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TreadingWater May 2016
I think you know;
how I want you
there's so much
in/be/tween //     us;
[that. we. know.]
yet i'm sitting here
how we can run》so 》hot》
justtogo.         cold
i'm breaking down
each ~time ~ you're~ shut^t^ing ^off
& i know your reasons
}}}live  your life in doubt{{{
but ¡these ¡changes¡
in seasons
just. bring.
Recall our mmmmmeeeeeellllllllllttttt
and mo|me|nt|s
RElease your ^guarded^
Be//cause darling, darling
If you don't-  know- by- now
You Can Never Know
wants. your. love.
TreadingWater May 2016
can't forget your mouth
how I melted into you
it's a long way home
TreadingWater May 2016
need >>> to let it go
on _ the _ floor
even my dog
doesn't wanna hang;
anY MorE
Spend so much time
like = breathing
& i could be done
without- so--  much--- as
[a thought]
Then; here. I. am.
I {shouldn't} be thinking
@you now
& **** it
i have to start all over
TreadingWater May 2016
don't think
i. don't. know.
i'm not saying anything n€₩
all the me'ta'ph'''ors
i've o\ver\us\\ed
still st _ uc _ k in my throat
what you left me
^wasn't^ better^
than lick>>ing >>pavement
the end~less~hol~low
{a truth} so deceiving
i spend. my. hours.
chewing》through 》》it
seem to SwaLLoW
TreadingWater May 2016
you like to drop, me, a, few, words,
from time-to-time
{432 hours
with\out a thought of you}
as. if. you. knew.
& you'll say how
you miss me //inside you\
wine & words
read _ ing _ a _ loud
you crouched^on^the^step^stool
while i cooked the food  
¡remember¡ how you took
me in that tiny room?
my hands in your hair
{can't seem to part with those
crumby dish towels}
how. you. dig. in.
un _ der _ my _ skin
only. to. go. silent;again
& I'M stuck on some °mem°o°ry°
of the >girl >i > once >knew
too blind to [really] see
the PuZZling PieCes of ₩e
TreadingWater May 2016
I  _ try _ hard
tohidethe scar
you. made. quite. an. impression.
couldn't you have
JuST p》un》ch》ed
all the way ¿through¿
Even a Ga>__<pping Hole
would be  #better
than the gravel that
Still. Remembers.
being ₩hole
TreadingWater May 2016
i've gotten a
few^ new^ tattoos
one for me//
two for you; and
>the >gap >
in my chest
that's. all. yours.
& the words
& the hues
[all the beautiful colors]
that I long to hear
And; there's my love
for the sea/sky/stars
an alliteration of
all _ of _ the _ things i
thought\ that\ i \wanted
& i can't find _ any _ piece
of the peace. I. once. knew.
the time before ev^er^y^thing
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