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618 · Dec 2014
Hannah Turek Dec 2014
Okay so I checked in my bags
Dang I can't believe it was 49.7 pound I got so lucky
can I just skip that step in the process?
could I just keep my shoes on because I don't want to get the nasty germs of America on my feet
Ugh I have to take out all electronics
Dang that guy is h....nope never mind
Okay focus you don't want the thing to go beep beep beep
Hi oh wait how old am I
How do I not know this
If I stutter they might think I'm an imposter
Was that really loud?
Oh that lady's child is looking at me
Must make weird face, wait now the line is moving
Okay so shoes off check
Electronics out check
Phone out of pocket check
Okay so now I go through the little gate thing
Oh shoot is it beeping
What did I leave on myself
"Ma'am I need to check you"
Oh shoot what did I do
I swear I'm innocent
I'm too young to go to prison
mentally cries
"Your good."
So what set it off
Okay so I'm not going to jail yes
Waiting for my bags is like being at the grocery store check out lanes
Ew the ground I can't
Oh my gosh am I sweating
Ugh I hate being nervous
It's okay I made it through TSA alive
But I have to go through it again on the way home
407 · Jun 2015
DCI fan fic
Hannah Turek Jun 2015
Imagine you're part of a really good drum corps like Carolina Crown or Blue Devils. You're female so you can't be part of the cavaliers and you're sad. Every time you go to a competition you always make eye contact and smile at the cavaliers drum major. He does the same back. The season goes on and you don't talk till after finals. The after party of finals. "We have never actually talked but my name is ( insert name). You probably know that because they announce it every show. They don't announce every (section you're in) member. So what's your name?" He says. "(Your name). It's nice to meet you." You say with a smile. You end up talking the whole night and you get his number. It ends up both of you are aged out. You both end up working with the cavaliers the next season. Less than half way through the season you're dating. You both find out there is two openings at a school near where you both love. You both get the jobs. A few years later ( like 2) you both are still working with the cavaliers and the high school. At DCI finals at the end of the cavilers show, he proposes to you and you say yes. A few months later you announce it to your high school band you work with. A few months after that you have your wedding and all your marching band friends are there. You end up having your first child 9 months after your wedding ( you two are frisky). You both continue working with the cavaliers and high school  band and you continue to have little drum corps babies.

The end
It's not a poem but hey
363 · Dec 2014
Hannah Turek Dec 2014
I would love to be Margo

Have a mind that comes up with these crazy ideas, comes up with creative clues and actually do all the things I've written down and planed out

I would love to be Margo  

To actually do something to the people that have ****** me off instead of just sitting in the corner and waiting for things to change

I would love to be Margo

Hide in a secret in an abandon shopping center and think about all the things that have happened and might happen in my life

I would love to be Margo

Fearless and free spirited. Not afraid to do things on my own and not think about what other people are thinking of me

But can't be Margo because my strings are not all broken, yet.
based off john greens book paper towns
328 · Dec 2014
you will never know
Hannah Turek Dec 2014
See, when i was in second grade i thought i was going to be the typical cheerleader football player couple
But the truth was, i didn't know anything about football and i was as flexible as a chopstick

As i got older elementary school i thought i was going to be popular and date the hottest guy in my grade
As of now all the "hot guys" think they are cooler than everyone or they are not even that attractive as everyone says they are, looks and personality

It's weird as you get older, you change on what you like in a guy
i thought "hey hot football player, i'm in"
and now its all like " i'll go for the adorkable guy in band"

As you go on you realize you can't control who you like
who you get the butterflies for
it could be someone you never expect
sometimes it happens and you don't know why

and thats how i feel about you
the whole "i feel something and i don't know why"

yes i don't even know you
yes we only had one period together last year and we never talked
yes i purposely wore those shirts so maybe you would spark up a conversation with me but you probably thought i was some weird girl who wore the same shirts every week
yes i go and talk to my friends that are talking to you because i just want to hear vibrant words come out of your mouth
yes i might laugh really hard at your jokes because 1) i laugh at almost anything 2) they are really funny and 3)you're saying them
yes i draw attention to my self so that i know I'm visible in your eyes but i know i will never be because i feel like you are way too cool for me

as of right now i will try to talk to you
i will try to become one of your best friends
i will try to be as intelligent, funny, kind and sweet as you
but i know i will never be on the same level of perfection as you are on

you may never know this but i have read too many fictional love stories in my life time that it has affected the way i think love and relationships should be

— The End —