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Jul 2014 · 195
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
Every moment that we can steal
Takes my breath away!
Jul 2014 · 2.1k
You are... I am....
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
You are the sweetest person I've ever met
You are the cutest girl I've ever known
You are the most beautiful woman in the world
You are the sexiest woman alive

I am the luckiest man alive! 32
Jul 2014 · 268
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
It's unbelievable how just hearing your
Voice lifts my spirits!
Jul 2014 · 236
Random Dancer 10W
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
Won't you please be my beautiful random dancer in life? 33
Jul 2014 · 146
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
Every time I look into my future.
You're in it!
Jul 2014 · 845
Growing Old
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I never want to grow up, but I
am looking forward to growing
old with you.

I want to hold your hand into our 80s and love you and your wrinkles til the end of time!

I love you baby and can't wait til you are mine, in my arms every night! 34
Jul 2014 · 155
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
When I am in your arms,
It feels like home!
Jul 2014 · 188
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
When I see your beautiful face
Everything is just right!
Jul 2014 · 193
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
When you are feeling weak
Let me be your strength!
Jul 2014 · 152
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I live for you and
I would die for you!
Jul 2014 · 272
Why So Sad?
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
Lately I have been reading a lot of poetry and I noticed it's very sad
Full of sorrow and no hope for tomorrow

Then I looked at my poetry
It is so much different
My poetry is positive
Full of dreams and aspirations

I tried to make my poetry gloomy,
But I just couldn't do it
Why? Am I that limited in my prose?
Am I not as good a poet as I had thought?

Ahhhhh, I get it. The difference is Hope!
I have Hope in my life!
She makes me so happy that I cannot even utter a melancholy line, never mind stanza or poem
She has me so full of anticipation of our future together that I just write dream after dream after dream, usually smiling throughout.

Thank you Hope for limiting me in my poetry, but making my happiness limitless! I love you so much. You are the most amazing person I have ever met and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you! 35
Jul 2014 · 141
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
As soon as I wake
You are on my mind!
Jul 2014 · 188
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
You really have no idea
how much I love you!
Jul 2014 · 195
The Perfect Woman
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
The perfect woman doesn't exist,
The perfect woman for me,

YOU 36
Jul 2014 · 163
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I know I love you
Because I'd die for you!
Jul 2014 · 253
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
Make my life complete
Please say you will marry me!
Jul 2014 · 247
Everything I Do
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
Everything I do,
Reminds me of you

Every song I hear
Reminds me of our love

Every movie I watch
Makes me miss kissing you

Every meal I eat
Makes me long to share a meal with you

Every drink I have
Reminds me of the fun times we have shared

All of these things make me smile
Because I know we have a long future of sharing them all

Everything I do
Reminds me of you

Because you are my soulmate
I love you baby 37
Jul 2014 · 234
What I Love About You
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I love your soft kisses.I love your  gentle touch.  I love the way
you bite your lip.I love you soooooo much.

I love the way you look at me. I love the way you smile.  I love the way
you're shy sometimes.

I love it when you look at me, when you think I'm not looking at you.  You think I do not realize it, But really...I do.

I love how you bite your lip when something turns you on. I love how you shimmy your amazing body for me.

I love all of you. Your nose, your lips, your hair,  I love how you drink
Coke.  I will never stop loving you.

You are so amazingly sweet.
I love that I love you. I LOVE ALL OF YOU,You alone hold the key to my
Jul 2014 · 192
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I am so glad that you are in my life!
Jul 2014 · 150
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I'm in love with a girl
That makes me fly!
Jul 2014 · 176
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
When I close my eyes,
I can see us together!
Jul 2014 · 236
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
You make me so happy,
Let me return the favor!
Jul 2014 · 189
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
Don't know how this happened,
I'm so glad it did!
Jul 2014 · 231
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
That's how many miles separate us
Our love is so strong, I feel like you are next to me.

That's because you are in my heart , mind, body and soul! Soulmate!
Jul 2014 · 221
Even More Beautiful
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I can not even put into words how beautiful I think you are, both inside and out,

But, you are even more beautiful because you are clueless to how truly beautiful you are. 39

You are the most amazing and beautiful woman in the world.
I love you so much baby!
Jul 2014 · 302
My Addictions
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I am addicted to so much
Your smile, your lips, your mouth

Your shyness
Your wildness
It amazes me how you are so both

Your touch, your smell, your taste
I can't get enough

The sounds you make when we touch
The feel of your skin as we embrace
They make me melt

Your looks
So many, so varied
Especially that backwards glance

Your energy
So wild, so free
But most of all positive

I am addicted to so much
But most of all, you

And your love

I can't get enough
I want more and more and more! 40
Jul 2014 · 224
They Are One
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
It had been months since he had seen her
So long that it hurt
The anticipation of her smile, her glance, her touch was overwhelming
His body was tense and vibrating

Finally he saw his love
It was as if his heart had melted
Like all the days of loneliness and missing never occurred

He ran to her and embraced her
Holding her tight, as if he never wanted to let her go again
He couldn't hold her tighter, trying to be one with her
Then he realized, not like this
There was only one way

He couldn't wait
The vibration continued
She reciprocated

Alone at last, they kissed
Softly at first
Deep and passionately next

Their bodies embraced, naked now
Tangled like a beautiful puzzle
His lips explored her body
Her mouth toured his

As she lay there,
Perfectly stunningly naked
Her smile, both nervous and devilish
Melted him, aroused him

Looking into her intoxicating eyes,
He laid on top of her
Resting his body on hers
The touch of their skin was electric

Like it was meant to be

He could feel her moistness
It excited him, enticed him
Finally, he penetrated her

They are one

Gazing at each other
Him wantingly, her, shyly
They made love
Sweet, passionate love

They are one

He professed his love as he lovingly stared at her beautiful face
She cried, he smiled
She felt him, thickening inside of her

They exploded together

They collapsed in each others arms
Him, holding her tight as if he never wanted to let her go again

They are one

Jul 2014 · 170
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
Thank you for being who you are,
especially to me!
Jul 2014 · 145
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
That's how many seconds a day I think of you!
Jul 2014 · 214
We Are A We
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I love you
I miss you
I want you
I need you
I adore you
I treasure you
I cherish us
We are a we
Jul 2014 · 188
I'm Not Those Other Boys
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
But, I want to thank them for giving  me the opportunity to be with the most amazing  woman I have ever met!
Jul 2014 · 208
Two Questions
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
It is really as simple as two questions,
Do you love me?
Do you want to be with me?
As long as the answer to both is yes,
I'll be right here waiting. 42
FYI, I love you more than I've ever loved anybody in my life and I cannot wait to be with you. GMB
Jul 2014 · 206
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
You are a treasure and I will always treasure you!
Jul 2014 · 1.8k
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
One white rose because you are an amazing friend
One pink rose because you are an incredible lover
One red rose because I love you and want to make you my wife
I am  catastrophically in love with you! 43
Jul 2014 · 240
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I am here
I will be here
Don't be scared 44
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds
Jul 2014 · 524
My Favorite Person
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
You are my favorite  person in the world...

I want everybody to meet you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
Jul 2014 · 362
While We Are Apart
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I wear clothes that you gave me to help me feel connected to you

I look at pictures and kiss your face wishing you were here

I listen to music and sing passionately as if you were in the drivers seat or laying in my bed

I especially enjoy La Gota Fria because I can close my eyes and envision you doing what you love the most.

All of these things make me smile BIG! 46
Jul 2014 · 434
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014

I'm holding on, I HOPE I'm not alone!
Jul 2014 · 413
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I love this girl!
Jul 2014 · 177
I Have Never ...
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I have never loved anyone the way that I love you

I have never felt loved the way you make me feel loved

I have never connected with anybody the way I have connected with you

I have never missed anybody the way that I miss you

I have never wanted anybody the way that I want you

I have never longed to be with somebody the way that I long to be with you

I love you and can't wait to be with you! 47
Jul 2014 · 283
Simply Put
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I love you
I miss you
I want you
I need you
I can't wait to be with you!
Jul 2014 · 40.6k
Your Smile
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
You have the most amazing smile I've ever seen

I cannot believe I missed it for so long

Your smile gives the stars their glimmer

Your smile makes people stop in their tracks

Your smile lights my world and melts my heart

Your smile gets me through every day now

When I close my eyes, I can see that amazing, beautiful and sometimes evil smile!

I love you baby 48
Jul 2014 · 2.1k
There Are No Words
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
There are no words to describe how much
You mean to me,
You are beyond my world

There are no words to explain how much
I love you,
I have never loved like this before

There are no words to tell you how much
I miss you,
I feel a void the second we part ways

There are no words to express how much
I need you in my life,
The thought of a day without you causes me physical pain

There are no words to explain how beautiful
I think you are,
The world has no equal in my eyes

There are no words to describe how much
I want you,
You are the first person I think of when I open my eyes and the last person on my mind when I close them for the night

There are no words to describe how sweet you are,
I love watching you interact with others
It makes me smile

There are no words to describe how much
I lust for you,
I long for your touch, your kiss,
your smell, your sweetness

There are no words to explain how much
I see us together,
When I close my eyes I can see it
When I open them I can feel it

When I am with you I just know it

There are no words
Jul 2014 · 640
I Miss All Of You
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
I miss everything about you.

I miss your beautiful face,
when I close my eyes I can picture it in front of me

I miss your incredible smile,
it melts my heart

I miss your laugh,
I love how you make me laugh and I you

I miss your touch,
So soft, so smooth, it gives me goosebumps

I miss your shimmy,
Whenever I look at you a certain way you do it for me

I miss your voice, especially how it
takes my breath away when I hear it unexpectedly

I miss your backwards glance,
how you look back at me with your evil thoughts

Mmmmmmmm, I miss your evil thoughts too.
I love being your partner in crime

I  miss your time, there is nobody
I would rather be with

I miss holding your hand
I look forward to holding it into old age

I miss hugging you
There is no better feeling in the world,
Well, .....

I miss you
I long to be with you
I love you more than words can say
My love continues to grow everyday for you

Jul 2014 · 510
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
Good Morning Beautiful

Don't think that because I can't text it to you or call you and say it to you that it isn't on my mind.

You are the last person I think of before I close my eyes and the first person that pops in my head when I open them.

I kiss your picture quite often, but never do I miss the opportunity to kiss it as I say , Good Morning Beautiful.

I love you so much
I love everything about you
I miss you baby. 50
Jul 2014 · 947
My one and only girl
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
51 hours
51 days or
51 years

Im here waiting because you are my one and only girl
You are the only one for me
You are my world, my heart
My soulmate

I love you
Jul 2014 · 210
I look forward to...
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
growing old with  you

I can't wait to hold your hand walking down the street  when we are 60,
making young couples point to us and wish they had what we have.

I love you baby
Jul 2014 · 300
5th of July
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
The fireworks are finished, yet my world is lit up like last nights sky by you

by your love

You light up my world and my life

Just the thought of you warms my heart, the sound of your voice makes my heart skip a beat, the sight of your shining face melts me and holding you in my arms makes me feel like I can fly.

I love you so much baby

Jul 2014 · 635
You are my ...
Turtle Eyes Jul 2014
you are my world

you are my future

everytime I look into my future

you are there to share it with

it makes me smile

there are so many things i want to share with you for the rest of my life

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