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Feb 2022 · 185
Tricin Heer Feb 2022
When my heart skips
All I want is to kiss your lips.

I think I have figured out why they call it falling in love
One you fall the only up is a ladder
But when I said I love you it just made me sadder.

I love you... But I think you would rather skip.
Sep 2021 · 93
Cut deep
Tricin Heer Sep 2021
If you've ever felt like you will never find the one who loves you the same way you love them then you are probably right. My whole life I had a girl that I loved since I was 10 and Im now 16 and the feelings have only gotten stronger. We were best friends and I finally got the courage to tell her how I felt for her. An hour later she said she felt the same way but needed time to fix herself and me being the loving and caring person I am understood and helped her get through her problems. But a day later she didn't text me so i asked if she was okay. turns out she was pregnant and she wants help figuring out what to do from here on fourth. And i didnt have a problem with it but a week later she ignored me no matter how relentless i tried to contact her. And she cut me deep and I don't know what to do with myself anymore. should i keep this razor to my wrist or get the pills from the cabinet? I am a fool for loving anyone other the demon in my head.
Sep 2020 · 75
Tricin Heer Sep 2020
I have severe anxiety.
So I will sit with my knees to my chest and fret over whether or not I will see tomorrow.
I know this is silly but I fear if I will be breathing in two seconds. If you have anxiety you are not alone.
There are people there for you and who love you.
Don't worry friend
Sep 2020 · 63
A true story
Tricin Heer Sep 2020
I loved her so much.
She said she loved me.
But now as I think...
Did she?
I gave her presents.
I gave her someone to talk to.
I wrote her poems.
I trusted her with everything.
And yet she gave me nothing.
She lied.
She was never there for me.
Why, I used to think, what did I do wrong?
I did nothing wrong.
She was the problem.
This is a true story.
Mar 2020 · 84
Waste of time
Tricin Heer Mar 2020
It was a waste of time
I wish I could go back
Not live in this...this ******
****** os my heart
i t was a waste of time o tell her how much I loved her.
Mar 2020 · 94
If I were to...
Tricin Heer Mar 2020
If I were to runaway would anyone care?
If I were to go to sleep and never wake would they even notice?
If I were to let the blade run down my wrist would I even care?
I'm tired of life
Mar 2020 · 106
If only...
Tricin Heer Mar 2020
If only peoples hearts were as open as a window in summer.
If only peoples minds were as clear as glass.
If only peoples eyes were as peeled as a tree with no bark.
If only people understood the 3 words “I love you”.
If only… if only I cared enough to hear them.
Feb 2020 · 85
They said
Tricin Heer Feb 2020
They said that I would never play sports
They were wrong
They said that I would never accomplish great things
They were wrong
They said she would never love me back
….They were right
I wish they were wrong
Feb 2020 · 77
Tricin Heer Feb 2020
There is a saying that goes like this “Home Is Where The Heart Is.”  If that saying is true then my home is with the girl that stole my heart with a single look. But my home is in a small house with seven other people in it. I have the smallest room in the house. My room, if you would call it that, is a tiny little compartment under the staircase leading to the basement. If I were with her I would be able to be there when she needed me the most. Like if she needed a shoulder to cry on she could cry on mine. Or to protect her from the nasty people in the world. To save her when she feels trapped. But most of all to talk her out of killing herself because she doesn’t want to be here anymore.
I still do wish I was with her.
Feb 2020 · 63
Love Is...
Tricin Heer Feb 2020
A feeling that you get when you get that warm fuzzy feeling when you see her in the hall and that makes you want to just walk up and kiss her but you realize that the one is the only person that makes you sad at the same time. I just want to be noticed by her but I can hardly be noticed by my parents. So what is love, A feeling that you get when you get that warm fuzzy feeling when you see her in the hall and that makes you want to just walk up and kiss her.
Feb 2020 · 78
Tricin Heer Feb 2020
Everything we do is based on one thing, that one thing is a word, a word called fear. Fear is also my bride that I love more than my own life. But what if there was no fear? How would I know when to stop the blade at my wrist? This is my point I would not be here if there was no such thing as fear. I fear that I might get used to the concept of being in a constant fear of fear. I stopped listening to my bride of fear. And now I'm no longer in the world that is living in a life of fear and I escaped through the one thing that I call death.
Feb 2020 · 74
When I
Tricin Heer Feb 2020
When I look in her eyes I think that I might just give up my heart and melt.
When I brush her I want to grab and hold on to her forever.
When hearing her talk I don’t want her to stop so I can listen forever.
But when I see her smile at me and try to smile back I get choked  
Up and my face twitches into an awkward smile.
But when I see her laugh the only thing that I think
Is that she has the most sweet, beautiful laugh
That stops my heart for what seems like forever.
Feb 2020 · 96
Tricin Heer Feb 2020
I used to smile at her
I used to smile a lot
But then I got
Feelings for her
Now I smile only to hide my emotions of sad,
depressed, mad, and scared.
I wish I still smiled like
I used to but then again
There is no such thing
As happiness when you have love in your life.
Tricin Heer Feb 2020
I didn’t mean to let you down.
But sometimes I can’t control the truth.
And that’s all I told you.
The truth is what tears me apart all the time.
The truth is that you
are beautiful
The truth is that you
are the reason I get out of bed every morning.
The truth is that I love you.
That’s the truth.
I was inspired to write this by the girl that I love and will forever.
Feb 2020 · 88
Hate by: Tricin Heer
Tricin Heer Feb 2020
Everything we do is controlled by hate. To give one example i hate it that I love her. I hate that I get tongue tied when  see her. I hate her heart stopping smile. I hate her warm angel soft hands. I hate her beautiful sparkling blu eyes. But worst of all...I hate myself for hating her imperfect image and personalty.
Feb 2020 · 85
Stupid by Tricin Heer
Tricin Heer Feb 2020
I was too stupid to remember.
To remember the good times I had with her.
Too stupid to try to be with her.
Too stupid to want her.
But there were good times. There were times I tried to be with her.
I do want her.
I do love her

— The End —