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 May 2012 Tuesday Pixie
Don't ever slay that mighty dragon
It's wings will crush you with the slightest movement 
And it's firey breath will curl around your head. 
You will not win. 

Do nibble on the magic fungi 
It'll show you the unimaginable to dream upon 
And you'll find yourself in a fairytale with the pixies. 

Don't plant those beans
The ones in which you gave a cow for. 
The castle at the top of the stalk
Is not worth your time. 

Do burn the witch, not for all the wrong reasons. 
Let her teach you her black magic ways 
And if she decides to turn against you
Then you have every right to lead her to the stake in chains. 

Black cats are not bad luck. 
If they're nice, they're your friend
Otherwise throw them under the ladder
Or into a mirror. 

The beast is not always a prince under the witches spell. 
Sometimes, he's just a ******* creep. 

The knight in shining armor
Is just a suit against a wall in the castle hallway. 

The wolf is not always there for the baked goods in the straw basket. 
He wants more, your virginity maybe?
He'll steal all he can take which is everything. 

No ***** is ever as pretty as those princesses or damsels in distress. 
Most have the face of the witch
With the mask of a beauty.
 May 2012 Tuesday Pixie
"It's a universal urge to pair up." They say.

It's 3 words and
Suddenly files are executing
Auto-running and auto-installing.
When you've been alone,
It's like
Every rancid dream inside of you is
Awakened. Hyper aware & readied
Preprogrammed bugs start to run.
Users in remote locations
Triggered by tracking cookies
Wheel- in backdoor worms
And all I have to do is click

I/O corrupted
Cloudy decisions, decisions

Ads for free cars, free girlfriends
Glittering pop-ups.
"Hot guys in your area!"
But **** is for the lonely
A smiling **** Madonna 
accompanied by
Beguiling hooks, fly-paper,

Can't tell if I'm in love or in lure.
But I have to go for it.
And that's the point.

"I love you"
Love in a single mass is like no other.

It has no Earthly *******.
Its freedom is effortless, limitless.
Its thoughts are not jaded. Its intentions are pure.

In a whole it is perfect.

Love knows no hate.
Has no concept of time, anxiety, anguish or fear.
It is unstoppable.
It is complex.
It will never stay. It will never leave.

Its whole life's work expands across an unfathomable history.

Love in a single mass is Love.
There will never be a greater thing then that.
Maybe today will be the day
The day I save the world
The day I save myself
Maybe today will be different
Maybe I’ll rescue children
From a burning building
Maybe I’ll feed the hungry
Maybe I’ll compose a song
That unites humanity
Today the possibilities
Are endless
So maybe
Just maybe
I’ll do something great
Something unimaginably heroic
Or maybe I’ll just shut up
And eat my breakfast.
Ah my heart, what have you done?
How much grief, how much sorrow have you spun?
Quiet now
Run to a quiet place
We don't know the answers to the questions we might have to face

Humility and Grace, please will you clothe me
Acceptance make her place like a sweet friend beside me
May truth be the arrow that splits through the apple
On my head be the matter
It won't let me rest
Love's innocent face is marred and debased
Honesty has put it to it's test
Oh no

Come dawn the morrow with the rising of the sun
On a clear blue day when the raining has been done

Honesty held out her hand
Said "Come let me free you,
From all the lies you choose to believe that deceive you.
You convinced yourself well
So you could pretend and deny
Protect and defend all you do and justify."

Come dawn  the morrow

Ah wisdom am I deaf to your voice?
Where were you when I made the choice?
Now I come to you too late I fear
What is your counsel?
Pray let me hear?
I walked into you
You walked into me
And there it stood
How could I help from feeling
How could you stop from knowing me?

Like ghosts inside each other
We held each other inside ourselves
There's always a trace of your face
And a sense of your soul in my soul
You orbit my world
Like only a ghost could.

The world is round so we found
Not so long ago we didn't know

There is more that is real
And has made itself known
In almost a solid way
How can it be understood?
It's only soul knowing, soul reaching
Out into dream-time

My body's like a hologram
The world is a picture passing through it's frame
As do my thoughts, as does my soul
In and around me and stretching outside
To a double reality
Where my eyes cannot go
but only my soul can sense and know

I will meet you
Out past the edge
Out past the far horizon
Out beyond

Where thoughts become solid
Connecting with other worlds
With a life of their own

The world is round
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