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Mar 2021 · 104
Chaotic am I
Maria Cruz Mar 2021
The clutter of madness that surrounds me physically is a mere projection of what my mind looks like daily. Sometimes it feels as if there are several other personalities bidding on my sanity.
Like a bad sitcom that reruns night after night, repressed memories form new ways of expressing their misery and creating fresh guilt, and stealing the freedom that repression gives.
I don't pretend to be free from all the things in my history, but as crazy as it seems I don't know how to be me without the chaos and broken dreams that have shaped and molded me for as far back as 1973.
Just when I thought I've overcome some, a certain date comes, and my subconscious leaks out a trigger, a reminder of what I've done, then accuses me of forgetting that I have to pay, my punishment a few days of depression, followed by bouts of crying and attitude to be reckoned with.
Putting myself back together is something that Jekyll and Hyde could probably relate to. The transformation is quite a site from dark to light, demon to angel, sinner to saint. It almost physically hurts, actually, it's 99% of most of my aches and pains, I know that its the culprit that triples my blood pressure and keeps me up with killer headaches.
I don't think things will ever change because then what would make me, me?
Mar 2021 · 109
As Real as Real can get
Maria Cruz Mar 2021
There are many things a woman sacrifices in life some for freedom from familial ties, others abandon love for a costlier way of life.
Whether it be religion, generations of corrupt traditions, or simply the desperation for survival.
Whatever the reason, in some eyes its treason to stand for oneself and what we believe in, to not give all or to keep a little piece of what we created to them is an abomination.
People will say women have come a long way, the ability to vote or possess an opinion in what we in prior years were not able to meddle in.
Now we have a woman vice president! I cant wait to see the difference she will make, allot on her plate and with all eyes on her the sacrifice will be great. The easy part was the election now its living up to the words that gained her, her position.
In truth us woman have a lot to live up to, at the end of the day we feel responsible for others accomplishments, we want the best for our children so much so sometimes we spend a lifetime being miserable, just to make sure they have an opportunity to have opportunities, and to live life with the best possibilities.
I say now is the time for the Moms and Grandmas to take a stand and sever the delusion that because we believe and sacrificed for them to succeed that they will appreciate it and pass up all the mess, and choose life instead of slow death.
The truth is free will was a gift that sadly turned into a curse, not for all but for some, the choices they make are there's and do not in no way reflect your mommy skills or rate the love you give.
It is time to sacrifice for self and break the viscous cycle of hopeless, hope!
I'm not saying don't believe in them and offer the best you can to them, I'm saying stop being a sacrifice over and over for things you have no control over. You are worth the sacrifice someone else took for you to be happy and at peace, to find the true you!
Mar 2021 · 93
My Bond is my Word
Maria Cruz Mar 2021
"My word is my bond" so many live by this rule, it's true until they forget the meaning of the words "I DO"!

Whether it be 10, 20 or 30 years later, words spoken fade as the memories of a honeymoon spent making love and pregnant promises were spoken as the sun sets and again rises.

When the hardest part of the day was going separate ways to tackle the day, when calling 3, 4, 5x before the first break and smiling at the silly things we would say.

Remember looking at the clock as time dragged, aching to touch and caress and be naked next to your love, chest to breast recounting the days worst after making love in the foyer satiated for the moment, hot and starving we inch our way to the kitchen too tired to cook, we spoon cereal into our mouths stealing glances flirting like schoolyard kids.

30 years later it might just be the failing of my memories that would separate you from me, Alzheimer's is a sad thing a killer of unity.
I say I could never forget you in a million years, next day you introduce yourself again oh my love by the end of a hopeless night it's your smell, your touch that brings my mind to surface even if it's for a second its worth the daily effort. This is the natural way whether you remember or not your word is still intact.

Is a vow still a vow if violated? I ask myself if abuse is present in any shape or form to what extent is breaking our vow. Is it the raising of a hand or a word spoken way too loud or is it one not coming home at night when they do the scent of another confirms what you know is true.
Is it enough to walk out even though your still head over heels in love?

All I can say is the strength in a marriage relies on 3 things:

1. Unity is only that if it's you, your mate and God
2. Communication means talking not egotistical accusations.
3. *** and more ***, Sensual, Steaming Sacrificial ***.
If you said "I DO" make sure you get counsel and spend time with each other, whatever differences most can be worked out but there are a few
that just can't be worked through. Don't overlook things with the concept of we can fix them later, because you only deceive yourself and head straight for disaster, *** may be great but there's always the morning after
Nov 2020 · 88
Conscience, Consciousness
Maria Cruz Nov 2020
If I had an alter ego when I was young, it probably had 4 of its own knockoffs delegating each one with a thousand unnecessary thoughts.

If I had an alter ego at any point it probably escaped in the middle of the night when shadows can't be detected, and flew straight to heaven, demanded an audience with God, Jesus the Holy Spirit and all the angels.

If I was assigned an alter ego It was the first of its kind to deflect and run off becoming some attraction in a way off land just so it wouldn't be found.

On a more serious note I wouldn't want to come back to earth for a **** thing, anyone i know will eventually show.
I do not regret Anything! Anymore!
I realized that if I started life over 100x each one would have started off in the same way because all that would change is time and place and features of my face but what makes me, me is deeper than character
form and stands alone,
It's what makes a person say "don't I know you?"
Conscience, Consciousness is deep and many people might disagree with me. I am ME.
© Truthchills
A poem I wrote for a contest "Do you have an alter Ego"
Jul 2020 · 125
What Matters
Maria Cruz Jul 2020
What's the matter with this situation that we ALL find ourselves in, black, white, brown, & Asian.

The virus doesn't attack the tinge of our skin, nor is our complexion affected by it's poison.

Why should we make a color more important than others? So much so that streets are painted with bright yellow letters and mayor's are condoning the great sin of FAVOR.

Whether white, black or any other blood flows the same color when we gun down each other.

All humanity has been bound by slavery in one way or another, stepping over one another to what end and for what means?

it's not for our virtue, or our innocence in things, no it's mostly lying and manipulative thinking.

Stay focused on the MATTER that stands, how many more will die by OUR hands?

So focused on fairness and ignorant slurs, tell me who's lives truly matter here?

If we don't get it together we won't have to worry about our social security running out, or unemployment tapping out.

When our numbers deplete and most of us have taken leave, I wonder how how many left will give a **** about status,
Jul 2020 · 65
Inevitable Tomorrows
Maria Cruz Jul 2020
How can something that Excites me, repulse me to the point that I can't stand me!
Wish-y Wash-y not exactly.
Mostly to make you happy or
So I say to myself,
Justified by my own guilt, selfishness manifested in the form of temptation, a curse that's plagued all of Gods creations,

In the mirror I see through blind eyes, instead of seeing with reality, the deception of placidity deceives me with serenity and a false sense of peace disguising the true me.

In the lucid moments, the moments that the veil from eyes pulls back enough to let in the light I can see with truth, not judgement but sorrow how all my yesterdays have become my tomorrows.
Jul 2020 · 74
Soul searching
Maria Cruz Jul 2020
I found myself when I stopped looking, don't know if it is my age or if tragedy took all the strength out of me.
When I look in the mirror all I see is empty there, a mind made up of a thousand pieces of information I wasn't even looking for.
Knowledge I have, and I understand some things, but the wisdom
Comes from my experiences and going through things.
What I want and what I need both elude me, and my strength in my body deceives me.
If being selfish is a sin than that's the one that will do me in cause I'm tired of giving away my blessings in exchange for others curses.
Oh I found myself alright I used to sleep at night, now worry and regret plague me.
The next time i'm feeling some type of way, instead of soul searching ill lay my head down and be grateful just for today!
Jul 2020 · 96
Leaders lead on
Maria Cruz Jul 2020
A leader is first a follower, has others welfare always in mind.
A leader doesn't care about popularity, neither ponders on speeches, or unnecessary things.
A leader isn't made by a title, or the prestige it brings, it flows with the individuality of each human quality.
A leader leads.
Jul 2020 · 126
Imprisoned by monotony
Maria Cruz Jul 2020
Must I succumb to the struggle of some version of life, or be content living in Ennui desperate for a revelation, a hope of some kind.

Looking around for a semblance of a heart beat, anything but monotony.
A world held captive by their own resignation to a mindless sense of motivation.
Everything is a learned imitation, a passed down education.
A lie accepted, never tested. Presented in disguise, a prison wardened by Deception, not hard to get in no chains needed bound by what were fed to believe in.
Before I sleep with the rest I vow to take a real breath.

— The End —