades are good, my girlfriend is amazing, I’ve got lots of friends. I looked up at the sky and smiled, I felt great I was genuinely happy. But that was before the fall. The wagon lay in the grass while my relationship hit the concrete. Scattered on sidewalk were photos and memories seeping into the cracks. Her heart lay broken in my hands, but the leftover pills in my pocket were undamaged. I downed them with no water, hoping they would do their namesake. “Why isn’t it working?” I thought, It hurt so much it felt like my heart was being squeezed, surely this was physical. But it wasn’t, all the pills did was put me to sleep. I woke up praying that it was just a dream.        But it wasn’t.
Drugs are bad
Apr 2020 · 65
When I needed you
Dumani Apr 2020
You hurt me. You abandoned me. You threw me away like I meant nothing to you. You meant everything to me, I loved you, I couldn’t go on without you. But when I needed a shoulder to cry on you weren’t there, so now I don’t cry. When I needed someone to talk to you couldn’t bother to listen, so now I’m silent. When I needed someone to hold me, you pushed me to my death; so now I push others before they have the chance to push me. You hurt me. You abandoned me. But that was when I needed you. Now, you mean nothing to me.
A piece about abandonment
Apr 2020 · 81
The immortal
Dumani Apr 2020
It sat on it’s throne reveling in everything it had acquired. Which was anything it’s heart could desire. A fleeting smile touched it’s lips, but faded just as quick. As the smile made it reminisce; about the days when it could get sick, when it’s bones were as brittle as sticks. Yet there was a bittersweetness to this, fond memories somewhere in the midst. Like it’s first kiss and even true bliss. Among these memories is when it began to see, everything that it used to be. It rose from its throne and paced up and down, as it’s mind was not sound. It evaded it’s biggest fear, but things still seemed unclear. And as dawn drew near, it shed a tear. It thought about those that it held dear. It though of all that are no more. And how it could never be at death’s door.
This is the poem I used in my invite request

— The End —